View Full Version : Out and Out

07-22-2015, 01:35 PM
I finally got out last week to dinner with crossport. *It was a little odd, most of the girls were through transition or identified as TS. *And there was one GG. *I think I was the youngest one there.

Like last month, I got home way late this time due to a meeting that ran over. *I considered not going again because I was almost an hour off my time. *I rushed my makeup, didn't do nail or fake lashes or contacts. *And I didnt have much time for brushing out my wig.

I also just had enough time to get ready and out the door that I could NOT do a half job in house and the other half in the truck. *So I walked through the house all done. *My wife wasn't home but my oldest (19) son was. *We now have something new to talk about!

I think it's going to be ok, maybe even beneficial. *Funny when I got home, the dog freaked out at first. *Nobody else did.

I have to say I was really perturbed at running late, but after giving son a hug on my way out and hitting the road, I felt really calmed down. *Must have been the skirt and boobs.

The other girls were really gracious, and complimented me even though *I felt like a bit of a wreck. *The hair was a mess. *I think I need to put in a little more maintenance and maybe better storage. I have a photo, but it's not that good. Plus I would rather post it in the gallery section. SecOps you know.

The next day I discussed the situation with my wife. She was ok with how things went and was able to discuss some things pretty well. We've had a few more discussions about related topics, little bits at a time. More than 4 sentences is a lot.

Things are cool with my son. He understands keeping things on the down low, mostly because of not making others uncomfortable. He has previously come out as gay, and at one time thought he was TS. He is Sooooo not TS. Funny how I knew a lot about that at the time, but I didn't come out to him. We were dealing with his issues, and my being out would have likely clouded the whole situation. He's glad that we delt with it as we did, and now recognizes the

07-22-2015, 02:11 PM
lovely, sounds like improvements all round, pleased for you.

07-22-2015, 05:43 PM
Sounds as though, despite the rush, everything went and turned out very well!

07-22-2015, 07:11 PM
Well at least you got out. Hope you had some fun even though you sound
like everything was rushed.

07-22-2015, 07:32 PM
Meghan, as rushed as you were, I couldn't have done it. My routine for getting ready to go out equates to the building of the Great Wall. Heck, putting fingernails on is like planning a moon mission. And I don't have the family you do.

You're awesome.

07-22-2015, 09:20 PM
Is it a relief to be out to your son? I would think so. Sounds like you have a pretty cool family. Your picture is stunning, by the way. I'm so jealous! Sucks looking like John Wayne.

07-22-2015, 09:33 PM
Going out girly, everything has to be just so. As a guy, yes, there can be a bit of a cow-lick issue with the hair, shoes need a polish, etc. But seeing as we have to start out as guys and transform our look to something softer and prettier, yes it takes time! I know there are girls here who say they can be ready in 30-45 minutes and I am just agog at that. A close shave, makeup and everything else takes time. Heck, every woman I've ever dated or married needed at least 90 minutes. Ok, one thing that got my attention was contacts - wow, you really go the full mile! I don't bother with false nails or eyelashes (girls already hate me for my natural lashes), so I am impressed.
Glad that it managed to spur a conversation between you and your wife, which is always a good development.

07-23-2015, 04:15 AM
Good progress Meghan - I'm sure you looked great despite the rushing... :)

No way I'd go anywhere without the full prep and contingency time before - you must be developing some genuinely female traits if you can throw everything together so quickly... ;)

Glad to hear that things are going well with the family too - that's a real positive to keep going and keep things well-paced. :cheer:

Katey x

07-24-2015, 09:56 AM
Thanks for the feedback.

I like to be more complete, but don't do the false eyelashes often. I do prefer contacts because my eyes are probably my best feature, and i dont have very feminine glasses. But this was going to be my first time meeting this group (well there as a previous time, but only one lass showed up), so I wanted to make a good impression. The previous month was a bust, and I knew that I wasn't likely to get another chance till October. So I figured that I would rather go less than perfect rather than not at all. Plus your average GG doesn't have to pull out all the stops every time. I had just enough time to do the essentials.

As far as my son goes, this helps my dressing and planning options certainly, but also provides us with an area for common groud. He's 19 and a challenge. Out of school and still living at home. He and I have had a lot of conflict in the past, so more common ground is better. I have a 16YO son as well, who does not know (I think, but he is way more observant). He's been out of the house as a camp counselor all summer, but that ends tomorrow. Being out with him, especially at this stage, is likely to be more problematic, and he doesn't need to deal with it right now. Will I come out to him later? I have no idea, and don't have any plans for that now. If he does find out, I will deal with it at the time.

My take away from all this is that this isn't all that earthshattering, and you deal with life as it comes. Plan the best you can, but roll with the punches.