View Full Version : Night time bliss

08-17-2015, 10:46 AM
Hi Folks

Been off line for while (new laptop and lost passwords!), but had an opportunity to sleep in a night dress and forms etc for a few weeks.

As I have mentioned before I am in DADT situation, the SO has growing acceptance but does not want to see me en femme.

Anyway she had a bad throat infection and very disturbed nights so suggested she should sleep in another room for a while. Great idea! And she accepted that I would dress en femme. So it was on with the forms, bra and a long night dress. Lovely and this went on for nearly four weeks until we had visitors. Back to normal now - sad face!

Good to be back.


08-17-2015, 11:05 AM
Late night to morning in my bedroom is the only opportunity in the day I get to do myself up undisturbed since I live with my mom who I've yet to come out to about yet. but I'm a night owl by nature anyway and like to stay up the whole time and make the most of it, so I don't really mind that much for the time being.

08-17-2015, 12:30 PM
Hi Vikky, Some times life just gets in the way.:daydreaming: