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08-15-2015, 08:26 PM
For as long as I been wearing women's clothes it's funny that I have never been caught dressed. Came close three times and my stash was found once. It's getting to the point where I want to be caught. I'm not as cautious as I once was. Here's the scene, I'm dressed in the morning everything but makeup and nail polish. I'm so comfortable that I wouldn't care if she came home unexpectedly as she sometimes does. It would be so nice not to hide anymore. At least at home.

Candice June Lee
08-15-2015, 09:00 PM
I have gotten to where mostly i dont care who finds out. Short of family anf co workers. My wife knows and is becoming accepting. So i dont dress like i want but is becoming easier with each day of not pushing her lkmits. Letting her kinda guide how far i can go. Some days i do push the envelope. Its been going much better than i expected with her.

Oh and i am more open and happy. Not being a crab apple either.

08-15-2015, 10:27 PM
Hi Suzzi,

Well, coming out is a personal choice for sure and we all pick and choose our time when know it is right. It appears you are reaching a point where you would like your SO to know but having her catch you dressed IMHO is not the best method and may lead to confusion. If you truly want her to know it is better IMO to pick the time, sit her down and let her know. However, the reality of the big reveal is one of two options (with no middle ground): (1) she accepts on some level or; (2) exit visas. Once the bell is rung it cannot be silenced so think long and hard before making that decision.



08-15-2015, 10:48 PM
I understand that feeling. I spent my marriage unable to be me. I told my wife about it, and she scorned the very idea of it. I never dressed, I never hinted at it, though she outed me to her entire family. Now that I'm single, I don't think I'm willing to find myself in that situation again. I'm going to be me. I'd rather be single than to be in a relationship with an amazing woman who won't give me that freedom.

08-15-2015, 11:48 PM
Thanks isha

08-16-2015, 12:13 AM
Outing by accidental discovery is a bad idea.

If you really want to be found out, sit down and tell her about it.

08-16-2015, 05:43 AM
Hi Suzzi,

I'm with the others here that propose an outing on your terms and at a time of your choosing. I said it so many times before, but I used Jennifer's coming out template, adapted it to British English (sorry Jennifer :devil:), rehearsed the contents and picked my time.

Whilst she is not overly thrilled with her cross dressing husband, she will go shopping with me, suggest sales that are on and buy me femme presents. I know that desire to be out but Isha's analogous bell warning is very apt. Considering the worst case scenario, are you prepared to loose all? Good luck either way.


08-16-2015, 10:17 AM
Hi Suzzy, See line #3 in my signature.:daydreaming:

08-16-2015, 10:24 AM
I felt like that for a long time, hoping to be caught and becoming slightly careless. I'm not sure from your post if it's family or your wife you live with but I think it would be a better choice to be honest with whoever it is rather than being caught. Time and time again we read how someone who gets caught their wife freaks out thinking they are being cheated on.

This is something you do, own it, embrace it and be honest about it


08-16-2015, 10:57 AM
I agree with Blue Orchid but leaving clues is a precursor to you exploding (IMHO). I get the need to come out of the closet, if you're too hot you might set the house on fire LOL! Seriuosly though, there's a lot of stress in there and life's just plain too short! I would suggest testing the waters with some of the new media attention, maybe let her 'catch' you watching an episode of 'I am Cait' and note her response?