View Full Version : The start of something wonderful???

07-26-2015, 04:43 PM
Okay. To those who don't appreciate mini-novels I apologise, but I just need to get this out if for no other reason than to keep my mind occupied for reasons that will become apparent.

So, Abi's biggest supporter bar none is my friend L, (we'll keep it at that just in case lol), It was L who first gave me the courage to go out in daylight, she often asks when Abi is coming round again etc, so as you can imagine, an extremely good friend who I keep in touch with and visit several times a week without fail. Now recently, she has had a friend over from Ireland, we'll call her T. so, last week when I went round, I met T for the first time. Now I have never believed in love at first sight or anything like that. I think that an initial attraction or "lust at first sight" is the initial spark that prompts you to go on and get to know someone and the love develops after that if you're lucky.

However, when my eyes fell on this woman, I was pretty much spellbound. We chatted a little and got on well and all I could think was "don't stare.. don't stare". So somehow I managed to keep my cool and get through things without making an idiot of myself. I popped round a few days later and obviously sat and talked again. My friend L was preparing to go away for the weekend to London, I naturally assumed that T would be going with them. SO as I was leaving I said "have fun in London" and she responded with "Oh I'm staying up here to look after the cat" we had a bit of a chuckle about it.. and I was on my way out of the garden when she asks what I have planned for the weekend. Well, I'm 42, I'm single and I prefer to wear a dress to jeans and a t-shirt.. so obviously I tend not to have a great deal planned most days lol.. I tell her that I don't have any plans in place at all and she mentions that she and a few friends are going out for drinks on Saturday and I'd be welcome to join them all for a drink or two.

So at this point, I'm thinking that maybe she likes me enough that she wants to get to know me better etc.. but then also I consider that she's asked me to join her and some friends in a group setting, so maybe it's just a polite gesture or something. So I figure I'll make an effort and turn up, after all, it's not every day a beautiful woman asks me out for a drink in any context.. and if I end up feeling left out of a group of people I don't know very well I can always make excuses and leave after a quick pint. (talking of quick pints, at this point I SHOULD have recalled I was dealing with an Irish girl.. but more on that later).

So.. Saturday night comes.. and I get ready to go out for a few drinkies.. now it's just made me chuckle as I think of what I'm about to write.. for the first time in what must be at LEAST 2 years, I dug into my male underwear draw and grabbed a pair of Pringles boxer shorts.. (I know I know.. I'm a sellout.. but I've been single almost 5 years now and I wasn't taking the chance!!!). So complete drab.. nails filed back and buffed but not even clear varnish. smart jeans, quiksilver shirt etc.. the first time I've taken any kind of care over my male appearance for a long long time. I didn't even realise at the time I was doing it quite how much effort I was making to look good for this woman.

All ready to go.. I double check myself in the mirror half a dozen times, almost talking myself out of going (I never have that much trouble going out en femme ffs).. but in the end I head out and walk down to the pub.. expecting to walk in to a large group of people and feel like an outsider with her catching up with her other friends etc. Before I even get through the door a woman outside says "I know you.. you're V, and you're here to see T aren't you? She told me you were coming and showed me a picture" I'm obviously a little surprised by this but I confirmed who I was.. we introduced ourselves and I went in..

I spotted T, sitting with 2 girls and a guy. One girl was her Irish friend, the other was another L that I already knew, and the guy was her irish friends date. As soon as she saw me she came over and gave me a really firm hug (at LEAST 3 mississippi's for those who understand the reference lol). Told me she was really glad I came. after about an hour her friend and her date left and the other L left to meet friends so we were pretty much alone barring a few locals who came in and joined us at the table.

Now I'm no expert on body language and I know some people are more touchy feely than others etc, but she spent a lot of time pressing up against me.. giving me hugs.. planting kisses on me etc. And being Irish, she wasn't slow on the drinks either (sorry for the stereotype but Irish girls DO know how to drink whatever you say). Now at one point, I can't even remember how the conversation came up, but she was telling me a story about how one night she was out back in Ireland and ended up having to go to hospital but was dressed in a way that wouldn't have been appropriate. So she ended up borrowing a maxi dress from a crossdressing friend of hers. Now obviously, hearing that someone has experienced an MtF CD always makes you more hopeful of acceptance and less worrisome about the eventual "talk". I respond with with a smile and say "that was cool of him". And she then seemed to feel the need to explain that he was just a crossdresser. That he wasn't gay, and that he didn't want to become a woman or anything, but he just liked wearing the clothes and the makeup etc. yeah I know... you're all sat there right now thinking.. someone who totally understands.. that's a dream!!! I obviously agree that most CD's aren't gay.. and relatively few end up transitioning, and she went on about how most people don't take the time to understand it and so on.

At this point I decided to show her Abi's facebook profile picture (same one I have as my avatar here). she looks at it and says "oh shes' pretty .. who's that?" I look at her.. give her that smile and say "look closer". she takes the phone and enlarges the pic.. cocks her head a little.. looks at me.. looks back at the phone.. looks back at me and says "is that.... noooo.." I say "yep".. she says "oh wow.. don't you look naughty". I thank her.. she asks to see another pic.. I show her one with my legs out and see that look of envy in her eyes lol. she tells me that it's "so cool" and then instantly asks me "What size are you?" I almost burst out laughing.. how many girls ask that when they find out.. I love that part of revealing to a female friend, the wardrobe swap possibilities. Nothing seems to change, she's still very touchy feely and we're still getting along wonderfully.

Closing time comes around and we decide to head to a pub that stays open till 2am. we're both pretty merry at this stage. she ends up taking my hand and walking along with her head on my shoulder etc. so things seem to be going pretty well. We get to the next bar.. do karaoke and have a few more drinks.. all went really well, a fantastic evening, I walk her home with lots of cuddles, and of course, being a gentleman (and with her being the best friend of Abi's best friend I wasn't about to even try to do something that could cause problems) I said I'd talk to her tomorrow and maybe take her out for lunch if she wasn't too hungover and kissed her goodnight.

So, all in all, a great evening with a beautiful woman who as it turns out has total understanding of a straight, non transitioning MtF CD already. I understandably go to sleep feeling better than I have in some time.

So, this morning rolls around, I have a message on my phone from her at 09:30 apologising for being so drunk etc. I assure her that it's fine and she wasn't at bad as she thinks. We chat some, I ask if she wants to go to lunch.. she says she will think about it as she's feeling very hungover. In the end she decides not to go but promises me that we will go out one night this week to make up for it. We;ve texted back and forth most of the day until she went to bed.

Now the crazy thing is.. I'm 42 years old, and it's been a VERY long time since I felt the butterfly effect over any woman, but just seeing her online now gets me all nervous with anticipation.. hearing the message notification on my phone and seeing her name makes me smile.. I am seriously acting like a teenager again for the first time in 20 years. I'm not used to falling this quickly and as you can imagine, my emotions are all over the place at the moment.. this mini-rant is my way of just trying to get some of it out of my system and focus elsewhere..

So yeah.. could this actually be the start of something incredible with someone wonderful, or is it all one way traffic and I'm just falling for the wrong woman again? only time will tell and let's see what this week brings. Thank you to those who have taken the time to read this. I would appreciate any prayers you might wish to make for me.

Lots of Love
Abi x x x

Samantha Clark
07-26-2015, 04:53 PM
Wow! Good luck and I'll light a candle for the two of you!

Genny B
07-26-2015, 05:00 PM
This friendship has started off well and hopefully will continue! Looking forward to hearing 'the rest of the story!'

Genny B

Tracii G
07-26-2015, 05:02 PM
Count it as a great experience and play it by ear.
Think with your big head not the small one.
You being a CD you know the saying things aren't always what they seem.

07-26-2015, 05:12 PM
Isn't love grand? I'm just saying. Don't jump to conclusions but don't go cold on her either. I wonder if she remembers the conversation of the night before and the pics? Good luck.

07-26-2015, 05:20 PM
Hi Abi,

Thanks for publishing your book haha, I love reading a good one! And what a great story this is....I sincerely hope things will work out for the two of you. Keep us posted please!

Love Jeanette

07-26-2015, 05:49 PM
Isn't love grand? I'm just saying. Don't jump to conclusions but don't go cold on her either. I wonder if she remembers the conversation of the night before and the pics? Good luck.

Well.. I'm not going to build my hopes up too much until I see what happens later this week, but there doesn't appear to be a risk of things going cold at the moment. And yes.. she totally remembers the conversation, especially as she is going to inherit a cute coral peplum top that I ordered online and was much smaller than the size it claimed to be, we talked about it today and I sent her a picture so yeah.. it's remembered lol

Thank you all for the kind words.. at the very least I've got a very supportive friend.. at the outside it may turn into something more. Will definitely keep you posted.

And as she has just messaged me to say goodnight and she'll talk to me again tomorrow I'm going to bed one happy girl.

To be continued........

07-26-2015, 05:51 PM
I hope this turns out good for you. I have a wife that is happy for me to dress as it makes me feel good and I love to help her in any way I can. Marriage is grand when you have found the right mate. Add soul to that and I have found my soulmate. Good luck to you Abigail.

07-26-2015, 06:06 PM
Cool! I'm sure we're all rooting for you. :)

07-26-2015, 06:09 PM
Good luck Abi .. I have only had one experience like yours. I was happier than I had ever been .. so I totally understand how you feel. just becareful with your heart and enjoy it all.

07-26-2015, 07:38 PM
That sounds great, Abi! Best wishes! I love stories like this. :)

07-26-2015, 07:58 PM
Hi Abi, So far so good it sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.:hugs:

07-26-2015, 08:41 PM
This may be rote by now, but sex is easy, relationships are hard.

Keep your focus on that pretty person and there should be no interference.

I'm all kinds of happy for you!

- MM

07-26-2015, 08:47 PM
Be yourself and keep expectations out of the way...just let things happen.

ShayLeigh Dominique
07-26-2015, 09:17 PM
Oh Abi! I envy you so much right now! It seems to me so rare to find a woman who understands and is accepting! I wish nothing but the best of luck and all good things for you. She sounds an amazing and most impressive lady.

07-26-2015, 10:10 PM
Wow, this is a great start! I must say that your story made me smile with envy all along. Have fun on your next date!

07-27-2015, 01:03 AM
Fabulous, I am a great believer in this "love at first starstruck moment", being happily married to welshgirl after being unable to take my eyes off her, and it is reciprocated! The best of wishes and prayers for you!

bridget thronton
07-27-2015, 01:12 AM
I hope the second date is the start of a long friendship

07-27-2015, 04:20 AM
Hi Abi,

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let this one play out and who knows . . . I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)



07-27-2015, 05:55 AM
You are indeed a lucky girl, having been through this myself a couple of times; when it works, it's one of life's greatest experiences. Best wishes.

07-27-2015, 06:05 AM
Hi Abi, Sounds like a great date. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

07-27-2015, 06:24 AM
Abi, this ones a keeper!

07-27-2015, 06:27 AM
Sounds like a great time. I hope this develops into a wonderful long-term relationship for you.

07-27-2015, 08:46 AM
hi abi,
i do feel this is the start of something incredible for you and dont think you will need any prayers....just keep being yourself
got my fingers crossed for you as well, guess it cant hurt.... must be nice to experience teenage lust at 42,
thanks for sharing things with us, let us know how things play out....

07-27-2015, 10:04 AM
Abi. god luck in this next week, I hope it goes as you wish!!

Hugs, Bria

Debra Russell
07-27-2015, 12:15 PM
.....love this read ....sounds like a movie of the week, please keep us up to date.......................................Debra

07-27-2015, 12:25 PM
You do realize that you have hit the CD mega lottery. Good luck, stay cool with it all. Don't push her, and by that I mean relationship wise. She sounds fine with the CDing aspect already. Just let it happen as it happens.

07-27-2015, 12:40 PM
Aaaaawwww!!! :bighug:

Abi, what a cool, cool happenstance for you both... :cool:

Fingers xed - Good luck! I can only wish you the best... and hope the next episode is just as romantic...

Katey x

07-27-2015, 02:13 PM
Maybe you could go out with her as Abi some day? :)

Great story. I can tell that you are so in love.

Jamie Christopher
07-27-2015, 03:15 PM
Gosh Abi great read and best of luck to you!


07-27-2015, 03:35 PM
Like everyone else, I loved reading this novella and found myself very much cheering for our heroine. I can't wait for the sequel!

07-27-2015, 03:57 PM
What a beautiful story. I wish you the best!

Sarah Louise
07-27-2015, 04:28 PM
This all sounds great. I really hope it develops further. When I read it, I couldn't help thinking that your friend, L, had deliberately had a hand in setting this up.

07-27-2015, 11:53 PM
Wow what a story! I'm keeping the fingers crossed for a happy ending!

07-28-2015, 12:29 AM
Sounds like you're in a good place and having fun.
When is she going back to Ireland?

07-28-2015, 12:34 AM
....................Nothing ventured, nothing gained. ......................
Exactly, good luck!

07-28-2015, 12:55 AM
Fingers crossed and keep your wits about you!

07-28-2015, 02:13 AM
Thank you all so much for your positivity, it means so much. I thought I would give you a little update.

We have since arranged to go out on Wednesday night for a meal. Now I'm a little confused at this point because she hinted that she wanted to bring her friend along with her and it seemed perhaps she was trying to establish some kind of friendship boundary when we were arranging it (the first step of being friendzoned possibly??). So I decided (as people have advised) not to push anything relationship wise and just go with it, so I of course told her that her friend is more than welcome to join us for dinner and inside, I just accepted it may turn into nothing after all.

So.. Yesterday afternoon after work, I went round to see her again. I had a cute peplum top that was a little too small for me to fit into and she loved the pic so I decided to gift it to her as a nice excuse for going round hehe. I also donated a gorgeous leopard print raincoat to L because I knew she loved it but that is by the by. Now I had already decided before gong in that I would just be cool and not try to press into her personal space etc.. you know, "play it cool" as it were.

So I walk in the back yard and head for the door, she sees me through the kitchen window and smiles and calls my name. As I get in the door, she comes through, wraps her arms around me, plants a big kiss on my surprised lips and squeezes me so tight that I couldn't help but smile. We cuddled for about 20 seconds, followed by another kiss. I was totally overwhelmed, hadn't expected such a strong greeting, especially after the hint at the friendzone earlier that day.

So anyway, she was tidying up preparing for L's return from her weekend away, so I helped out with moving the cooker and fridge etc and wiping down (she's a teensy bit OCD about cleaning which is never a bad thing in a woman hehe). Although we weren't in any way clingy or close, there were more than just a few further occasions of big hugs, little cuddles and big smacker type kisses. At one point we were wrapped in each others armes and she said "I'm so glad that I met you, I really am" It all felt so... comfortable somehow. I still can't work out if it's just a natural platonic intimacy that she has with people she trusts or whether it's a definite sign of more.. I certainly haven't seen her be that familiar with any others during her stay, even male friends she's known for years.

So yeah, I'm more than happy right now to keep it at friends and get dozens of kisses and cuddles whenever I see her. The word I would use to best describe my current mood with how things are would be content. I feel very very content and comfortable with where we are at and am just going to do my very best to enjoy every moment I can spend with her. I'm actually going round again later today to help L's boyfriend with some DIY so will get to see her again oh yeah and then there is Wednesday night......

So I told you that she had mentioned her friend coming along and I of course said she was welcome to... so, later that day, I took Her and her friend (her friend is N by the way.. just to save me retyping lol) to the supermarket to buy stuff for T to make dinner with, (she's a cracking little cook too I have to add after tasting her pasta). Whilst there, N was on the phone to the guy she's dating and turns round and says "I'm going to see him again on Wednesday night" with a huge smile on her face bless her. T and I look at each other and both at the same time said "oh fine.. dump us for dinner then" with a smile to show we were just jesting with her. N looks stricken and says "omg I totally forgot guys.. so sorry". We tell her it's fine, and T suggests that instead of her going to him, he can come to her and we can all go for dinner together. Which is what is now happening.

So, from feeling like I was on the edged of the dreaded FZ, I ended up with more kisses and cuddles than I've had in years, and what now "appears" to be a double date on Wednesday night. I have historically been one to push quite strongly for relationships to develop, once I fall for someone I am always eager for things to progress and develop as quickly as possible. This time however, the progression feels so natural and normal that I am as happy as a sandboy just letting it run it's course and seeing what happens. And who wouldn't be, I have a gorgeous young woman wrapping me up in affection and what does appear to be more than a little manipulation of events by her friends lol.

So let us see what today and tomorrow bring.

LeslieSD, she has already said straight out that she would love an all girls night with her, L, N and Abi and asked me yesterday when she can meet Abi. I think she flies back on Saturday, so I'm thinking of suggesting that Abi give her a lift to the airport (Saturday is my current day for Abi anyway) so at least she gets to meet her before she goes home. Then we can have that girls night when she comes back over.

Thank you all once again for your kind words of support x x x

07-28-2015, 02:33 AM
I can see a new romcom movie being filmed...based on true events! Wish you all the best Abi, hope Wednesday will be great si I can read more on Thursday!

07-28-2015, 02:50 AM
Getting to know someone is the best part. New relationships are awesome. Enjoy :-)

07-28-2015, 04:31 AM
Abi - this is really turning into a very pleasing, episodic bodice ripper... :)

Seriously - I'm getting all teary-eyed over your joy and fortune here... I really hope it works out well and keeps on running to further episodes! :cheer:

(And I heard yesterday my eldest son is dating seriously again after a 2-year hiatus so it must be the season... :D)

Katey x

07-28-2015, 04:33 AM
Abi, all I can say is," WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Just like everyone else has said, don't rush this and let things happen. All my prayers and best wishes that this relationship will develop into something more for the both of you. If you would like to hear some of my experiences, please let me know.

From a life long cross dresser,


Claire Cook
07-28-2015, 05:25 AM
Hi Abi,

What a great read, it's really like we are living this through you. We can't wait for the next installment -- so when do the girls all go out???

07-28-2015, 05:37 AM
And when it happens, it feels like the most natural thing in the world...

I have had the experience of talking about girl-makeup with a man just *happen*, like it was dailywear normal. I loved that feeling. It sounds like you are on that kind of trip. :)

- MM