View Full Version : first summer with shaven legs

07-19-2015, 08:11 PM
Yes I am guilty as charged, I was the girl that always waited to late September to shave her legs. I was always scared of the reaction. Been going everywhere in flop flops with a shinney pink glaze polish on. Even wearing a women's jeweled (T) sandel and no one said a word. Well for the past 3 weeks, I shaved my legs more and more till I had only had a few hairs left. Now I am smooth and hair free on my legs. My under arms have been hair free for 3 MONTH NOW. Well I guess this girl will always have hairless legs now. It sure does feel good . Now to get the nerve to have my ears pierced. I dream of turning my head side to side and having those long danglers bouncing around while dressed.:daydreaming: Next I want to have my chest waxed. I do have man boobs, I hope it won't be too uncomfortable when the girl waxes my boobs. We will see..

07-19-2015, 08:29 PM
Sounds like you found the joy of hair free living, now just go and get them ears pierced you'll just love it. Don't forget your arms and hands when waxing. I'm never growing out my hair again, except on my head if I can, I'm thinning out in back.

07-19-2015, 09:11 PM
I probably shave my legs about 3 times a year haha. It takes me so long that it is kind of off putting for me to do. I love the feel of freshly shaved legs though. Especially when I am wearing pantyhose. Last time I had shaved legs and wore shorts, no one seemed to notice. I had an emergency made up story to tell people if the question was ever asked.

Belle Cri
07-19-2015, 09:18 PM
i bite the bullet and go for the full wax. Lasts about six weeks. The asian ladies love to see me coming, lol.

Rachael Leigh
07-19-2015, 09:58 PM
Good for you, I've been shaving almost 2 years now and it's just natural for me now. Your right no one notices or really cares

07-19-2015, 11:01 PM
today I layed out by the pool, the freshly shaven legs and some baby oil to brown me up. . It was such a girly feeling looking down at me shinney legs and toes. all I need now is a thong for sun bathing and I am in heaven. Oh and the 7' tall fence between me and the neighbor and I just might break out a one piece for the most girly feel ever. Oh and I just put on a new pair of 3 1/4 " pumps feeling great..

07-20-2015, 02:27 AM
I have been shaving my legs for years and my wife defends me when someone says something about it It is great wearing a one piece swimsuit in the back yard and getting tan lines

07-20-2015, 03:37 AM
it's my first summer too, gorgeous isn't it!!!

07-20-2015, 03:47 AM
Hi Denise,

It sounds like you are having a great summer being hair free.



Li'l Miss
07-20-2015, 04:37 PM
I haven't shaved my legs yet, but it's on the "to do" list. I recently started shaving my chest. If I don't shave it daily, it itches like mad. Big Jim and the twins have been shaved for years.

07-20-2015, 05:46 PM
I have also shave my legs for years and no one ever said anything

07-20-2015, 06:15 PM
Sometimes people might notice shaved legs, arms, pits chests, backs, etc. But most of the time nobody cares. At worse your close friends might do a double take at first, then they move on. And after a while it becomes second nature to shave. Although now I have developed a hatred of hair - like some hairy army it keeps growing back even when I mow them down by the millions (lol). And once you start shaving everything, you will be amazed at where hair will grow.

Abby Kae
07-20-2015, 07:15 PM
I just shaved my legs for the first time today. It absolutely us a wonderful feeling!

07-20-2015, 07:18 PM
It was kind of funny, I shaved my legs for the first time in years this weekend and then went to a party at some friends' house wearing shorts and everybody was so distracted by my painted toe nails that I didn't receive a single question or comment about the legs. I want to do my arms, but I'm a little apprehensive since they will be a little harder to hide when I'm at work

Also, comments about my toes ranged from curious to very positive :D

07-20-2015, 08:43 PM
Hi Denise, Now get an epilator and keep them clean and smooth.:hugs:

Jenn A116
07-20-2015, 08:55 PM
I've been shaving my legs for about 8 months now. Living in FL, I'm usually in shorts. So far no comments at all about my shaved legs. Not even from the girls that do my mani-pedi.

07-20-2015, 10:01 PM
I, too, let my hair grow in summer. One winter, I took a class at the gym while I had shaved legs. I got brave (and overheated) and took off my sweat pants. I exercised in my shorts. I noticed the instructor look at my legs once or twice. That was it. No one ever asked. I took that class for a few months. Everyone was friendly. It was a non-event.

07-20-2015, 10:18 PM
I work in a restaurant kitchen. Until about a week ago, I wore long pants. But last weekend was just too hot and I went to work wearing shorts with shaved legs. I've worn shorts a few days now and as of yet, not a single person noticed. Or at least hast said anything and I know they would if the notice.

07-21-2015, 06:53 AM
First summer for me, too! Not a word! Almost got my ears pierced a couple of months ago, but chickened out. Will do it, tho.

07-21-2015, 08:00 AM
I hope this thread ends on a positive note. I have a wife who knows and used to let me dress around her. Now she is totally turned off, been with her over 28 years. In 2012 she allowed me to get a transformation in Las Vegas but refused to see me dressed. You would figure she would be curious. Well yesterday we went to Boscov. I had been using skin so soft to tan up some and my legs stay shiny. I was in sneakers. in the past she would say Meanly( did you shave your legs). She is so mean at times. well we came home and I have been trying to hide the light color polish from her, been hard. as I layed out and she was in the pool I has hiked up my swim trunks to simulate a very hi tan line like a woman in a swim trunk bottom. she said why are you pulling you trunks up so hi. I said to tan the top of my legs. she said you don't have to why. I let it go and pulled down my suit and when she went inside back up it went. I am like some in here a constant battle to be myself and give in as not to cause trouble. If she see me with painted toes she says (take that sh!t off) what she gonna say when it's 95 * outside, grow back your hair or put on long pants... I have a few hours alone I will dress and feel good just for a few hours:D

Barbara Black
07-21-2015, 12:03 PM
I've been shaving my legs for a while now, and epilate them every once in a while also. The re-growth really has seemed to slow down because of it. It feels so good to be smooth!!!!!

07-21-2015, 12:57 PM
Thanks to my wife's encouragement I kept my shaved legs all summer and have loved it. I have been cool in bed at night for the first time that I can remember. I also love that fresh shaven feeling and intend to keep it permanently. I'm never going back to long leg hair ever

07-21-2015, 01:35 PM
I did post some pics of me in the photo gallery under a little Denise time. Havn't dressed in a while and it felt good

07-21-2015, 02:13 PM
I'm into my second summer but last year I didn't wear shorts much this year so many people have seen my hair free legs that it's not a problem! My wife hasn't passed comment since I first told her, which was is your problem getting worse ? Looking back I think I did the right thing by continuing to shave despite her comment, she's not said anymore and as other people have seen them she's either accepting it as normal or tolerating it realising I'm committed to my CDing enough to stay hairless !

07-21-2015, 09:47 PM
I know two men (over 50) who appear to have smooth legs. I took a closer look on each and saw a few stray hairs. They were not shaving. They were balding on their legs. No one cared. No one ever mentioned it while I was around them. Unless you have obvious stubble and shaved leg spots, I doubt someone would know why you look hairless.

07-22-2015, 03:43 AM
I was a little paranoid at first when I stayed shaved this summer. I always wear shorts to work and thought it would make me uncomfortable. Not a word has been said about my smooth legs. I have noticed people looking, but no one has ever said a thing.

Candice June Lee
07-22-2015, 06:51 PM
My issue with shaving my legs is and always will be, when the pants are on, the sweat causes my pants to cling and stick to my legs.
Other than that, i have been shaving my legs for so long i dont think much of it. Its just all natural to me. Cant stand body hair anyway.

Kimberly Adams
07-23-2015, 01:57 AM
I've been shaving for years and I don't think anyone even notices, except today i had to go for a physical and the nurse asked if i had a fresh wax.. um.. huh? :)

07-28-2015, 01:11 AM
I have been shaving my entire body for years now, and just recently started shaving my head. I always buzzed it and most of it has fallen out so why not. When I started shaving my legs my wife asked me why, cuz I love the feel. When I started shaving my arms and hands, I thought someone would notice and comment. No one has ever commented except one of my kids before I came out to them. I told her it was very European. When I got my ears pierced, my wife objected and thought it would scream CROSSDRESSER!! no one noticed and she then told me she likes the look. When I got my second set of ear holes, she objected again. I have had only a couple men ask me about it. One asked where I got the Huggies I was wearing and a younger guy comment that he now knew what he would look like when he was older with pierced ears.
I think because WE know that we crossdress, we feel that somehow the entire world can see that and we are afraid. But as just about everyone who has shared here, the world doesn't notice. And if they do, they don't care enough to comment. I do this for me. I will admit that I do hesitate on some things, like wearing polish on my fingers, but my toes are painted and I go barefoot a lot.
I'll get down now, but we should do more things for ourselves because it make us feel good and don't do it because someone else doesn't like it. it's my body.

07-28-2015, 01:20 AM
Great share, Denise! I myself hate body hair and wish it'd all just go away and never come back and no one would notice the difference. Unfortunately, I'm Italian so my body hair is basically everywhere and getting rid of it would more than likely cause someone I know to question...which isn't so good for me right now :( I hope sometime soon I can get over it and just shave it all off.

07-28-2015, 03:21 AM
Since early 2007 I started to shave my whole body, excluding the hair on top of my head. It turns out very few people have said anything. I am sure people have noticed, but just did not comment. Also shaving is just not for crossdressers, many others like being hair free below the neck.

07-30-2015, 04:39 PM
I've shaved part of my chest revealing the areola and more, a diagonal hairline from middle chest to outter shoulder area. I would like to shave my legs too, but haven't yet except for the upper leg area. I keep the twins and lower clean and a nice trim triangle shape around the rest. I shave above big john along the bikini line to give a more fem look.

Carrie M
07-31-2015, 11:42 AM
I started shaving my legs and chest during the winter. So this is my first summer. I also ride a bicycle often and that "could" be the reason I shave my legs, but it isn't :). So I was trepidatious at the gym in shorts at first but no one seemed to notice. In fact I noticed how few older guys appeared to have legs as hairy as mine were. And many younger guys appear to be shaving too. My wife is aware I've cross dressed occasionally and has made the same "have you shaved your legs/chest" remarks in an obviously mean way. She isn't accepting at all as far as I can tell. It's a topic avoided rather than embraced I'm afraid. So most of my dressing is while I'm alone in the early morning before work (she starts work very early). I have a good female friend who is totally un-phased by my shaving and is aware I dress. In fact she sees me as a more authentic and brave person for being true to myself as best I can at this time. It's all about personal perspective in the end. But I LOVE the feeling and look of being shaved. Enjoy the summer!

07-31-2015, 12:32 PM
The first time I shaved my legs, I went out to the swimming pool with my 18 year old daughter that same afternoon, wearing a pretty skimpy speedo men's bikini swimsuit. I was already out with her about my Dressing, and she was very accepting. But I hadn't discussed me shaving anything but my cleavage area yet. Still had hairy arms and legs before that morning, though I had been trimming the arm fur and bleaching it to make it less noticeable. Well, my daughter and I floated close to each other in inflated loungers that left my freshly shaved legs in plain sight, and she didn't say a word, even though we were constantly chatting and looking at each other and changing positions relative to each other. After an hour, I commented, "Well, the change must look natural, because you haven't commented about it yet." She asked, "What change?" I asked, "You didn't notice I shaved my legs?" She admitted she hadn't, and said they looked fine. And that was it...

Later when I shaved my arms too, I was certain my male friends would notice and comment, but not one did, nor have they in the nearly full year since then!

Now I shave everything but the 'bikini zone', and I've eppilated below the knees, and still no one has commented on my lack of body hair. Not my doctor, or anyone else who has seen my previously hairy arms, legs or chest.