View Full Version : Fully dressed or mixed clothes?

09-25-2015, 02:23 AM
I'm very new to letting myself crossdress and I have noticed that what I really want it to just ad a nice blouse to my regular jeans, or just have my nails painted. Is there anyone else that has this same feeling?

I would enjoy fully dressing, although I don't have a full outfit yet, but I want to just integrate fem clothes into my wardrobe.

colleen ps
09-25-2015, 03:45 AM
I can relate to this. I am often in leggings or skirt with men's tops! sometimes feminine tops with my mens jeans, and i always have my toes painted and occasionally my finger nails. other times i dress fully feminine with shape wear and makeup and wig, other times i am fully male. It is never always a conscious decision, I just put on what i fancy at any particular time. The only time i never think of going fully female is if i have family over.

I have only ever had one comment in public whilst in mixed mode and that was a little boy who shouted " Look Dad, that man has blue toenails! " His dad looked at me and mouthed "Sorry". I just laughed and carried on shopping. My Wife thought it amusing too.

Just do/wear whatever you want. it's your life, so its your decision.

Paula J
09-25-2015, 04:19 AM
Yes, I do this all the time. My toes are always painted. As soon as I get home from work, off come the boots and socks. On go a pair of leggings or girly shorts. Or sometimes a pair of girls jeans. And just whatever shirt I've worn that day or a t-shirt. I usually only dress completely on the weekends. So, yeah, as long as I'm not at work, or around any family members (other than my wife), I am in some varying degree of femme.

09-25-2015, 05:13 AM
Hi Hunter, Welcome to our forum, When you are here you are home.:hugs:

It's fun to play (Mix & Match).:daydreaming:

Jazzy Jaz
09-25-2015, 05:27 AM
I have no problem with people dressing mixed but i personally only dress as one or the other. I think when i dress enfemme i am trying to feel as female on the outside as i can. I dont wear female pants/shirts etc, i like dresses and skirts and such. Dont care for flats, just 5-6 inch heels. When im dressed as a man i just wear tshirt, jeans/sweats, hoodie etc.

09-25-2015, 06:04 AM
Welcome to the forum Hunter,

Personally, I feel the more of us who tweak the edges of dressing by doing what you suggest, the better. It is a good pacing of society into fluid dressing styles. I'm most of the time (99%) wearing ladies clothes, toenails painted mostly, fingernails the majority of the time, rarely wig or makeup. I'm enjoying the autumn season entering, giving rise to boots time!

Candice June Lee
09-25-2015, 06:16 AM
Depending on what or where we are going, I will dress/underdress in a fluid mix of whatever I feel like. Usually a woman's top or bottom and a guys opposite. Though I rather enjoy being completely enfem, I am working myself into more weekend enfem time. Sometimes it's just not practical, just ask a gg about heels and packing a house or cleaning and cooking.

09-25-2015, 07:52 AM
I am new to "letting myself crossdress" as well. I am still trying to figure out what fits and looks good but I can see myself underdressing with just a pair of women's jeans. If I could dress at home I would totally be happy with any piece of femine clothing. Even just a femme cut Tee or girls or tights would make me happy. I guess that puts me more in the fluid kind of girl/boy./

09-25-2015, 08:38 AM
I think you should dress in any manner that makes you feel great. For me..it's the full ensemble from wig down to heels and everything feminine in between. Although I do not own any feminine pants I can understand MtF crossdressers wearing them. I think it is associated with the era in which a person grows up and matures. I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's and in my urban neighborhood absolutely no woman wore pants. Yes, there was ONE. She was also DIVORCED! OMG, you'd think a divorce woman wearing pants was the sign of the devil. Anyway, in my daughter's generation there were a lot of women who did wear/mix male clothing with women's clothing. I'm sure all those television commercial showing a beautiful woman parading around in her man's flannel shirt and her panties has instilled that image of female sexuality in the brain of a MtF crossdresser.

So, whatever makes you comfortable.....go for it!

09-25-2015, 08:56 AM
I'm not out to anyone including my wife about how i like to dress full femme but the weird thing is there are girl clothes (girls skinny jeans and boy-short undies) that my wife prefers to see me wearing. She says my boxer briefs (kind of combination boxers and tighty whities) get all bunched up and look gross and men's jeans are too baggy and don't fit my small frame very well. The girl jeans I have don't have anything that identify them as 'for girls' like butterflies or unicorns on the butt pockets :D, they're just low rise and cut a little differently .

Anyway, so when I get home after work, I get out of my biz casual slacks/Dockers and into a pair of skinny jeans on top of whatever girl undies I might be wearing. I don't usually wear my really tight jeans out and about but there are some sizes that I have that are snug enough to fit the way my wife likes (and frankly I do, too) yet just enough bagginess to not cling too tightly. I even tuck my dangly bits back a little to give a smooth appearance in the front although my tshirt usually covers that area up a little.

I don't have a femme walk though nor do I have really very feminine gestures and grace so I guess it's more like a guy just wearing tight jeans.

~Sayyidah 'Sue'

09-25-2015, 10:17 AM
I pretty much am always under-dressed, wearing panties rather than male underwear. I do a fair amount of 'stealth dressing' - where I am wearing jeans, belts or other clothes from the ladies section, but which can pass for male clothes. I've occasionally left my nails done in a subtle manner while in male mode, but that's it.

But for me, if any of the items in my outfit are clearly feminine, I need to do a fully feminine presentation, with wig, forms, makeup and all. I wouldn't wear my breast forms under male clothes, or wear a skirt in male mode. It just doesn't feel right for me.

09-25-2015, 11:18 AM
Always underdressed, female jeans, tops of some sort, femme shoes(not high heels), jewelry, hair down and make-up(less is more),polished nails and my purse. Starting to wear skirts out now in lieu of jeans. I started with just one item and now dress in my "femme" male mode now as regular day wear, not for everyone but works for me. Good luck in finding your style.

Sarina Curtis
09-25-2015, 11:23 AM
I'm pretty much always under-dressed. Panties and nylons/stockings on the bottom and often a sports bra that doesn't stick out too much on top. The only time I'm in full drab is when I know I'll have to undress in a public-type setting such as when we went to the local swimming pool (which meant I had to remove my pedicure! sniffle).

Kelli Jo-ann
09-25-2015, 01:20 PM
I often wear women's jeans to town. My favorites are American Eagle artist bootcut. Sometimes I tuck, sometimes I don't . That's about as far as I can go in my hometown. My wife puts the limitations on me.

09-25-2015, 01:28 PM
It's really nice to know that I don't have to be fully dressing. I'm not sure I'm ready for that anyways. So a pair of skinny jeans with a plain shirt feels the best. Thanks everyone for the input!!!

09-25-2015, 02:47 PM
Hunter - you can do anything you wanna do! :)

It's possible that how we express this part of ourselves may be influenced by why we feel motivated to do so... but you should do what you feel comfortable with. :cheer:

'Mixed-mode' seems very much easier than 'Full-femulation' for a day-to-day expression, but for me I just feel right about the full transform and the feeling it gives me - however transient - seems to suffice until the next time...

We should each follow our own individual muse for what feels right as there are no rules... (except I do have copies of 'The Crossdressers Rule Book', 2015 edition with the foreword by Caitlyn J available for only $195 + $50 global shipping + taxes... and if anyone's daft enough to pay by PayPal the package might just get lost in the post... ;))

Katey x

09-25-2015, 05:06 PM
You will find that there is quite a variety of answers to your question. We are all different and crossdress for many different reason. I, for one, like to wear a skirt and nylons simply because I find that more comfortable and relaxing. I do not for a moment try to look like a woman; I don't wear high heels, jewellery, bra or makeup. I'm just a man in a skirt. Frequently I use old masculine shirts that are well worn and no longer suitable for wearing in male mode, as tops with my skirts. Since I never venture outside what I wear is my own business, even if it does not match well. Usually it's OK. I underdress all the time, except for medical visits. When I go outside, though, it's all male attire except for underdressing.
Back to your question: Do what makes you happy & comfortable and if you venture outside think if you are OK with the image you present. If so, go for it.

I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's and in my urban neighborhood absolutely no woman wore pants. Yes, there was ONE. She was also DIVORCED! OMG, you'd think a divorce woman wearing pants was the sign of the devil.

I grew up in the same time period, and only a "loose" woman would wear trousers.

Just before the turn of the century, I think it was easier to see a man in a skirt, than a woman. Things have changed in the last few years and women are back in skirts, and look feminine again. And I'm glad.

Nikki A.
09-25-2015, 05:55 PM
I will do a bit of mixed mode dressing. All my jeans are women's although not obviously so. Panties are the norm and some of my shoes are from the woman's side of the aisle, again not too obvious (usually). I also have some tops that I do wear in mixed mode.
Both of my ears are pierced with a diamond stud in each and my nails have clear polish on them.
I also do go out fully dressed but not as often as I used to do to time and freedom constraints. When I do though I really do enjoy my Nikki time.

09-26-2015, 10:33 AM
I have mixed and matched for many years, my favourite is to underdress, i pretty much wear panties all the time now, that is very much part of my life, if I go out on a weekend I love to wear panties, bra and if the weather is okay for it then hold ups under my trousers, I love to drive in low heels, it is fun and it makes me feel happy to mix and match, i don't go out fully dressed, I am a million miles off being passable, but I love to dress, so mix and match works perfect for me when out of the house and sometimes in the house too

You will find your happy place

Dana L
09-26-2015, 10:48 AM
I also mix men's and woman's clothes. Mostly because I refuse to wear all men's clothes and partly out of necessity. Of course panties are a must, I don't even own any men's underwear. A bra is also a must weather it's to push them up or to flatten them down. Men's jeans don't even fit me anymore so all my jeans are women's. I mostly wear men's shirts and my shoes are a mix between men's and women's. there are several women's shoes that can pass as men's. Keeping perfectly pedicured toes is a must. Do what makes you happy and balance how much of your feminine side you're willing to let people see.

09-26-2015, 11:13 AM
Panties or shapewear all the time, but no mixing of metaphors. It is pretty much Either/Or for me to this point. I live in a town of 11,000 people. I was in the grocery store a couple of weeks ago and saw 4 people I knew from work. Then again, perhaps after October 10, I won't give a s++t...


09-26-2015, 12:04 PM
It's whatever makes you feel good and doesn't "out" you in public more than you want. My routine dress for work is male (slacks and polo short) but I femme it up with women's clogs/shoes with a 2" heel that look unisex, small women's sport watch, copper/brass bracelets, earrings (both ears, small hoops for work) and a gemstone necklace. I work on a military base and haven't had any issues. Had some interesting conversations but I'm open about how different I look. Always stretching public perception a little at a time.

At home I'll go more full femme in skirts and dresses, but lately I've been content to wear my male skinny jeans with 4" wedge heels and that makes all the difference! Right now I'm in 4" wedge heels, skinny men's jeans, matching men's t-shirt (soft fabric) with a cute matching shrug that really femmes the look. All that with the jewelry I mentioned above. When I go out to brunch with my wife in a few minutes all I'll change is the shoes and take off the shrug. Loving it.

All the best,

09-26-2015, 12:10 PM
While it would be so much easier to throw a tshirt on with leggings or sweat pants with a blouse I have to go fully female or I don't feel complete. With that said I don't mind wearing male clothes as part of my outfit but only in the sense a GG would such as a hoody or skate shoes or a baseball cap

09-26-2015, 02:15 PM
I wear mixed clothing all the time. Even at work I usually wear women's penny loafers with my suits. For the most part, I have found certain articles of women's clothing more comfortable and practical. Women's jeans and leggings have stretch that is usually more comfortable than men's equivalents. Women's shorts are shorter and not the crazy baggy look that men's shorts have. Pantyhose and tights are great for warmth and support, particularly in the winter. They are also great for keeping my legs from building up too much fluid while flying. Ballet flats and mary-janes are great because they don't put as much pressure on the top of my foot. Flats are great for slipping on and off in the airport security line. Never had one negative comment when mixing clothes in public.

The more people who do this, the more accepting these styles will become.

phylis anne
09-26-2015, 02:30 PM
quite a lot of feedback here.
I dress somewhat blended tomboyish if you will ,as I have a bit of the co mastica going on I wear a soft bra , some nice mid to hi waist panties ,need to lose some more baggage to wear anything approaching sexy ,a v neck ladies t w/long sleeves ,lady wrangler jeans, some unisex type shoes and if I am feeling right some girlie socks, you have to look close to see how much is actually girls clothes some do not notic some make the connection might be that my chest is not that obvious as with gyno i am actually aa/a so I do not use forms I am pretty comfortable anywhere like this so like th eothers have said go with what makes you happy and comfy then it will help you build more confidence
hugs phylis anne

09-26-2015, 03:04 PM
I'm kinda Tom Boy even en femme but I hear ya Hunter! Ladies skinny jeans totally work for me and a ladies tshirt but nothing with a big kiss on it (I just like the fit)...oh yah, and clear nail polish!

09-26-2015, 08:23 PM
not sure how to answer this question?

i do still have just a couple "guy" things. and the required work clothing.

but everything else i own came from the womans dept.
yes even the "dressed as guy"'clothing.

if there was a way to "adjust" my work clothing order forms, it would order ladys pants and tops for me.

under it all has been womens for a couple decades

09-27-2015, 01:54 AM
I'm kinda Tom Boy even en femme but I hear ya Hunter! Ladies skinny jeans totally work for me and a ladies tshirt but nothing with a big kiss on it (I just like the fit)...oh yah, and clear nail polish!

I feel simmilar to you, but if I was brave enough the polish would be a dark green. 💚

I have a few more questions.
What does gg stand for?
what is under dressing exactly? Is it what I'm describing?
Also what do I call everybody on here? I've seen ladies a few times but I'm not sure if that's what everyone wants to be called. I don't want to offend.

Andrea Renea
09-27-2015, 05:33 AM
I dress both ways.

Yesterday afternoon my wife and I went out shopping at Hanes Mall in Winston Salem NC.

I was dressed in ladies boot-cut jeans, womens saucony running shoes gray/yellow/teal,
a Champion compression bra with small forms ,and a men Reebok long sleeve t-shirt. Toes were
polished inside my shoes.

No one gave me a second look. Even my wife didn't know I had the forms on till I told her.

09-27-2015, 05:52 AM
"GG" : genetic girl. aka: born as.

under dressing: womens things under your drab clothing.

Claire Cook
09-27-2015, 05:56 AM
Interesting thread! When I started going out, it was all or nothing (well, except the undies since I don't have any of the male undie stuff...). Now I'm finding that women's shorts and slacks fit me better, so even in male mode -- except at work -- I wear them most of the time, plus clear nail polish and femme ear studs. Maybe I'm too chicken to do full femme without a wig and forms ... but to each her own. It's great that some of you can.

Lydia Hamilton
09-27-2015, 06:00 AM
I think one should be comfortable. Ha, I went for a check-up last year and received a shot. The nurse was insistent on the shot putting it in my butt. Ok, down went my black panties, got the shot. I am sure she saw my panties. However, nothing was said. To be nice I didn't really care. As the weather cools, I have resumed wearing shorts with my pantyhose. I go everywhere wearing them. If asked, my reply is that they are for support and varicose veins. Nothing outlandish though. My VA doctor did recommend my wearing support hose. I doubt if he meant wearing the Silkies brand. Be comfortable. L.

09-27-2015, 06:07 AM
I only possess panties now so I wear those full cut ones all the time, they are so much more comfy and it's that one little bit that's always Chloe even under the most drab male attire. It makes me feel so much more "HER" an since reading some of the post here I intend to start wearing more androgynous outer clothing all the time, such as pants, jeans and tops.

09-27-2015, 07:42 AM
I feel simmilar to you, but if I was brave enough the polish would be a dark green. ��

I have a few more questions.
What does gg stand for?
what is under dressing exactly? Is it what I'm describing?
Also what do I call everybody on here? I've seen ladies a few times but I'm not sure if that's what everyone wants to be called. I don't want to offend.

Underdressing is wearing femme clothes underneath, such as panties, hose, bra, garter, etc.
GG = genuine girl
Ladies, girls, guys - all are fine with me. Everyone here is understanding. I would not use asshole or bitch, though. :)


I bet this post gets pulled! <giggle>

Scarlett Viktoria
09-27-2015, 11:07 AM
Sometimes just wearing a pair of high heels orpainting my toes was enough. Especially before I had a full outfit whatever I could do at the time would suffice. Sometimes I still just put on one or two things, sometimes I put the wig on and dress full femme. It's really just what I'm in the mood for. There are no rules for what makes you comfortable and feel feminine.

09-27-2015, 11:12 AM
I would never mix clothes either go all women clothes or all men.

09-27-2015, 11:19 AM
I'm mostly mixed besides underwear. Mostly pants and tops, but nothing that screams Women's wear. Haven't ventured out in public in skirts or dresses.

09-27-2015, 12:10 PM
I feel simmilar to you, but if I was brave enough the polish would be a dark green. ��

A "Hunter" green if you will! (Had to, couldn't resist.)

I am mixed as well, out and about anywhere but work although a couple colors of nail polish have made it there too. The mixed train for me stops just before forms, wigs and more makeup than the nail polish.

I am grateful to see the shift in attitudes and support here. There have been some very vocal critics but also much equally vocal support.

09-27-2015, 02:05 PM
I'm definitely into mixed, that way I find how brave I can be.

Tracii G
09-27-2015, 02:15 PM
Mixed is my daily look because thats how I choose to dress.

09-27-2015, 02:21 PM
Well, I'm one or the other. Wow, I like to look my best at both. I've always been a boot wearer and love both men's and women's boots and can wear some of those either way with jeans. However, I am male in male clothes never mixed. In female clothes I try to look my fem best. I gone out in dresses and skirts with my SO. I appreciate how she prepares herself and is dressed well. But for me its either boy or girl clothes. Love both.

09-28-2015, 10:04 AM
I like to wear skinny jeans, a woman's top and women's shoes. I then forgoe doing hair and make up. This has been my mode of dress lately. Around the house it could even be a skirt.

09-28-2015, 02:39 PM
as odd as it may seem I love to wear women's shoes while dressed as a man

Jennifer W
09-28-2015, 03:26 PM
I always mix and match now that I have a beard. It works for me.

Adriana Moretti
09-28-2015, 04:00 PM
I mix and match alot of my clothes, its usually a mix of boy and girl ( when in boy mode )....or I go out like a complete slob ...depends if I'm going out, or just running to the store

Tracii G
09-28-2015, 07:22 PM
This is how I have been dressed all day just because thats what I wanted to wear.
Even did forms just because I felt like it.
I went to the mall and a few other places looking for things I needed just like any other day.
Adding forms and a pink hair band kind of pushed it a bit but nobody cares what you wear.

Jaime Noel
09-28-2015, 08:27 PM
Wear what makes you comfortable and feel sexy. Often times I can only wear panties, and that is enough. Other times I go all out. Mostly I mix and match.

Rachel Morley
09-28-2015, 08:28 PM
As others have said, I think you should wear whatever you want to wear. Also like others I too wear girly clothes in boy mode, things that are not "that" feminine but are girly versions of what men wear. Things like girls' skinny fit jeans, plain colored fitted women's styled tees, girly patterned hoodies and Keds or Saltwater sandals on my feet ... that kind of thing. Sometimes I can tell people have noticed what I'm wearing by the way they look at me but no one has ever said anything to me except one time. I was wearing pink and white tennis shoes and one of the neighbor's kids (a boy) said to me "are those girls shoes?" and I said "yeah, they are ... and I really like them" ... he just looked at me like he was totally confused :)

Tracii G
09-28-2015, 09:14 PM
I got ma'am'd all day so I was happy.

09-28-2015, 10:54 PM
Mixed mode full time, I'd guess you'd call it that anyway. I wear skirts, pretty much full time, at work for the last 5 months as well. I am tall, balding, usually shave my head or have a buzz cut, often have stubble as I don't shave the face every day. Tops are men's t shirts, sweaters etc. There is no mistaking I am male, and I doubt that many people think I might be transitioning. I've been pretty much full time underdresser for longer. As Winter settles it's grip on us up here in the Great White North, I'll be wearing various types of hosiery. I will at times wear some Women's soft shell pants, (I like the way they fit) though I'm going to see how much I can wear skirts. When it gets really cold, riding the bike into work is going to require some more technical pants, (Wind Stopper fabric and insulation) so I will have to change at work, may as well change into a skirt. I am looking to order a dress cut to fit, still trying to find a design that looks like it can work for a guy, skirts are easy like that, but too many dresses have a neckline designed to make the most of a bustline, which I don't have or want.

09-28-2015, 11:26 PM
When I dress I'm fully dressed, though I rarely do my nails. I will, on occasion, wear panties and pantyhose under my jeans when I can't actually dress up, but you should do whatever makes you comfortable.

09-29-2015, 05:08 AM
Love to wear yoga shorts or Capri tights with sandals when I go to the market or my favorite yuogurt shop.

09-29-2015, 05:30 AM
If you are comfortable then that is what you should wear.
For me, sometimes some underdressing, but other then that I am full one way or the other
No mixed signals here.

09-29-2015, 05:09 PM
I call myself tomgirl sometimes (or t.g. for short haha). If I'm out of the house, I feel like the stubble has to go away (not necessarily the beard, but even a tomgirl's gotta look clean). After that, if I'm going to a hyper-male environment (my 9 year old is a huge fan of motorcycle shops) it's all boy-mode...or with the Mrs. (not so much a DADT thing; she's into under-the-radar in public, and boy-in-skirt is anything but, at least for her. I have plenty of drab that's a bit too...flamboyant...for her tastes as well)

OTOH, if I'm going somewhere I really identify with (bike ride, brewery, nursery [ planthead =) =) =) ], etc.) then I have a much stronger desire to 'be myself'...and for the moment that sort of generally means a skirt, and probably some cute sandals. Jewelry of an ambiguous nature. For tops I usually wear T's; guys, girls, whatever. Don't do forms and wig and the full shave unless I'm actually trying to look "like a girl".

Got a great compliment from a guy at the seed sale last weekend on my skirt & color choices ("thank God, hardly anyone in this town has any style"). Of course, he did ask if I was seeing anyone at one point, so his objectivity was questionable ;)

:fairy2: Summer

10-04-2015, 09:43 AM
Yes, did the exact same thing this past Friday. Started off in a cute top and skirt, but by the afternoon had put jeans on and it went so well with the top that I just stayed that way the rest of the day. Was casual, comfortable and still cute. Pink pumps matching the top would have made it better, but I don't have them yet so it was a good as it was going to get for that afternoon.


10-05-2015, 10:45 AM
Hunter; try these. All are OK out in public in either "boy" or “girl” mode. Wearing clothes usually associated with the opposite sex rapidly becomes normal. Underdressing also provides a “head-start” for presenting as a woman since you are already wearing a bra, panties, slip, and nylons! Items that could be spotted as women’s clothes when underdressing, such as a bra and nylons, are more of a challenge in “boy” mode; but when there is no reaction from either men or women that invites one to wear only womenswear. I have found these items acceptable; they are readily available and, in fact, are mass-market items in the women’s department.

!) Slacks: Women’s pull on pants are much easier to put on than men’s belted pants. They do not need a fake fly, as the absence of it is usually not apparent, but I prefer non-figured and solid color, non-pastel pants so they are not readily identified as women’s clothing.

2) Panties: Underwear with a fly is unnecessary with womens pull-on pants. Although there are no-fly briefs in the men’s department, women’s full-cut briefs work just as well, and are often cheaper.

3) Slips: Shirttails tend to readily pull out of pull on pants. This can expose panty and pantyhose tops. A “solution” is to wear a full slip that is short enough to be worn with slacks. Also slips are usually made of material that makes it easier to pull on and straighten pants.

4) Bra: Although wearing a bra in public in “boy” mode can make one nervous and it is a challenge to “hide” it, wearing a bra can make one feel feminine and can be practical in “boy’ mode to keep non-adjustable straps on a slip from falling off the shoulders.

5) Nylons: Although wearing them in public can also make one nervous, an MD suggested that I wear pantyhose to avoid the indentation in my lower legs that mid-calf or knee-high socks make. Pantyhose do not require anything that is not also needed with women’s pull-on pants. Opaque ones are best, as they aren't readily identified as women's hosiery, but that isn't necessary and sheer nylons are OK and are more available. I actually prefer thigh highs as they are easier to put on than pantyhose, they do not need to be lowered to go to the bathroom, and only one leg needs to be thrown out when a run becomes apparent.