View Full Version : Today's crossdressing frustration

08-09-2015, 07:50 PM
Shredding a pair of pantyhose that you had taken out of its package only moments before.

08-09-2015, 08:00 PM
That sucks! Sandie70 had a great tip though a while back, try wearing a pair of latex gloves when putting them on, no chance of a finger nail snagging or poking through 😊

Sarah Doepner
08-09-2015, 09:13 PM
Indeed, that's such a drag. I do like the suggestion, and now know what to do with those blue gloves I snatched the last time I went to the doctor. I thought it was going to be used for painting. Here's another frustration, dropping a container of pressed powder and having the powder break into hundreds of pieces, or worse, have it scatter all over the floor?

08-09-2015, 09:21 PM
Or running a new lipstick all the way out to see how much there is, and then dropping it and breaking it off.

08-09-2015, 09:22 PM
I have heard in the past freezing them before wearing the first time extends the life. I have never tried it,has anyone here tried that trick? I found a site that has a few suggestions


08-09-2015, 09:39 PM
Make sure your fingernails are smooth and have no snags. Also make sure your hands are smooth. Mens hands tend to be rough and dry, with little snags around the fingertips and nails. Just doing woodwork, or changing a tire, or working in the yard, will leave your hands rough and dry.

08-09-2015, 10:33 PM
Ahh yes, other frustrations! How about not closing the lid on your nail polish completely and tossing into you new MK purse only to find it there two days later, sigh 😳

08-10-2015, 05:43 AM

That's a good idea from Sandie, but the worse thing I find is missing a sharp edge on a toe nail and watch it shred your stockings as you pull them on ! Problem is you can't wear latex gloves on your feet !!

I keep all my belts in one bag, somehow the other day I put a lipstick without a lid in with them the leather belts are fine but the white fabric belts have some pretty stubborn red streaks on them now, another new trend started by a careless CDer !

08-10-2015, 06:38 AM
Hi Melissa Lynn, Been there and done that, Now that I keep my hands & feet nice and all 20 nails smooth I don't have that problem.:daydreaming:

Hi Sarah Charles, RE: Pressed Powder, Been there and done that too.:daydreaming:

Hi Cynthia, RE: Lipstick Been there and done that too.:daydreaming:

Hi Robin, RE: Nail Polish, Other than getting a spot on something I've had pretty good luck with it.:daydreaming:

This program can be a real learning$$$experience sometimes.:daydreaming:

08-10-2015, 06:48 AM
Such first world problems!

I want to know why, once you've got you're makeup perfect you need to blow your nose?

08-10-2015, 07:17 AM
That sucks! Sandie70 had a great tip though a while back, try wearing a pair of latex gloves when putting them on, no chance of a finger nail snagging or poking through ��

My take on Robin's suggestion is to use cotton gloves, the sort used by those who handle film negatives or books/precious items. Easy to find on the web and easier to put on/off than latex. I keep a pair in my handbag just in case.

It's another plus point for hold-ups; ruin one then just grab another.

Jocelyn Quivers
08-10-2015, 08:15 AM
Understand that one for sure, it seemed for a while that a plague of velcro had invaded my home and would end up at the oddest places near chairs, couches, beds etc. and place a nice snag in a new pair. Also my nails would always appear nice, trim, and all of a sudden SNAGGED!! At least there's always the consolation is that Leggs are not very expensive.

08-10-2015, 08:30 AM
Hi Melissa,

One of life's challenges I'm afraid. At least I managed to wear mine out once on Saturday night and only pulled them when taking them off at home. I tend to carry a spare pair in my handbag when going out.

That sucks! Sandie70 had a great tip though a while back, try wearing a pair of latex gloves when putting them on, no chance of a finger nail snagging or poking through

Robin beat me to it. I've used this one, as I've got a whole box from DIYing.

...I want to know why, once you've got you're makeup perfect you need to blow your nose?

Put me down for inclusion on this answer. :heehee:


08-10-2015, 08:35 AM
Robin's freezing idea may also help with the tuck, the whole shrinkage aspect, might have to try it.

Getting everything just where you want them and realize you need to visit the ladies one more time before you leave...

marsha leanne
08-10-2015, 09:24 AM
here is an idea i got from my aunt. Cut off the damaged leg of the pantihose and stash the rest. When you get a second leg damaged (and we will), cut that leg off and put both pairs on. One on each leg and there you have a complete pair. plus a little extra to hold the tummy in!

works best if you have both left and right legs, but you can turn one pair around if need be.

08-10-2015, 05:36 PM
I want to know why, once you've got you're makeup perfect you need to blow your nose?

That's happened to me sooo many times. But when I'm in a rush and don't have time to think about it, it doesn't happen. Must be psychological.

Alice Torn
08-10-2015, 05:45 PM
The hose frustration is a biggy. Or ripping the back zipper and cloth in a new dress. I have the problem, of my left foot different than y right foot, and it alwauys ruins the left t shoe, walking on the side of the foot ruins nice pumps, but my left foot land differently than my right.

08-10-2015, 06:11 PM
Well, in my journey, which is just beginning, yet have not had to go through this misfortune, but as several girls have warned me haha, guess it's something every girl should go, my hosiery are still intact but got the sad day for me hahaha I think Im gonna cry like a little girl when it happens, I adore hose!!

Samantha Clark
08-10-2015, 06:21 PM
I can relate to the nose after makeup and to the holes. Why is it that I notice the holes only after putting on both left and right sides of the pantyhose? And why do pantyhose always turn into a Gordian knot in the delicates laundry bag??
Arrgh! Takes 10 minutes to untangle them!!

08-10-2015, 10:27 PM

That's a good idea from Sandie, but the worse thing I find is missing a sharp edge on a toe nail and watch it shred your stockings as you pull them on ! Problem is you can't wear latex gloves on your feet !

Wow, I'll say, the other 50% of ruined hose right there!