View Full Version : Don't give her the satisfaction

Maria 60
07-26-2015, 07:28 AM
What an amazing women, I can't describe to you what a considerate and unselfish person she is. I would have never thought after telling her thirty years ago about the dressing that this traditional Italian women would have gone back to her mother crying that she married a fag, instead she been supportive and shocked me again yesterday. We were going to the Jazz festival and my sister in-law wanted to tag along with us, we were getting changed to go when my wife asked me why I was putting on male underwear and she pointed out to me that besides for work I never wear male underwear. I explained to her the other night we were talking about Bruce's transformation and my sister in-law commented on how wrong it is and she would never except this from her husband, and so on and so on. In the family iam closest to her and if I was going to tell anybody about myself it was going to be her and now I know how she feels about it. My wife gave me this look of disappointment and then asked me if I was kidding, she walked over to my drawer and handed me a bright pink lacy pair of panties and told me she believed I would rather be wearing these. She then asked me if that's all it takes, one little comment and I go hiding under a rock and just give up on something that is a big part of my personality and who I really Iam, and most of all give her the satisfaction, and as much as we would like to keep it a secret if I bend over and she sees my pick panties, well she knows what a great person I am and we will see what kind of person she really is. She then went on with maybe I shouldn't tell this to the community because if it was for me the community probably wouldn't even be around, and even myself reading all the stories here on how everyone here is trying to take strides forward and I just give up. She was right I put on the pink panties and during the day we were sitting on the grass watching bands play and my wife did tell me there were some big clean views of the pink panties and she hoped my sister in-law got a good view of them. What a great women I believe it's not about the dressing I believe it more about she wants to see her family happy and doesn't care what anybody else says. She always says" the most important thing in life for her is her four walls that all that matters. Had to share sorry went alittle long, and I believe I probably did disappoint some of us here.

Belle Cri
07-26-2015, 07:38 AM
You have an extraordinary gem there. I know the Italian nuance all too well, and so she is doubly remarkable to protect you in that way. In the same way one hears "quit while you're ahead" - I'd advise to show her the same acceptance and protection she has you and not question what is clearly love. That sounded far more critical when it is meant to be entirely supportive, but I hope you gathered my intent.

07-26-2015, 07:51 AM
Someone as supportive as your SO deserves something special------a dozen roses, a romantic dinner and a long weekend away from everyone, just the two of you


07-26-2015, 08:26 AM
I'm assuming you went to the festival in male mode but underdressed in panties?

I have been wearing panties all the time except for doctor's visits for a few years now. If I think there's a chance they might be seen I wear black ones. Otherwise, whatever matches my bra and outfit.

It's a cute story though and you have a great wife.

07-26-2015, 08:51 AM
a gem of a lovely human being, and great story!

07-26-2015, 08:57 AM
Absolutely wonderful to have a wife who understands you and is willing to stand up for you and who you are.

Personally, I've got to the point of not caring too much about people seeing that I'm underdressed, Most of my panties would never pass for male if spotted.. fuschia bows and mesh/lace everywhere. If someone sees.. so what, it's just underwear at the end of the day.

07-26-2015, 01:12 PM
Awesome story! The world needs more people like her. :)

07-26-2015, 01:50 PM
Maria we all get knocked from time to time, some of us take longer strides and a lot of us dart back behind the nearest bush to hide, dont beat yourself up over it, go it at your own pace. Rather than look at the community as a comparison or a competition look at it as a support for when things get rough, or that you could be ahead of someone else and give them the support forward. Thanks for posting, oh and your wife sounds fantastic by the way, shes a great person!

Sarah x

07-26-2015, 02:02 PM
Hi Maria, You are so lucky to have such a wonderful:love:wife, she needs extra special attention.:daydreaming:

07-27-2015, 04:31 AM
Hi Maria, I'm tempted to show your post to my wife, but that wouldn't go over well.

You are a very lucky girl. She's a keeper all right.

07-27-2015, 06:57 AM
Your wife is right, of course. Why should any of us let others control our lives, particularly those harboring such intolerant attitudes?

07-27-2015, 07:55 AM
That still takes guts, even when the SO gives you a little nudge!

We went camping with my whole family a couple months ago. We were packing and I got a, "hey where's the skirts?" And I was like, "it's not an obsession for me, I don't have to rub anyone's nose in it; I can last a week in drab." No more words had to be exchanged to imply I was just being a chicken. And maybe a little undertone of, "...so I'm the only one who has to put up with this?"...so I threw in a couple of my more rough & ready examples (my faves, I'm sort of a tomboy I admit it, how ironic). Everyone already knows to some extent, so, ok, yes, I was being a chicken. And I'm glad she gave me a kick where/when needed. It was a lot of fun. Other than the requisite tease here & there to acknowledge it, no uncomfortable moments at all. I guess when you are as weird as I am already, CD can't add much to the shock factor...it would have been one *drab* trip otherwise, I want to dress twice as bad when I'm outdoors =)

cheryl reeves
07-27-2015, 12:11 PM
you really have a special s o,i agree with buying her flowers..im lucky to have an accepting spouse myself,sat night my spouse told me since i love wearing panties and hate putting on my guy underwear,that i should just wear the panties,i have some that can somewhay pass for mens briefs,all i could do was give her a huge hug and told her i love her and how special she is to me.

07-27-2015, 02:02 PM
What a courageous woman your wife is!

It is one thing to accept one's spouse's crossdressing. It is an entire different level to stickup for him and standby him when he is not so sure of himself. That is a mate of life time.

07-27-2015, 11:19 PM
Yes, you have a great and supportive wife, but my question is why do you still have boy undies? I dumped all my several years ago and only have and only wear panties! The last time I needed some my wife insisted that I get matching bras, so I did.
Come join those of us who underdress full time.

07-27-2015, 11:40 PM
I don't know how my GF would react to underdressing. I'd love to underdress in some sweet and sexy panties, but I don't think I would do it every day.