View Full Version : Dating question

07-14-2015, 05:57 AM
I have a question for everyone

Would any of you considering dating a mtf\ftm crossdresser, a man, a woman, or a mtf\ftm transgender and why?

07-14-2015, 06:13 AM
My entire life I have dated only women and I feel I have been repressed sexually my entire
life. I am beginning to accept who I am, and,
I really would like to experiment sexually, as my self. At this point, I believe I
am open to dating men, women, ftm, mtf or somewhere in between.

One advantage to dating an ftm or mtf is that I would not have to explain myself,
they would already understand (maybe not completely because each of us is different)
but they would understand a lot.

Erica Marie
07-14-2015, 06:13 AM
It is possible that I would date an mtf. That is if we were compatible. I think it may be easier than dating a gg because we would have more in common or at least they could understand the struggle that transgender people go through.

07-14-2015, 06:35 AM
I am open to dating a crossdresser or transgender myself i feel that they are more understanding ppl

Kate Simmons
07-14-2015, 06:55 AM
I would as I'm always interested in getting to know the person regardless of how they present, orhow old they are. :)

Marie-Claude, France
07-14-2015, 07:22 AM
I am married, thus the question is not pertinent to me, but if I were single, I would only date ladies.

Princess Chantal
07-14-2015, 07:26 AM
Been in a relationship with another crossdresser for almost 12 years.

07-14-2015, 08:11 AM
How did that turned out

07-14-2015, 10:25 AM
If I were ever single again I would highly consider dating a man. I would not be opposed to dating anyone , but I think that is the type of relationship that most interests me now.

Before I met my wife i did consider a same sex relationship, but nothing came of it. It wasn't from lack of trying, but more from a lack of quality guys in the dating pool. I really couldn't meet anyone who wanted to go on several dates and make a connection. It was all about hookups. I did meet one guy I really liked and went out with a couple times, but I met my wife at the same time and it was an instant physical and emotional connection. I really haven't looked back.

07-14-2015, 11:55 AM
I don't think so. What I do know, is that the thought of having sex with a male is repulsive to me. Just the scent of other guys in the locker rooms is enough to make me nauseaus. Women just smell different in general. . So for me, the answer to the thread's main question is, no. I'd have no problem with being friends at all. But the attraction isn't there.

07-14-2015, 11:57 AM
I would say men are jerks i dont know why

Adriana Moretti
07-14-2015, 12:11 PM
I have dated a cd for a few years......and I kinda am again now....its more like a FWB situation at the moment and its awesome sauce !! My advice to you Tiff is you need to get your butt out there.....some of YOUR friends are MY friends.....you need to get out & hang ....I understand you are a bit younger, you are around Nikki's age...which means your here today, gone tomorrow, still trying to figure things out, everyone goes through that myself included...but I predict soon you will be hanging and when you do, you will learn , grow, and meet people alot faster.....I'm sure I will see you soon and I am looking forward to it xoxo

Abby Kae
07-14-2015, 12:55 PM
If I were single, I'd be open to any relationship where my partner presented as, or was, a woman.

Men don't typically float my boat in any way. For me personally, having male genitalia wouldn't be a deal breaker, as long as she fit my other criteria for attraction.

Alexa Lynne
07-14-2015, 01:05 PM
i'm also married, and would never intentionally hurt my wife on purpose. I do love her very much, but I have thought about this. If the opportunity ever arose and I had a chance to go on a date with another female (whether she is gg, or mtf, and me dressed as a female, then I would. As for as sex, I wouldn't do anything sexual, due to the fact that I don't want to hurt my wife. But I don't see anything wrong with going out with another female.

07-14-2015, 02:31 PM
I'm a MtF transsexual, and all of my life I've only had an interest in dating women. I'm not through with all of my surgeries yet, but that hasn't changed. I actually tried to picture myself dating a guy and I'm just not attracted to them at all. On a relationship level they're right up there with iguanas. :)

I would be fine dating a MtF transsexual, but not a crossdresser. I'm interested in a long term relationship or no relationship, and to me, even though they may crossdress a lot they're still guys.

07-14-2015, 02:48 PM
I am married. If my marriage were to fail, especially due to CDing, I can't ever see myself seriously dating again. This will pretty much be it for me one way or another. personally, trying to think of how I feel now, if I was younger and single, I really cannot imagine myself being involved with anyone other than a GG. In between marriages, when I was feeling some strong desires to dress, but wasn't ready to admit to myself about being TG, What little I did look up and read and just think about, thinking that if I was to go through with my desires on any kind of a real level, that I would end up like the porn crap I saw. It was repulsive to me. I just could not picture myself in any of that type of a situation, personally. Unfortunately, that likely held me back from admitting to myself about being TG. Also, not having seen or been on any forum like this one, my basic mindset was what women would ever want to date me?

Although I am as open minded as any on here, I am very much live and let live, I cannot imagine myself being in any way drawn or attracted to anyone other than a GG. Other CDers.... I would just know once the clothes came off.... so it just would be a no go for me.

cheryl reeves
07-14-2015, 03:06 PM
i love gg's this is why i never transitioned,for their is nothing in the world that can replace the sensualness of skin to skin contact in making love..i sometime joke that im both a mtf and a ftm crossdresser for in a way im both since i already have small breasts which ive always had,and get to enjoy both worlds..my wife knows all about me and tries to except me as a person..

07-14-2015, 04:06 PM
I have dated a cd for a few years......and I kinda am again now....its more like a FWB situation at the moment and its awesome sauce !! My advice to you Tiff is you need to get your butt out there.....some of YOUR friends are MY friends.....you need to get out & hang ....I understand you are a bit younger, you are around Nikki's age...which means your here today, gone tomorrow, still trying to figure things out, everyone goes through that myself included...but I predict soon you will be hanging and when you do, you will learn , grow, and meet people alot faster.....I'm sure I will see you soon and I am looking forward to it xoxo

Oh trust me hunny i am getting my behind out

Adriana Moretti
07-14-2015, 10:06 PM
Oh trust me hunny i am getting my behind out word is this is false BUT ;;;;;;

try to come out sept 19th......Tiffs party should have EVERYONE in the Tri State area at it....

07-14-2015, 10:43 PM
I am purely heterosexual, and would never consider dating a man whether or not he was a crossdresser. However, I feel that I would be open to being with someone who had transitioned from male to female, and had had full gender reassignment surgery. But even that would depend on the individual and how feminine they were when they presented themselves. I have an attraction for women who are very feminine in their appearance and their mannerisms. But ultimately, it's all about the person and how attracted I am to her, because of other criteria. I have dated extremely feminine women who really had very little else going for them, so it's obviously not just that. There has to be chemistry, regardless of the situation. If I felt an attraction for a mtf trans woman, then I don't think the fact that she was once male would be a stumbling block, if all the conditions were met.

Tracii G
07-14-2015, 10:44 PM
I would be open to dating a TG person male or female

07-15-2015, 01:04 AM
I've dated both MtF and FtM trans people who are in transition. No issues there. I wouldn't date a CD. Really sorry about that. I am not attracted to either feminine men nor masculine women. There's no reason either sort of person couldn't be a wonderful partner, but I'm just not attracted to people like that. Same with CDs - gender fluidity sort of triggers me. Again, really sorry about that, it's just how it goes for me.

07-15-2015, 02:30 AM
I have only dated Females.

For me if I could dress I would want a Female or a Male. Like Paula, I am not attracted to a feminine man or masculine gal.

Being with a gg is first.

Princess Chantal
07-15-2015, 02:52 AM
How did that turned out

Still enjoying life with him!

07-15-2015, 03:39 AM
Hi Tiffany,

Well I suppose anything is possible if you find the right person . . . at my age sex is not the beat all to end all and sometimes it is about companionship. However, I can say that I it has never crossed my mind and I know in my heart of hearts I am heterosexual and am attracted to genetic women. I have seen some very pretty (down right gorgeous) CDers but in the end they are men (do not identify as women) and I am not attracted to men. When I comes to trans women, I cannot say 100 percent as I would have to take time to get to know the person within to assess compatibility.



07-15-2015, 03:51 AM
Well I had the offer of a date, purely platonic as far as I was concerned, not so sure about him. Whilst I must admit I found the whole idea intriguing, I did enjoy the attention and the flattery, I did eventually decline. I couldn't escape the fact that my own want for an experience (and here I stress my heterosexuality) may have irreparable damage to the relationship that I want above all else to continue. Even though my lovely wife was fully aware and gave it her blessing, her motives were probably misplaced in ensuring my happiness at the loss of hers...

So while I can understand what motivates others, I intend to never stray from the path.

07-15-2015, 04:01 AM
When I comes to trans women, I cannot say 100 percent as I would have to take time to get to know the person within to assess compatibility.

Your loss.

We're just women Isha.

07-15-2015, 06:34 AM
I think it would be a real big step for me to know another cd in person. We are talking about in the same room dressed. A friend that could talk about our feelings, makeup maybe even go out, have a beer and visit. I'm not into the Males though. I really think I'm just a CD and have always been turned on by that. I also a very happily married CD that enjoys playing with all the grandkids in my drab male self. Still am attracted to the GGs and find many CDs on here very attractive but know they are still men underneath. As far as dating and getting serious with a CD.... probably not. Just the thought of being out dressed with other CDs though would be still the small steps I would want to take maybe someday. West Texas is still not the place to do the CD thing in public.

Dianne S
07-15-2015, 06:38 AM
Having recently ended a very long relationship, I'm not ready to date anyone.

Eventually, I'll probably try dating guys. That'll be a brand new experience.

07-15-2015, 09:03 AM
I was widowed about a year and a half ago, after 30 years in a straight monogamous marriage, and am still taking it slow about getting back into dating. I'm also moving to a new state right now so I'm not actively doing any serious dating until after the move has settled out. I'm bi, an MtF crossdresser with no intention of transitioning fully. I'm only out with a few people so far, and not with most of my family or male side's friends and co-workers. I didn't seriously get into cross dressing until after I was widowed.

As far as my inclinations, I am fairly open to anything, though my general preference remains to be with feminine partners.

I'd say my order of preference for dating would be this:
* A bisexual Genetic Girl, who likes me intimately both as a male and as my feminine form. (Particularly if she was open to threesomes with another girl like herself, but monogamy would be perfectly OK too.)
This would please both sided of my nature, and she would be easy to introduce to current friends and family of my male side.

* A straight Genetic Girl, who likes me intimately as a male but has no issues with me also going out socially in my feminine form. Monogamous relationship.
Still easy to introduce to current friends and family of my male side, and I get to openly continue socializing as a girl.

* A straight Genetic Girl, who likes me intimately as a male but does not want me also going out socially in my feminine form - and I drop the CD activity for her. Monogamous relationship.
Easiest to introduce to current friends and family of my male side. For the right lady, I would drop the CD activity. It's not important enough to me compared with a possible long-term companion.

My other options would all be more difficult to introduce to my male side's current friends and family, as I am not out as a CD to many people. They all allow me to continue CD activity, but might require outing myself fully, because of the relationship. In each case it could be an open or a monogamous relationship. But I wouldn't necessarily say no to any of these:
* A lesbian Genetic Girl, who likes me as my feminine form and is willing to intimately interact with me, accepting me as another girl. Doubt I will find that, though lots of lesbian ladies seem to like hanging out with my girl form.
* A bisexual MtF crossdreser, who likes me both as a male and as my feminine form
* A bisexual MtF TG, who likes me both as a male and as my feminine form
* A bisexual male, who likes me both as a male and as my feminine form, but particularly likes me in female mode
* A gay male, who likes me as a male but has no issues with me also going out socially in my feminine form.

07-15-2015, 09:13 AM
I had a chat about this with my gender therapist. I am attracted to women, not men. I am attracted to transwomen. Obviously, I am not interested in hurting my wife, but, at the same time, our sex life is not at all active (40 years in limbo) so, there are times that I am attracted to TGs, but do not necessarily act on that attraction when the opportunity presents itself sporadically

Beverley Sims
07-15-2015, 01:24 PM
I often had friendly relationships with all those you have listed but it has only been women for me and as I was young a purely heterosexual relationship.

Even when dressed.

Chantel Lacey
07-15-2015, 01:54 PM
I have been noticing changes with my body an my Emotional body.,. I began Questioning my sexual identity when I started dressing again just over a year ago... I found My feelings towards dressing had changed from my teens to now.,. I needed comfort as a teen an there was no one for me to talk to, dressing took the place of loneliness an comfort.. I was married for nearly two decades an after the divorce move to another city.,. I had my storage locker broken into an my stuff stolen.,. In need of clothing an no money began looking for free clothes to serve my needs mainly warmth.,. One by one I found items of female attire which fit an solved the purpose I thought nothing of it until I began to notice how my body felt while wearing these clothes an how many I had collected in a short while.,. I checked out gay bars but never felt comfortable.,. I went to where gay men hung out but never seemed to connect.,. I answered a couple adds but then many thoughts of what if popped up so I opted out of the date.,. Twice I through my clothes collection away.,. But I always kept one item.,. A comfort blanket item.,. I took a job at a shelter an met many people going through these same changes as I it was my job to talk to them so I poured myself into the job an listened.,. I heard things I had thought of myself an I watched a few men change into girls.,. I thought hell if they can so can I.,., In this last year i have noticed my features have softened an I look more fem an Im not taking hormones.,. I have started dating again an I date men whom are attracted to Cross dressers.,. I am finding I enjoy myself, I feel great an look terrific,.,
When I decide Im going to do any thing I give it every thing I have.,. I am changing into a woman even though I have male parts I look so close to being passable its scary.,. I can only imagine what I would look like if i were to go to a salon an have a pro do my nails hair make up.,. This feels as natural as walking.,.
What really makes this all come together for me is You all.,. I do not feel so alone an you all have some incredible stories to share.,. Thank You.,.

07-15-2015, 09:04 PM
Simple answer would be yes to all. It's all about who they are as a person and able to handle me being a crossdresser. So men and transgendered are ok in my book.

The longer more complicated answer... I find feminine appearance attractive and a bit drawn by that. It probably helps promote intimacy in the long run. However, I'm driven mostly by romantic reasons. Who they are as a person will really make me interested or not. I've know some really pretty women that I wouldn't date. I don't feel this is bound by whatever gender someone identifies or expresses. I'm also not bothered by the thought of having sex with any gender or care what genitals someone has. I've even recently, out of nowhere, developed a slight crush on a male friend. To bad he's heterosexual :sad:

I am overall more drawn to feminine people. It would be nice to have someone to go out shopping with. At the same time, also nice if they were transgeneder as they are going to understand more. As I venture back out into the dating world, we shall see how it goes with whom.

07-15-2015, 09:36 PM
I'm also very happily married but I would totally date and mary a TG woman, I'm still on the fence about a CD but ask me again in a year and I'll probably say hell yah! 😄

07-16-2015, 03:21 PM
I'd date a GG or a MTF transexual providing they were extremely feminine. I wouldn't mind if a girlfriend enjoyed crossdressing as a man providing she still spent plenty of time presenting as female and continued to maintain her femininity when not dressed,

07-16-2015, 11:09 PM

As a bisexual, the various people that you mention are not a problem. When considering potential partners, bisexuality allows one to prioritize gender as maybe #3 or #4 instead of #1 as it is for heterosexuals.


07-17-2015, 02:17 AM
Yes to all of the above. Part of my identity, which it took me many years to realize, was an openness to anything.