View Full Version : Limited time

09-27-2015, 08:35 AM
Hi everyone. A few days ago my wife suffered a serious fall at work and is laid up for a bit and has a long road to recovery. Perhaps a couple months or quite possibly longer. It's that part of marriage where we step up and take over additional duties and care for our injured spouse. So, my time is somewhat limited for a bit. Dressing will probably cease for a bit, and I won't be on here as much as I would like as I will be busy taking care of her. My cd issues will be frustrating, but my wife right now has my priority. The fall ended up with her fx her left foot with ligament damage, plus muscle strains of her back shoulder and neck, along with scrapes and bruises. It's hard to think this way, but she was somehow able to break her fall enough that the injuries would have been much worse, possibly fatal. So, in a way good fate still. It could have been so much worse. I'm just hoping that no matter how long it takes, she can make a full recovery. It is likely but not a gaurantee. So, for a bit, my time here will be limited.

09-27-2015, 08:37 AM
This may be the perfect time to invest in that great nurses uniform.

Wishing your Bride a speedy recovery.

09-27-2015, 08:37 AM
sending love healing best wishes to you both
xxx Pamela

09-27-2015, 08:41 AM
So sorry to read of your wife's injury. Yes, now is the time to step up and be a good partner. But keep in mind you're always the same person inside no matter how you're dressed. Take care of yourself as well as your wife and I hope everything works out for you both.

09-27-2015, 08:42 AM
Oh my, that's terrible. Best wishes for her speedy recovery. Curious if your relationship is DADT or she has no clue?

09-27-2015, 08:42 AM
I'm sorry about your wife and hope for a full recovery.

I'm assuming she doesn't know about your "hobby" and that's why you talk about frustration. When my wife had a knee replacement she was home for a while and I joked about buying a nurse's outfit but never did. Nurses these days don't dress in cute white outfits like they did many years ago.

09-27-2015, 08:55 AM
OMG, I'm sorry to hear about you wife GM...thank you for the post and take care of her!!! ...and when she's back on her feet be sure to come back girl!

09-27-2015, 08:58 AM
She knows. Not even a dadt, but she doesn't like to see me dressed. We talk some, I shave just about all of my body, and my nails are sometimes long. I m time constrained dressing since she is home.... won't be on here as much simply because I will be busy. She knows about this site. I know at some point she will have a friend or her kid get her out of the house to give me time, plus she likes to be on the go a lot anyway. I think one of the hardest parts for her is simply being house bound a lot.

09-27-2015, 09:21 AM
Sorry to hear and hope your wife recovers quickly.

09-27-2015, 09:36 AM
my wife had a similar event and although she recovered its shakes you to the core....hope she gets well soon and i believe you have your priorities straight

09-27-2015, 09:56 AM
So sorry to hear that GM... :hugs:

Glad that it wasn't worse - as you say it could have been - it's strange how sometimes bad things can make us grateful that they really weren't worse!

Here's hoping for a full and rapid recovery! :)

Katey x

09-27-2015, 10:32 AM
Your wife might be more acceptable of your dressing if you toned it down a bit. Maybe jeans, flats and a blouse?

Claire Cook
09-27-2015, 10:34 AM
Hi GM,

So sorry to hear that -- we can only hope for a speedy recovery. Your priorities are in just the right place, and I'm sure your wife appreciates that. We know you'll be here in spirit, and we'll be thinking of you.

Maria 60
09-27-2015, 06:16 PM
Sorry to hear about the misses, and hope she has a speedy recovery but most of all sounds like she has a partner with his head on his shoulder and taking her recovery over his own personal life. Keep us updated.

Rachael Leigh
09-27-2015, 06:54 PM
So sorry to hear this but you are right the priority is to be for her. I wish her well in her recovery and yes I understand how tough it might be on you for your dressing time
Blessing Leigh

09-27-2015, 07:44 PM
Hi GM, It's great that you have your priorities in order, I would like to wish your wife:love: a speedy recovery.:hugs:

09-29-2015, 07:06 AM
Thanks everyone. I really don't have a hard time being her care giver. It is hard watching her struggle both with her discomfort and her frustration of not being able to do for herself. We are both independent people and not needy of others for much and don't like to ask for help, but her even more than me, so I am worried about her slipping into depression.

Krisi, our arrangements for my cding are not problematic with me. I am not one to dress provocative anyway, but seeing me dressed for her is a very difficult thing. I am able to talk about it, we do joke about it at times. She is very respectful of it and me. I'm still lucky in many ways as far as a cder goes for an accepting spouse.

Rhonda Darling
09-29-2015, 08:19 AM
I feel your pain. My late wife had many periods of relapse where she'd either be home, or in the hospital, for varying lengths of time. As good spouses, we need to rise to the occasion, as you have done, and suppress our own needs.

That said, since you have the lemons, go ahead and make lemonade. Your wife knows about your dressing. You now have a 'captive' audience. Take the opportunity to talk to her (gently -- small doses) about your dressing, and try to get her to engage you in a dialogue of understanding. It's worth a shot to gain more acceptance and to take some of the pressure off you being always DADT.

Just my humble opinion.


09-29-2015, 08:44 AM
As we said (for us 49 years ago), "for better or worse, in sickness and health...." You are doing a great job with your priorities. Maybe just a few underwear thingies?

Bridget Ann Gilbert
10-02-2015, 12:10 AM
Hi GM,

My own time on the site has been limited due to life's demands, so I understand where you are coming from. I hope your wife is recovering well and that she will be back on the go soon.


Amanda M
10-02-2015, 01:31 AM
Hope she has a fast and full recovery. My wife was attacked about six years ago, ended up in a wheelchair, having been told she aould never walk again. Now, she dances!
Think positive, and take care of both of you.

10-02-2015, 01:55 AM
Sorry to hear about the accident, I wish your wife a full recovery.
Times like these are excellent opportunities to streghten the bond. Good luck

Kiwi Primrose
10-02-2015, 02:11 AM
This is when the dynamics of a marriage change and good on you for accepting the challenge of caring for your wife.
Maybe you could follow the steps i took when my wife got to the stage that she can't stand or walk for long and I have to do all the cooking and housework.
We agreed that it would be OK for me to wear my skirts and tops in the evening so when I finish work I "change"my clothes and start on the evening meal.
I don't wear anything too elaborate but always a skirt. blouse or top, and 2 -3 inch heels.
It works for both of us and has become a normal part of life.