View Full Version : Night out with the girls (in drab)

10-07-2015, 03:49 AM

I wanted to share the story of my Saturday night with you.

Circumstance had it that I ended up going out for dinner with four of my female friends. I was the only male, and spent the whole night screaming internally with frustration that I wasn't out to them (or anyone!). In my head, I was sat there in a LBD and heels, rather than the dull jeans and shirt I was actually wearing. We spent some time talking about a gorgeous pair of Nine West heels one of the girls was wearing (these (http://www.ninewest.co.uk/shoes/mid-low-heel/flax-1.html), I think, teamed with a pair of black skinny jeans), and I just sat there dreaming of what I would pair them with. I don't *think* they clocked my over-enthusiasm for the shoes, but who knows?!

All that said, it was a fun night filled with good wine, good food and good conversation, so not all bad, but it could have been *so* much better.

The frustrations of being in the closet, eh?


10-07-2015, 05:22 AM
Jemima - I can feel your frustration and empathise with it... :)

But can you feel my envy at the prospect of having dinner out with an all-female crowd and empathise with that too... ;)

That definitely sounds like fun, and yes, those heels would look great with skinny jeans, so you have so many positives to drown your frustrations with. :D

Katey x

10-07-2015, 07:31 AM
Hi Jemima, That's how I feel every time I attend a fancy Wedding.:hugs:

10-07-2015, 07:34 AM
I can agree that I'd love to do girls night too, I've recently began drinking wine to feel a bit more feminine when out drinking since I mostly have pints of beer.

My group of friends went out to watch a match a few Sunday's ago, in the pub, they all know about me, anyway one of the GG's had on a gorgeous top with a mesh upper half so I complimented her on it and she told me how much it was, where I could get one etc etc, it felt great to be included like that, I had shown her a picture of me wearing stiletto false nails that are really popular right now, she normally doesn't wear fake nails but she got real excited over them and thought they were great.

Sarah x

10-07-2015, 08:27 AM
I'm getting old now but I can enjoy remembering so many occasions when in all or mainly female company I have been able to listen to quite detailed converstaions about clothes and about situations the women/girls have found themselves in. My regret has always been that even when I knew quite a lot about a subject I had to keep out of the discussion because they were things that I, as a male, would not be expected to know about. I contented myself with the occasional nod or smile while all the time adding to my knowledge of girly things.

10-07-2015, 08:37 AM
So Mimi how do you think it would have "gone over" if after an hour of girl talk and ogling over those Nine West heels that you said, I have a confession to make and would like you feelings on it. I am a male to female crossdresser, I love to wear feminine clothing and all accessories to present as a woman and I'm setting here in a bit of torture not being dressed like you are. I was born with the same or more desire than you to dress and be feminine and be a woman just like you. Could you accept me dressed like you as one of you? What would each have said, would they have understood and encouraged another outing and you come fully dressed???? If so would you do it?

10-07-2015, 08:41 AM
On one of my wife's corporate outings- downtown, ne plus ethanol:: one of her sales guys... decent guy... he was freezing- no coat- Chicago in December. We bundled him in a fur coat, then, with convoluted logic, applied earrings, scarves, even heels. He was a rather cool cat- objected only minorly to being cross dressed. But he warmed up. Not a CD alas....

20 years ago.

10-07-2015, 12:23 PM
Mimi, I can understand your frustrations. One of the great benefits of going out regularly into the real world dressed as a woman, for me, has been meeting complete strangers and getting into some wonderful conversations about whatever. As a side benefit, I have met some wonderful women, some single, some married, some 1/3 my age and only a few less than twice my age with whom I have been able to experience and enjoy some fun girls night out. So, as I sit across the table from them, me in my finest and they in theirs, I still get jealous as to how well they make "theirs" look so fabulous. In the end, are we ever really satisfied?

10-10-2015, 02:17 AM
But can you feel my envy at the prospect of having dinner out with an all-female crowd and empathise with that too... ;)

Well - I did say it wasn't all bad. It was a great night, but could've been even better.

me wearing stiletto false nails that are really popular right now

They're new to me Sarah - do tell?

Of course, I could have just used Google. Now I know what you're talking about. They look a little hazardous for me (no retouching eye makeup whilst wearing?!) but sexy all the same.

So Mimi how do you think it would have "gone over" if after an hour of girl talk and ogling over those Nine West heels that you said, I have a confession to make and would like you feelings on it. I am a male to female crossdresser.... What would each have said, would they have understood and encouraged another outing and you come fully dressed???? If so would you do it?

You know, Deebra, I think they'd have been fine with it. Well, shocked certainly, but fine. It's others in my life who might not be so easy to convince. And I'd *jump* at the chance of a repeat whilst dressed. One day, maybe!

Jemima x

Beverley Sims
10-10-2015, 11:58 AM
I was successful in turning the lone guy into an all girl affair on many occasions.

You see, I was out to them any way and they did like the way I looked in their dresses. :)