View Full Version : Update on me

Alexa Lynne
09-19-2015, 03:42 AM
Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a while. I just wanted to give everyone a brief update.

I just finished my 7th week on HRT. Got my E and T levels checked for the first time. My Testosterone is virtually non-existant (15), and my Estrogen is at 801.3. I am told yes, it is high, but my doctor says i am ok, and not to worry. I feel fine overall. My gender dysphoria is at an all time high, and i've had a rough past couple of weeks with my SO. She's still not accepting of any of this, but we are fighting for our marriage. I still am hiding from her co-workers and music students, but i'm pretty much out to everyone else. The only time I go out in public with girl clothes on is when I go visit my friends, attend Support group meetings and go see my doctor. I also wear them around the house as well.

I'm not shaving as much anymore (legs/arms once a week, face once a week, other places every 2 weeks or so. My face is starting to thin out a bit. My boobs HURT like hell. I'm moody, irritable, and i cry on occasions.

I'm doing quite well, and will post again sometime. Take care!


09-19-2015, 04:51 AM
Glad you're doing well in yourself Alex... sorry to hear about the ongoing struggles with your SO but this has to be the toughest thing to grasp - at least it sounds like she's fighting for you both rather than against you... :)

It's a 'long game' this one (yes - I know it's not a game, just figuratively...) - so be patient and pace yourself...

Katey x

09-19-2015, 06:52 AM
Hi Alexandria, It sounds like you are on your way, Are you keeping a log and pictures on your progress.

I wish you all the best on your new life's journeys,
May all of your paths be covered with Rose Petals & Sunshine. :hugs:

Sara Jessica
09-19-2015, 08:57 AM
Just an amazing story. You have gone to shaving your legs for the first time (and that being quite the difficult milestone as you described) to completing 7 weeks of HRT in less than three months (going out in public for the first time in this midst of all this, among other thing). All while having a SO who is completely against the notion of transgender being real, let alone the transition of her husband. Simply amazing.

09-19-2015, 09:46 AM
The thinning of body hair, and facial hair after 7 weeks of HRT. Is miraculous. Keep up the good work. You go girl.

Alexa Lynne
09-19-2015, 08:32 PM
Hi Alexandria, It sounds like you are on your way, Are you keeping a log and pictures on your progress.

I wish you all the best on your new life's journeys,
May all of your paths be covered with Rose Petals & Sunshine. :hugs:

I'm not keeping up with pictures or anything. I want to forget how i looked before transition. The only time i look in the mirror is when i shave. That's when i notice facial changes. I'm starting to work on voice training, but i'm not so sure I will be able to accomplish that. I may just have to deal with my deep male voice. Not all mtf transgenders do voice training. Although I would like to have a girly voice, i'm not sure it's possible.

09-19-2015, 09:34 PM
damn girl, sounds like you're going through a rough patch, but will be worth it when you've finished you'll be who you want to be :) stay strong Alexandria

char GG
10-01-2015, 04:06 AM
I understand that you are going through a rough time, however, how did you expect your wife to react!??? She married a man - now, through no fault of her own, is married to a "woman". It is difficult. While you are celebrating, she is dying inside.

10-01-2015, 09:22 AM
i will offer support and kudos...support for you and your SO in your relationship and kudos for your personal efforts. it is a razors edge we walk to keep both satisfied..good luck