View Full Version : Fantastic night out

07-25-2015, 09:33 PM
Went to the movies by myself. Passed scores of people, was ma'amed by the staff. Went into the theater a little late. Looked up at 7 rows of people in front of me. No one seemed to notice. Sat next to three other women. They didn't notice at all. After the movie I again was exposed to many, many people in the hallway standing around. I felt so normal.

Went to a nice Italian restaurant and sat at the sidewalk exposed to many people. Was darlingd and honned by the waitress. Not one person looked at me sideways. Went to the ladies room and put on lipstick in front of another woman. She stood beside me with absolutely no trepidation.

I asked the waitress to take the first picture of me dressed. I'm pretty sure she was clueless. I looked at the picture and said, "well, there's only so much a camera can do." Her reply was", oh, stop it, you're beautiful."

It's hard to describe the feeling of being so accepted as Christina at two venues I have not had the courage to go to as a women as they typically don't go to these places alone, but I guess I passed pretty well.

I wanted to attach the picture but couldn't figure it out. Thanks for listening.

07-25-2015, 09:45 PM
I can't wait to have the courage to go out in public. I'm still working on myself, especially my makeup, lol. I hope when I do venture out, I have as much success as you did. :)

07-25-2015, 10:03 PM
Glad that you had a great time Christina. I really believe sometimes we are our own worst critics on lots of things and we worry about things that will never happen. Still though it always good to be safe but not scared to try a few things. Remember this is said by me who has not stepped out yet....

Victoria Demeanor
07-25-2015, 10:19 PM
Oh Christina you have to figure out how to attach that picture, because this sounds like such a fantastic night. Isn't so nice to be out and about and be accepted or as odd as it sounds "not noticed". I am so happy for you and glad you had a good evening . You go girl and can not wait to hear about your next adventure.. figure that picture thing out though I want to see!!!!

07-25-2015, 10:25 PM
Sounds like an amazing night!
We have to see the picture sometime.

07-25-2015, 10:28 PM
You never know about going out until you try, I don't think a woman alone at the movies or a restaurant is that out of the norm, yes they usually travel in packs for safety mostly but yes there are the lone ones such as ourselves. Acceptance is such an ego boost and feels so good.

07-25-2015, 10:47 PM
Thank you all. I wrote that post from my table and thought that was the end of the night. Boy was I wrong! When I received the check, there was a note that said, "You are beautiful. You warm my heart, thank you."

I was absolutely flummoxed. Did that means she knows? So, I wrote a return note saying she made my day and thanked her. When she came around, I thanked her profusely, then asked if she knew what I am. She replied in the affirmative (guess I wasn't as successful as I thought!) and told me again how I warm her heart and that her mother has a good friend like me who recently moved to Ireland and she misses her. The well dressed Indian couple sitting at the next table stopped talking to each other and just stared at each other, listening. After the waitress left, they continued to stare at each other for a while then moved in to whisper! That was very humorous. Hope I didn't shake them up too much. Crazy Americans!

So, that was it, or so I thought. I left, and had to maneuver around many people, none of which gave me any notice, and I have been noticed before, so I am fairly confident that I was just a gorgeous woman walking down the street (yeah, I embellished the gorgeous part).

Next, I stopped at a convenience store to buy a bottle of wine, which they didn't have. I settled on beer and went to pay. I was the only customer and the hispanic man working there asked me if I like that kind of beer, then told me his favorite, then asked me if I was from around there, then got into a conversation about California where I'm from, then asked which hotel I was staying at, etc. etc. Strangely enough, it took me a few sentences to realize this dude was flirting with me! Holy Cow! No Fr$^in way! He was looking me in the eye and had such a nice tone of voice. When I walked out he came around the counter, opened the door for me and kept flirting. I finally told him to have a good night and beat feet.

That is absolutely the most feminine I have ever felt. I'm totally hetero and would never consider being with a dude (hairy, discusting creatures with no boobs), but I was truly flattered. The guy is either 1. Gay, 2. Needs glasses, or 3. desperate. But, he did make Christina feel pretty, in any case.

For many of you, this was an average evening, but for me, it was huge. Going to venues that women don't frequent alone has been fairly taboo for me, but not so much anymore. In addition, I'm in a fairly conservative area of Texas.

Just had to share my elation at what a surprising outing I had. And to think that I nearly went in "man" mode, but Christina just had to have a night out.

07-25-2015, 10:50 PM
Christina, well done! I know the rush you get when you're out and about dressed. And wait until you start shopping... no more feeling out of place in the ladies section. Don't know if you've used the ladies restroom yet, but that's a big step as well (although, be careful if you don't pass very well, they have "family" or "unisex" restrooms in a lot of malls and theaters these days and they might be best in that case).

Figure out how to get those pictures up, I would love to see them.

07-25-2015, 11:55 PM

I wonder if this will work for the picture. It's not the best and I look big, but it's all I have.

07-26-2015, 02:55 AM
Oh you look fabulous Christina. I remember reading your other thread before, glad it went well this time.

07-26-2015, 05:28 AM
Hi Christina,

Congrats on such a bold step and getting out there and just being you. You looked great in the picture and I am glad you had a good time.



Claire Cook
07-26-2015, 05:43 AM
Hi Christina,

I'm so happy for you, and thanks for sharing this experience! I and others know just what you felt. When I get compliments now, some of the time I think it's because people realize who I am, yet that makes the comments all the more sincere and appreciated. (Kinda puts a different spin on worrying about being read, doesn't it?) Then there have been times when I've been asked for ID, and get the response "Are you serious?". THAT really makes my day..

I'm sure that guys have flirted with me in the past, but the thing is that my antennae aren't tuned for that. I certainly would take that as a compliment indeed!

... and looking at the photo, I'm not at all surprised that you got the reactions that you did! I'm sure that there will be more to come!



07-26-2015, 06:34 AM
Hi Christina, I can really see why you didn't have any trouble, you have that natural feminine look about yourself.:hugs:

07-26-2015, 07:38 AM
Christina, congratulations on your night out. What a lovely picture.

07-26-2015, 01:03 PM
Great outing, Christina - very affirming and complimentary for you (and rightly so! :)) and kind of you to share with us...

Nothing wrong with flirting - I think it makes a great hobby whatever ones presentation or inclination... :yahoo:

Katey x

07-26-2015, 05:35 PM
Finaly I get to see that smiling woman.

07-26-2015, 05:45 PM
Congrats Christina !!!!!!!!!!! I haven't had the nerve to go out alone.I have only been out once and it was with a friend and I was so scared but it went with out any problems.. But i'm so happy for you .

07-26-2015, 06:24 PM
What a great adventure! Congratulations!! :)

07-27-2015, 04:25 AM
Thank you all so much. You are very kind. Makes me want to go out again soon and helps me to feel somewhat normal.

07-27-2015, 06:56 AM
A wonderful evening! While there is a momentary let down in being read, it's quickly offset by genuinely positive expressions from people, such as your waitress.

Ally 2112
07-30-2015, 07:41 PM
Congrats Christina !.Have fun and be safe :)