View Full Version : larger nipples and breasts

09-07-2015, 08:20 AM
Has anyone had the experience of their nipples getting larger as a result of cross-dressing?
Second, has anyone also experienced their breasts growing as a result?

I'm not talking about chem/drug=induced gynaecomastia, but like its "just happening".

thanks, Pamela

09-07-2015, 08:44 AM
I personally havnt noticed any difference in them

Dawn cd
09-07-2015, 08:50 AM
O yes. If you wear a bra and a dress your nipples and breasts will get larger, and then your penis and testicles will drop off and a vagina will miraculously appear. It just happens.

09-07-2015, 09:11 AM
Crikey Dawn! I'm stopping now.... :eek:

Pamela - have you considered you might be putting both the egg and the chicken before the cart in your thought processes...?

If not, I strongly suggest you let the egg, chicken and cart all follow the bolting horse before stepping into the stables and closing the door behind you. :doh:

I've been pursuing this passion for 40 years and those aspects of my anatomy really haven't changed at all (for the record) - it is possible you have your causality wires crossed... :)

Katey x

09-07-2015, 09:16 AM

my wife says that my breasts have definitely gotten larger and is asking how i have done it....i have done nothing and told her that but she does not believe me. i would have to agree with her that the do seem fuller but i have no idea how that is happening. even if it is a slight natural hormonal inbalance, alas, i do they believe they will get much bigger than they currently are. my nipples seem about the same

09-07-2015, 09:49 AM
I have Nipple rings, 10 gauge, 7/8 diameter and they have DEVINITLY made my nipples stand out...
(((( HUGGS )))))

09-07-2015, 10:02 AM
I've been exercising them to get them bigger and it has worked a little, as my wife has pointed out, (No pun intended) I've also started swimming, and the breast stroke (again no pun intended) has helped, I think.
Joan your comment made me shudder, but I love your maids outfit.

09-07-2015, 10:20 AM
Too many visits to the pub?

09-07-2015, 11:18 AM
Pamela - have you considered you might be putting both the egg and the chicken before the cart in your thought processes...?
Katey x

It may be so Katey, however, my nipples are noticeably larger and have changed shape, and it seems my moobs are also bigger (bearing in mind I've lost 16kg this year, it's an odd one). I'm getting comments on them, too (now this i can place down to dresses).

lol re the pub!

09-07-2015, 11:22 AM
For me it's the other way around. Kinda like "hey, hey, hey look at these, I should get me one of them there bras...and panties...and skinny jeans...and makeup. ..and a purse...and... 😀

09-07-2015, 01:19 PM
Dawn's post (#3) is a bit sarcastic but it gets to the point. Why (medically) would you think that wearing a dress from time to time (or even all the time) would increase the size of your breasts and/or nipples. Genetic women often wear dresses and it doesn't affect their breast or nipple size. If it did, they would be wearing dresses 100% of the time, even to bed.

If you seriously believe your breasts or nipples are growing, you should mention this to your doctor to find out if it's true and why. You don't have to tell your doctor about the "wearing dresses" thing.

09-07-2015, 02:11 PM
If one is aware of the power of hypnosis (and I've helped a lady increase her cup size from AA to B - and not by getting her pregnant!) then one is aware that the mind and body affect eachother. So I just wondered, I'm not going to go to the dr, but if i did it would be in a dress!

09-07-2015, 02:40 PM
Now that's what I call a thread.

Mind you, I had a very sheltered upbringing.

Pamela, you never cease to amaze me :)

09-07-2015, 03:09 PM
I have some waterfront property in Arizona that I am willing to sell ...............................

Nikki A.
09-07-2015, 03:51 PM
I've also lost weight recently. However it seems that I'm also have more to work with. Maybe I'm wearing better fitting bras but it does seem I project more when wearing a bra than before.

09-07-2015, 04:50 PM
OTOH, there is some conjecture that reduced testosterone and the associated "male menopause" might be a factor in a person starting to dress. This is also a factor in the onset of gynecomastia.

In other words, dressing and breast development may have a common cause rather than one causing the other.

09-07-2015, 04:59 PM
If is was a function of Crossdressing ... I would be a 36DDD.

In my dreams .... but I have been taking fem vitamin(like) and I do have a small cleavage ... love that

09-07-2015, 05:27 PM
Pamela, I've dressed for years and pumped a lot of iron to make mine bigger. That worked. I'm a B size and huh, my moobs are no longer looking like male ones and I think it is the estrogen that we ingest over time from the food we eat. Also drinking from plastic bottles will give you pba induced estrogen. There are many things in our environment that is giving us estrogen. So that might be a possibility.

Donna June
09-07-2015, 06:44 PM
Oh, if only what Dawn said was true

09-07-2015, 07:39 PM
O yes. If you wear a bra and a dress your nipples and breasts will get larger, and then your penis and testicles will drop off and a vagina will miraculously appear. It just happens.


I do hope that you were not inundated with PM's requesting more information. Then again, perhaps you should have been?!?!?!


09-07-2015, 08:02 PM
I wish that was true but no. I just have slight moobs cause I was kinda chubby in my early teens and they never went away.

09-07-2015, 08:48 PM
Hi Pam, At 72 I'm still waiting but no change yet, But I will keep you advised
of any changes as they occur :daydreaming:

09-07-2015, 09:15 PM
Mine have gotten much larger...I bought 10's with the extra nipples:) lol and I love them

09-07-2015, 09:40 PM
Well my breasts have definitely gotten larger. By no means do I have large breats (42 A) but 3 years ago I was flat chested.

09-07-2015, 09:41 PM
O yes. If you wear a bra and a dress your nipples and breasts will get larger, and then your penis and testicles will drop off and a vagina will miraculously appear. It just happens.

What???? This happens?
And all this time I was worried I was gonna go blind and grow hair on my palms! :D

09-08-2015, 06:17 AM
If it is actually true, then I guess I have to go 24/7!!!!!!!


Sarah Beth
09-08-2015, 06:30 AM
I doubt it has anything to do with crossdressing. As men age there are a lot of things that can cause breasts to become larger. The most significant reason is probably a loss of testosterone, also there are several drugs taken for such things as stomach problems, and heart conditions that can cause it to happen as well. Recently my Dr. put me on a prescription for a medical issue and one of the side effects he warned me about was that my breasts might get bigger. If I had only know that years ago I would have asked for its sooner (LOL)

09-08-2015, 09:45 AM
I've had this feeling as well, but I put it down to one or more of a) aging, b) weight change, c) imagination, d) increased familiarity with & attention to that part of my body.

I do like it, though! :)

Cheryl T
09-08-2015, 10:39 AM
If that's what happens if you crossdress then will I grow to 7' and be able to dunk if I wear a basketball jersey? Or become a great surfer with long blonde hair if I wear a wet suit??
Gee, never knew all this was possible. And they just said that "clothes make the man"...little did they know of the possibilities

Angela Marie
09-08-2015, 10:46 AM
At 61 i have definitely noticed an increase in my breast size. When I wear a push up bra I really have no need for the inserts which is great since they did tend to be uncomfortable. But I think I agree with some of the posters here. It has more to do with age and other changes in our body. Just enjoy it :)

09-08-2015, 11:35 AM
half of all men end up experiencing gyno, age related ( male menopause) which starts to occur with many men in their 40's. Any type of weight gain typically will lead to breast growth, men or women. Along with that, I have heard and read from several sources that today's modern diet seems to be more estrogen producing. A mistake I find with many of the diets is the notion that we can low fat carb our way to weight loss. And of course, most people just don't get the exercise they once did, either age related or just due to modern technology.

One more thought, and it is just that from me, is that we see sooo many CDers who either desired but never acted, or kept it hidden and seldomly acted on it until their 40's and up. It could be that we may just have some extra whatever that when it comes to male menopause, that we see a little more gyno than the average guy??

Joni T
09-08-2015, 02:08 PM
Has anyone had the experience of their nipples getting larger as a result of cross-dressing?
Second, has anyone also experienced their breasts growing as a result?

I'm not talking about chem/drug=induced gynaecomastia, but like its "just happening".

thanks, Pamela

Only in your dreams.

09-08-2015, 02:32 PM
I'm sure you're onto something Gendermutt, the (potentially) better male-female balance of a CD'ers might well be reflected physically in higher estrogen naturally, at least in some of our demographic, and perhaps particularly in late-onset CD?

09-08-2015, 02:39 PM
half of all men end up experiencing gyno, age related ( male menopause) which starts to occur with many men in their 40's. Any type of weight gain typically will lead to breast growth, men or women.
Not so much. It really depends on the individual. There are plenty of middle-older age guys out there with a big belly and virtually no increase in breast size at all. And there are also a lot of fat women who don't get huge breasts as they get fatter, either.

Along with that, I have heard and read from several sources that today's modern diet seems to be more estrogen producing.
Based on observations that pre pubertal girls start to develop breasts at a younger age than normal, and of course, the study back in the 90's about some scent ingredients in OTC products that turned out to be testosterone blockers, as they were finding boys with breast 'buds' developing, which disappeared when they removed the suspect ingredients from the products.

A mistake I find with many of the diets is the notion that we can low fat carb our way to weight loss.
You probably can't 'low' carb your way to weight loss without also drastically reducing everything else as well. The only way seems to be NO carbs, read more about it in Dr Atkin's books. I can lose weight on a no carb diet without exercising; as soon as I reintroduce carbs the weight loss stops, and if I eat more than a bit, the weight comes back. And it's not a whole lot, I don't go eating a loaf of bread or anything. All it takes is is one decent serving of veggies to screw up the whole atkins thing.

There are a lot of theories about how to induce female type fatty deposits on a male body; but invariably, the people trying it think that they can take a few pills this month and BINGO! Next month they'll have 38DD boobs, a tiny waist, and a generous girly butt. Doesn't work that way for girls so why would anyone think it's going to work for guys?

09-08-2015, 03:44 PM
There's a difference between Gynecomastia and "moobs". Gynecomastia is the condition of growing actual female looking breasts with breast tissue. It's more often found in teenage boys than middle aged men. "Moobs" (man boobs) are fat. Just fat. Moobs are not shaped like female breasts, nor do they feel like female breasts.

The disadvantage to breast growth for crossdressers is, it makes it harder to find breast forms to fit properly unless you find some with a deeply concave back.

09-09-2015, 11:33 AM
Your question is a bit silly. CD per se cannot modify your body.
Of course there are environmental and aging circumstances that can... people hair turns white, people turns bald, fat, with wrinkles....If you live in Iceland your skin do not tan the same that if you live in Sudan, etc.

Of course the aging of the people bring, at a certain extend some hormonal imbalance, sometimes this is almost minimal sometimes it is not so minimal, and seldom it is a severe case. Maybe your body has crossed some "age" threshold and a slight hormonal imbalance has happen. It this has happen at a slow pace and with years, it is normal....if it has happen in 4 months I suggest you visiting a doctor...quick natural changes in our bodies are not good.

09-09-2015, 12:07 PM
O yes. If you wear a bra and a dress your nipples and breasts will get larger, and then your penis and testicles will drop off and a vagina will miraculously appear. It just happens.
LMAO - nice one! Mind you, while I can't imagine that occasional cross dressing would have any effect on breast size, it might be conceivable that habitually wearing a bra might encourage a little growth / re-distribution. Doubtful but...

It may be so Katey, however, my nipples are noticeably larger and have changed shape, and it seems my moobs are also bigger (bearing in mind I've lost 16kg this year, it's an odd one). I'm getting comments on them, too (now this i can place down to dresses).

lol re the pub!
Pamela, could it be that you're now paying more attention to the size of your moobs? Or that they have stayed the same size while the rest of you has reduced by 16kg and they therefore appear proportionately bigger?

If force of will alone could do it I'd be a 48DD without requiring forms! That would make male mode 'interesting'!

09-10-2015, 01:48 PM
I agree, at 60 I recently noticed I was developing a rather prominent pair of titties myself, one of the few benefits of ageing and being a CD

09-29-2015, 09:54 PM
I am overweight and have been since about 11 years old. I have been diagnosed with pseudo gynecomastia. I always had a little belly but my weight was always isolated to my chest and backside. The thing that got me to start dressing in femme was the fact that I was more curvaceous than most of the girls in school. I was teased, touched especially by guy friends, and I would hide a sports bra under my normal clothing. I tried losing weight and doing chest exercises but they would look bigger because my belly and my thighs would be the places my weight would come off of. My breasts looking thing like moobs because they stay full and close together. They also don't grow any hair on the entire breasts but the nipples.

09-29-2015, 10:08 PM
Yep mine just grew... But because I knew they were going to do that, I started to take HRT well before so I'd have an excuse...:doh:

OK, I'm being cheeky again :-)

09-30-2015, 05:21 AM
I have the same thoughts, but my c cups still are just as empty. Might have some fat redistribution going on? since I am a slightly over weight country boy who loves his taters and gravy.

09-30-2015, 06:20 AM
I have a natural a breast but since I started to wear a bra my nipples are now constantly erect. Not a problem at all but quite nice to find something has developed naturally. Almost makes me think of nipple rings but they might damage my forms so maybe not a god idea.

09-30-2015, 08:06 AM
Hi Pam, You haven't been playing with the vacuum pump and a couple small funnels have you ??:daydreaming:

09-30-2015, 08:15 AM
I played with a vacuum pump once, and got it wrong, pumped too hard and when I took it off I had blistered nipples which had burst!

09-30-2015, 08:47 AM
That would be hard to explain at to the folks at the emergency room.

09-30-2015, 01:05 PM
Luckily I did not need to go ! makes me smile about it now! lol

Tracii G
09-30-2015, 01:21 PM
If hypnosis actually worked on the physical body then I would do it.
It works on the mind so what good is it if you think you have big boobs but really don't?

09-30-2015, 02:14 PM
This is ridiculous. You can't change your body by wearing clothes. It doesn't even have something to do with hypnosis. The only way to make yourself more feminine is my injecting estrogen into your body.

Paula Siemen
09-30-2015, 05:15 PM
I cant say for my boobs, but try a wine bottle vacume stopper....the white one that comes with two grey stoppers. Place stoppers over nipples, apply pump and pull vigorously. Leave on for a few minutes, then pull stoppers off....may be just a little painfully.....but OMG just look how big and long your nipples are!!!!! Unfortunately..they revert to normal in a few minutes. Maybe prolonged application and reputation will create permanent change......like ear lobe plugs?

09-30-2015, 06:06 PM
Right... This had a degree of comedic value when it started but it's now straying too often into forbidden territory and this rule:

• The discussion of non-surgical breast enhancement is prohibited.

Thread closed.
