View Full Version : When I see a hot lady...

09-09-2015, 11:21 PM
Hi ladies, i'm gonna thinking in this in the last days a lot!! this question is for all the straight (born male) girls here... also I would like to hear the thoughts of everyone

The issue is... what happen when you see (in life or in pics or video) a real hot lady (GG) with a real hot outfit? you're first thought is: OMG Im gonna be with that girl, or: OMG Im wanna be that lady, or maybe: OMG I really wanna the clothes of that lady on me right now!!

Well, i'm 100% straight, and I can say sometimes I think that I wanna be with that girl and others that I wanna be her, or have their look, it depends the lady, It's rare...

What do you think about it??

09-09-2015, 11:32 PM
for me it is a fantasie.
OMGosh I wish I had that figure and I looked like that girl.
I realize I will never be her ... I then settle that I would like to be with her ... but later it ends up I tell them that I love the dress then I am by myself again.
Happened to my last 2 gf's

cycle goes over and over again.

09-09-2015, 11:32 PM
For me I'm happy married and I would have to say there good looking but also some outfits come to mind what would that look like on me and in some occasions I think to myself if I was a women could I pull something off like that kinda makes me try harder to be a try lady fig if ya know what I mean

09-09-2015, 11:45 PM
Good topic Ninna and I for one think about it daily! I am 100% hetero (based on my birth gender at least ☺) and I know being very happily married I don't want to be WITH her, knowing I missed the boat to BE her (thinking about it, no regrets at all really, hey I'm still KINDA cute right?)...honestly, I'd like to be her friend...I hope that doesn't sound too weird....second thought, who cares if I sound weird 😄

Adriana Moretti
09-10-2015, 12:02 AM
hmmm can i say i think ALL those thoughts LOL xoxo

Lily Catherine
09-10-2015, 12:10 AM
There has always been a part of me that wishes to look like a beautiful girl and dress in beautiful clothes. I can cope and have been coping with that for long enough. Try as I may however, to actually perfectly replicate those looks is an asymptote at best for both face and figure.

09-10-2015, 12:48 AM
Well most of the times it is a thinking pattern like: wow she's stunning, I love her make up/clothes the suit her so so well. Ooee and those heels/dress I would love to try those on.
Additionally I will complete the thinking pattern with: I would do her in a heartbeat.
Being hee never comes to mind I'm to realistic for that. And I like being myself.

susan jackson
09-10-2015, 01:17 AM
This question always reminds me of the quote that is attributed to Ed Gein:

"When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants me to take her out, talk to her, be real nice and sweet and treat her right, the other part was what her head would look like on a stick..."

09-10-2015, 01:57 AM
Depends on the girl and the outfit.

09-10-2015, 03:19 AM
I suppose it is an odd sort of thing to look at a beautiful woman and think "Oh baby!" at the same time as "I wonder where she got that skirt?" but I can live with it :thumbup:

Dana does shopping
09-10-2015, 03:41 AM
Many thoughts ... from oh that bitch ... to how did she get those eyes so right? Nothing, I repeat Nothing is more competitive on this planet than the initial thoughts that roll through your head when you see/meet a real stunner.

09-10-2015, 03:46 AM
all of those things Ninna but also: it depends on the outfit as to whether I'd want it for myself/could pull off wearing it, and as i'm happy married I wouldn't act on the feeling (its another entire thread/thing to talk about the number/% of ladies who are not properly cared for). I don't want to "be" that girl, I do like to admire her, but I must say society often does not like too much jaw-dropping staring! :-))

what I most envy is a nice cleavage, not too big, just right.

09-10-2015, 05:50 AM
Ninna, it probably depends on the girl, the outfit. Lately its been more the outfit than the girl, but who knows why.

09-10-2015, 06:16 AM
Hi Ninna, When a particular lovely lady really catches my eye I like to take in the whole picture then dissect the look
and make mental notes of her look and the whole outfit that she is wearing. :hugs:

In my next dressing session I will try to duplicate that look as best as I can.:daydreaming:

09-10-2015, 06:20 AM
Now days i wish i could be her full heartly, hugs.

Karen RHT
09-10-2015, 08:34 AM
In my younger days, I had all the thoughts you expressed Ninna. Depended on the day, and my mood at the time.

Nowadays, my thoughts are more along the lines of "Wow...good for her. You got it all girl, go for it and enjoy."


09-10-2015, 08:44 AM
I still start with the "wow that is a good looking girl". Although, this may come with years of training.

Then I usually take note of the outfit. Lately, I have been analyzing the style and make up as I try to learn.

Lastly, I have the jealousy thing. As in, "Why do they get to wear such wonderful things and we are drab :("

Kate Simmons
09-10-2015, 11:06 AM
I kind of tend to think all three myself. :battingeyelashes::)

Rachael Leigh
09-10-2015, 11:27 AM
I know for me I usually think I would love to look that good in my clothes. For me I think it is mostly about the look and feel of how the clothes are. I also pay attention to the makeup and wonder could I ever do that look

Alice Torn
09-10-2015, 11:36 AM
First, there is no way i could be with any lady i see. Second, i want to imitate her look! Gabby, I so agree. Sometimes envy and jealousy, some resentment, that we guys are not allowed to do what they do, without negative reactions,.

09-10-2015, 11:45 AM
I agree with several of the others here. First thought is always "wow, she looks great"! Which is almost always followed by "I wonder where she got that dress and if they have it in my size"? I take a mental snapshot of her look and try my hardest to recreate it in the future. It's great to be able to appreciate female beauty from two perspectives!

<3 Lauren

Debra Russell
09-10-2015, 11:49 AM
my thoughts.........totally envious....................Debra

09-10-2015, 12:27 PM
If I see a really, physically attractive woman out and and about my first thoughts come from my hetero boy side which are, "wow, I'd really love to be naked with her for a couple of hours." My married side then justifies looking by thinking, "just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu."

Then when the pig in me (in other words the boy) gets hold of himself and start thinking from the female side of me... depending on the outfit and how it accentuates her figure I think, "that skinny bitch. Why can't I have curves like that."

Ending with, "God, she is beautiful. I wonder how she did her makeup. I'd love to look like her for a couple of hours."

09-10-2015, 01:38 PM
I always wonder how I would look in her outfit, which is usually what attracts me to her in the first place

Jessie James
09-10-2015, 04:10 PM
Usually it starts with the desire to wear the outfit, then comes the envy of not having the right shape to fill out said outfit and lastly there is lusting after the woman herself, which doesn't happen very often.


09-10-2015, 05:13 PM
Stage 1) WOW She is hot, but we are in a supermarket or something and she is minding her own business so that's not going to happen. Don't want to come across as a creep.
Stage 2) I love the outfit.. I think that's why I am attracted to her. I am now jealous and hate her and only want what she has.
Stage 3) Trying to look at the outfit but not make it look like I am looking at her body in a creepy way. Because when ever I do this they have some psyche way of knowing they are being checked out.
Stage 4) I want to know where she got them from and buy them and ware them myself. Like now.
Stage 5) Thinking about her and that body that I do not have.
Stage 6) Looking at online woman's clothing stores trying to find a similar style / body.

09-10-2015, 05:16 PM
Number one, I'd like to be with that girl.
Number two, I'd like to wear that girls clothes.
Number three, I'd like to be that girl.

Kandi Robbins
09-10-2015, 05:27 PM
I'm old, so I know there's not much I could do with a hot young woman anyway. I have begun actually mentally evaluating a woman's look, how she presents herself more so than how hot she is or what she's specifically wearing. I really don't get clothes envy with regard to what a woman is wearing, but I do get clothes envy when shopping and seeing a pretty dress just calling my name.

09-10-2015, 05:50 PM
Also wanted to say the term "drab" can go both ways. Its not like I want to dress like every woman I see.

Jazzy Jaz
09-10-2015, 06:18 PM
I mostly would love to have her body but i also would totally be attracted to her. I would envy her clothes but if i had her body they wouldnt matter cause id have plenty of options.

09-10-2015, 06:41 PM
In % terms I would say 75% of me would want to be that girl, 20% to be with that girl and the last 5% the have the clothes.

09-10-2015, 07:34 PM
When I see a pretty girl I get a crush... When I see a "hot" girl I imagine being her. Hmm... I'll have to bring this up with my shrink :).

09-10-2015, 08:06 PM
it really depends how far into the fog I am, if I'm neutral it ranges from wow I wanna jump bones with her to just wow. If I'm waxing feminine It can result in me admiring their look or envying their look. Though they always look baffled when I complement them on their make up or jewelry or even their cloths

Lori Kurtz
09-10-2015, 08:52 PM
For me it's a mix of feelings, just as the pleasures of dressing up were a mix of feelings for me. My pleasure as a CD was in becoming the kind of woman I would most desire, and then acting in the ways that I would want to act toward me. The male me always loved the way the female me turned the male me on, and the way she obviously wanted to satisfy the male me sexually. And then the two of us would have a wonderful time together. Likewise, when I see a really hot woman, the pleasure of that experience includes just seeing that luscious body and the wonderful way she is displaying it (and I imagine, whether it's true or not, that she is displaying it that way for men like me), and at the same time, I imagine myself having that body, and wearing those clothes, and walking the way she is walking, and making me feel what I'm feeling when I look at her. All fantasy at this point, but pleasurable nonetheless.

09-11-2015, 01:54 AM
It very much depends on the mood I'm in Ninna. When I'm out with friends in male mode I can pretty easily switch off my feminine side so when I see a hot lady I always just want to be with her. But other times when I'm feeling feminine I like to go out into town on my own and watch the ladies to look how they walk, how they act, how they are dressed etc. And yes then I often think how it would be like to actually be a real woman or how that particular dress I saw would look on me. But yesterday for instance it was a mix of feelings. I was at a wedding where I saw lots of pretty women all dressed up beautifully and I wanted the whole package. Be with them, be like them and most of all dress like them. A bit greedy perhaps?

09-11-2015, 04:44 AM
I don't have different modes, my eyes and interest are directed towards any attractive woman.

However, I definitely judge her on her outfit and style.

Lacey New
09-11-2015, 07:08 AM
I fantasize that I could be her twin lesbian partner

09-11-2015, 08:22 AM
Hmmm I guess it goes like this..I know shes checking me out .and I know she is thinking my goodness that is one hot sexy women there and she is envying me .Even thow she knows im a man... ohhh ooops its suppose to be what I think..lol well probably how she is dressed and that I want to look like her and then be with her..

Brandy Mathews
09-11-2015, 01:28 PM
I see a beautiful woman like that and I want to be her. Can't help the thoughts. And I am 100% straight too. Just wish that I had a girlfriend in my life that would enjoy it too, miss that so bad.
Bree :)

Ally 2112
09-11-2015, 07:10 PM
Attracted to her yes .Do i want be her no .I just want to look as good as she does in that outfit

09-11-2015, 11:03 PM
A real ADD moment: She's hot . . . nice dress . . . if only i were younger and . . . love those shoes . . . looks like she was poured into that outfit . . . that has to be a professional makeup job . . . love to lay my head between those and go . . . OMG, is that a Coach . . .

Natalie cupcake
09-11-2015, 11:10 PM
Like others have said depends on the day. I try to take note of everything makeup, clothes, shoes, personality, and of course the girl herself.

Melanie 0339
09-12-2015, 03:26 AM
When I see an attractive GG my thought process seems to go along the following lines, firstly the man in me thinks wow she's really sexy then I think I want to wear what your wearing in a vain attempt to look as good as that. Then I start to break down her look what she's wearing how she wears it, hair, makeup, shoes, etc... And hopefully use it to make myself more femmine. A three point process really I suppose.
1. Attraction/lust
2. Envy
3. Learning
I've also noticed that to some extent I'm doing this with other CDs aswel

09-12-2015, 08:09 AM
I look at the girl's outfit and note how they dress, from accessories to makeup. From there I use that to improve myself as Wendy.

09-12-2015, 11:58 AM
Well I don't want to be with the lady, because I already have the best one. I don't want to be that lady, because, then I wouldn't have the great woman I have now. But, oh yes I do fantasize for the clothes she's wearing. My wife and I always laugh about that. Daviolin

09-12-2015, 05:24 PM
All of the above. First I want to be with her. Followed by I wonder what I would look like? Then from the dungeons of my brain. How it would be to be Her!

09-12-2015, 05:48 PM
When I started grad school, my Dad told me that I would meet some people who were way out of my league intellectually. Everyone in grad school will have that experience. He advised not to compete with them, but to learn from them. The same advice applies here. I cannot compete femme on femme with a hot chick in a killer outfit, but I can learn from her and look better my next time out.

09-13-2015, 12:58 AM
My initial thought Is usually I want to be with that girl but quickly turns to wanting to be. Gosh I wish I could be petite!!! It's funny because all my friends are tiny and are always like I wish I could be big.. Grass is always greener..

09-13-2015, 09:35 PM
It really depends on my mood, and which side of me is in charge at the time. For me, it's hard to come off casual when you're checking someone out for their look, and not their looks :)

amy canada
09-13-2015, 11:36 PM
I always see the hot girl first before I see her outfit. The outfit doesn't really matter if the girl doesn't have the looks to match.

theresa renee
09-14-2015, 05:46 AM
that depends - what is she wearing, and is it my size?

09-14-2015, 12:22 PM
I want to be her!

09-15-2015, 08:14 PM
Somehow I do not get attracted to a hot girl. But a hot cross-dresser or a transgender woman,it's a different matter. First thing I check out my physique and compare to her. If comparable then I fantasise to be with her wearing same type of outfit. I fantasise on guys wearing saree

09-18-2015, 10:30 PM
I'm usually more attracted to the clothes women wear. If I see a girl in a dress I'll look. Dress and heels, I keep glancing. Dress heels and nylons, I can't stop staring. I'm a 1000% straight guy. But dang, I just love feminine clothing.

Ann WA
09-19-2015, 01:43 AM
Oh how I wish I had the cloths with the boobs and the butt to go with it.

09-19-2015, 04:07 AM
Usually, just stunned admiration.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

09-20-2015, 09:11 PM
I want to be the hot lady but still have my brain and thoughts.

Veronica putters
09-21-2015, 02:15 AM
If i see a good looking women and she has on a nice outfit i often think i would love to be her.. at the same time i want to put on her clothing... if i could dress 24/7 then i would

09-21-2015, 12:31 PM
I want to be the hot lady but still have my brain and thoughts.
I would also!

09-21-2015, 02:13 PM
It's all about the look - the clothes, the shoes, the accessories, the style, the hair and make-up, the walk. This is a limitless preoccupation of mine. Occasionally I'll find a woman to be sexually attractive, but then it's less about the look and more about her aura. Confession - usually it's just envy!

09-21-2015, 02:53 PM
Oh my Ninna, Yeah well I've been with and have seen many beautiful women. They way they walk in the heels with that short skirt and a nice blouse. Ewe la la. I do want to emulate them and they sure are role models.

09-21-2015, 04:57 PM
Depends on the woman and the outfit she's wearing. If the woman is petite or very curvy, I tend to focus on her as I could never wear her outfits but if it's a taller girl closer to my height then I'm usually more focused on her outfit and will usually start daydreaming about what I'd look like wearing her outfit

Danielle Hyatt
09-21-2015, 06:42 PM
All 3 for me!!

09-21-2015, 09:42 PM
When I see a woman or hot lady in a outfit that I really like the first thing I like to think about is how amazing that outfit would look like on me and I just can't get how it hugs her body and wondering how that would fit me. I am not attracted to women sexually so I can't say that I want to have sex with her but I am envious of the things that she has that I don't like breasts and her genitalia but no sexual feelings at all.

09-22-2015, 02:18 PM
As the s.o. to a cd it is nice to know he is checking out her clothes and not her...and if he is i dont know it. ...lol.

09-24-2015, 09:08 AM

If she is Haut and confident.. dominant even, i would wonder how i should dress for her, or what she would insist i wear. A dizzy trip to fantasy land.

Or sometimes it is OMG where did you buy THAT, i would feel so yummy in that dress/heels/lingerie.

Best of all is that woman who has hit a perfect moment. Like everybody else for a block you just stare and bask in her radiant beauty, without wanting.

09-24-2015, 10:10 AM
At times I will admire an outfit a woman has on, and it has nothing to do with whether she is beautiful or not. It is all about the clothes.

09-24-2015, 10:33 AM
As an elder I see many young women that do nothing for me. At best I see them as cute. I see many women whose ensembles are terrific. I'd say, if I were not married to the woman of my life, women in their forties are the most attractive. Many exhibit an air of maturity and confidence. Yes, I do see many outfits those women are wearing that I would love to try on. One of the reasons I love to watch "Wheel of Fortune" is Vanna White. She is 58 years young. When the show does flash backs to prior years and I compare her looks now to then, I will definitely take now. I like the challenge of the show, but, I really love watching Vanna turn those letters. It's a nightly fashion show. I almost love watching the women who give the weather forecasts. I don't know if there is some plot out there or competition among the television stations, but, it seems most of the women wear more form fitting dresses than most, and, have very nice figures.

PS: I wish those who post pictures on the forum would clearly state where they bought their dress/skirt/blouse, and, the brand/manufacturer. Sometimes I'd really love locating some of the dresses I see on this forum.

09-24-2015, 02:15 PM
No doubt, the first thing I think is "I want those clothes on me"

09-24-2015, 11:35 PM
I MEET HER,I date her then secretly try on her oufits when she is sleep our leaves me alone in her room.

cause I am BAD LIKE THAT!

12-04-2015, 07:16 PM
I am attracted but I often think of myself in her clothes. Just last week I saw a beautiful woman in a jeans skirt and absolute killer boots, and I saw myself in that outfit. So that took precedence.

12-04-2015, 07:22 PM
I wish I could look like that
I wish I had her boobs
I wish I could wear that short skirt
She is soooooo beautiful

12-04-2015, 10:35 PM
I agree with most of you, sometimes I want to "Do" her, but other times I want to "Be" her... and yes, I always wonder how I would look in an outfit like hers....

Lori Kurtz
12-08-2015, 08:47 PM
... the first thing I think is "I want those clothes on me"
Well, kind of similar for me, except there are two thoughts: one is "I want those clothes on me", and the other is "I want to have that body to put some clothes like that on."

Brandy Mathews
12-08-2015, 08:52 PM
I think all of those thoughts too but mostly......I'd like to be her.
Bree :)

Janine cd
12-08-2015, 10:15 PM
I would look at her outfit, hair and makeup. Then I would wonder how I would look wearing the same clothes, trying the same hairdo, and doing the same makeup. What really would make me envious would be wishing that I looked as young and beautiful as see.