View Full Version : Bit of a shock follow up

07-23-2015, 04:09 AM
It has been 2 months since I last posted and I thought I would just follow up with what has happened over that time

The original post is here (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?227520-Bit-of-a-shock)

Since then, I have completed 3 therapy sessions feeling convinced that all went well.

I have undertaken several weeks of electrolysis, but felt that things were going to slowly. I have now had 2 sessions of laser with the next due in 5 weeks. The laser has been very successful so far with the dark hair (bit of work to go on above the upper lip and chin area still) reducing the need to shave daily on the sides of my face.

Saw my Dr about a month ago for a follow up to therapy and he wrote to the local Endo, warning me at the time it was unlikely that she would approve commencing HRT without 12 months of real life experience. And sure enough, the reply came back, make an appointment when you have had that 12 months experience.

I was shaken at the time, (but it was sort of expected - I think many of you girls in the USA are well looked after re HRT requirement) and I spent the next few weeks really think about my options and what would be best for me.

In the meantime, I told my partner of 15 years of my options. She is very sympathetic but made it very clear that she could not handle it - by that I mean - dressed in her presence. It would be far too stressful for her. She is a cancer surviver of 2 years, and feels that the stress will affect her own health.
I understand that and am certainly not going to try and sway her thinking.

So another bout of thinking (it really has consumed me - at least 3 to 4 times an hour) and the urge to transition gets stronger and stronger despite any misgivings I may have.

Partner and I have agreed to separate when I find suitable living arrangements.

In the meantime, her daughters and their families are very supportive which has pleasantly surprised me. My own family have not been told yet, but that is not far away. They live in other parts of the country and Aust, so they really do not need to know until I am ready in a couple of weeks. Same with close friends - I intend to discuss with them personally and in drab about my decision and why I have made that decision.

My mind is preparing me to expect the worse reactions, but my instinct is that acceptance will be forthcoming from most. I hope so.

I saw my Dr earlier in the week (dressed to show that I have started my journey in public). He is very supportive and changed my high blood pressure meds, dropping one and adding another which side affects "could" include reduced facial hair growth and breast growth over time

I am looking forward to finding a suitable place to live and present my self to the poor public. Currently I will never pass as a woman, but who cares. I want to feel like a woman for the rest of my life.

There are going to consequences of course (lots of relevant posts in this forum). Hopefully that I can minimize the bad ones.

I have not been very active here, but please be assured that I read almost every word, much of which is sensible and informative. It has helped me in my decision to take my new path to the future. Thank you girls and GG's for your contributions here.

thanks for reading

Suzanne F
07-23-2015, 10:49 AM
It sounds like a tough time. Good luck with coming out mad I hope it goes well. Make sure to be good to yourself through this difficult period.

07-23-2015, 12:48 PM
You must prepare yourself for the worst but hope for the best. Times are changing. People are not as critical and obnoxious about coming out as they once were. That said, yes, you will have your critics and those who will just not have it. You might have family members who disown you and friends walk away. That is OK, they can be replaced. If you play the cards right, you might even win them back over time. It is up to you to stand tall and show them by your actions that this is best for you. I wish you all the best. This is one of the most difficult steps of this journey.

07-23-2015, 12:54 PM
It seems to me that you are following a well trodden path here. As you progress you will find highs and lows, how you deal with them is very much as an individual, no-one can help with that. Having said that, there is a wealth of experience here which, if you want it, is given freely and without condition.

07-23-2015, 01:21 PM
Good luck Penny.
I don't recommend any K rd apartments
As a plus, you should be able to shop at Farmers now after Mary's little public media session

Rachel :)

07-23-2015, 06:39 PM
Thanks for advice Rachel ��

And Farmers! good story. Will be up from the south to Pukekohe this weekend to see my mum. They have a large Farmers there. May be tempted

07-23-2015, 11:50 PM
Hey Auntie Mary, chin up, stiff upper lip (or have a good cry if you wish) but remember that while life (read family, friends and society) may deal you some strong body blows you will, I promise, be much happier and healthier as yourself than you ever have been in years past. If you get to feeling down, remember: When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping! New shoes are particularly soothing!

Have life and joy today and always!

07-24-2015, 05:46 AM
If you get to feeling down, remember: When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping! New shoes are particularly soothing!

Have life and joy today and always!

Love that - thank