View Full Version : Testosterone driven pink fog

10-11-2015, 04:43 AM
Do activities that involve more aggression, muscle activity cause you a greater urge to dress?

I am finding that if I do activities that require a greater amount of 'macho' my need to dress is greatly increased. Sometimes I find this disturbing.

10-11-2015, 06:08 AM
Hi Brenda,

Interesting proposition and I can't say it has truly happened to me in that manner. I can say that years of trying to compensate for who I am by being uber-masculine (stereotypical meaning that is) and doing stereotypical guy things became unbearable almost a sham which helped me come to terms with who I am. I still do those things but from a position of knowing that I am who I am and not doing them to pretend anymore.



10-11-2015, 06:20 AM
yes, this has some merit, there is a correlation for me.

10-11-2015, 08:10 AM
Interesting notion. I'd have thought exactly the opposite would be the case, but am not aware of any particular outside influences causing a change in my desire to dress. I'm gonna be more on the lookout now for them though!

10-11-2015, 08:28 AM
Not for me Brenda, but it's an interesting thought. I have to say I have not put activities under masculine vs femme. Exercise is exercise and I rather enjoy it in any presentation, but it does not effect how I present or my desire to.

10-11-2015, 11:17 AM
Because of my chosen profession my "macho" needs are fulfilled and my femme needs are than much more enjoyable but no desire to compensate for. As a matter of fact I have begun to incorporate as much of my "femme" self in my "macho" field as possible.

10-11-2015, 11:39 AM
I read somewhere once, and I can't seem to find it anywhere now, so maybe I imagined it or it was totally discredited, that a testosterone overload can somehow result in more estrogen showing up in the system.
I know this is unsupportable, vague, and probably just plain wrong, but it alway made sense to me. And I believed it until the internet came along and I couldn't find any further information.
Anyone hear anything like this?

Tracii G
10-11-2015, 11:47 AM
Never think about it now because I do everything in whichever mode I'm in that day.
Sure I over compensated in the past but once I quit trying to over analyze every little thing and just accepted me for who I am all that ended.

10-11-2015, 02:24 PM
When I find myself at odds with dressing I try to do more male activities to get me away from it but I have been trying to adjust myself to doing the same activities while dressed, it certainly helps to keep peace of mind.


10-11-2015, 04:48 PM
I'll approach this from a different angle. I'm in my late 50's and suffer from low T. The first prescription medication worked well but over the course of a couple years it stopped doing the job. Enter a new medication about a year ago which REALLY did the job. My libido increased greatly to the point of some days of being able to perform more than twice in a single day. My wife loved it! There was a huge side effect though, my desire to dress exploded. I had quit in 2011 and purged in March of 2013. ( Another story for another thread). I was in the throes of a major pink fog and it wasn't going away. I think the fact that I had no clothes made it even worse. After 4-5 months of this, I started taking the testosterone in lower doses then stopping altogther. My libido left and that thick pink fog dissipated. There were other negative effects as well. During my recent physical my doctor told me my T level was 38% of where it should be. I started taking the T again and within two weeks my libido came back along with a heavy pink fog. My wife couldn't figure out why I had stopped taking it ( yes she knows, has for years, but again a long story). So here I am today greatly enjoying the return of my libido and the ability to make my wife happy sexually. I don't want to stop taking it and don't anticipate this pink fog going away anytime soon. I think it's time to muster up the courage to have a discussion with her. So, after all that rambling, for me an increase in testosterone most definitely leads to a desire to dress.

10-11-2015, 04:49 PM
I can't say that I find myself feeling a rebound effect from doing more traditionally masculine things, or intense physical work. My fem side tends to be either random, or sometimes affected by surroundings.

Ally 2112
10-11-2015, 07:19 PM
It has both helped and hindered my dressing .When i was younger i did everything i could think of to prove i was manly It. would work for a while then i would get to a point where after doing all this crazy manly stuff i needed to dress no matter what

10-12-2015, 08:12 AM
Nope, not at all.

10-13-2015, 04:16 AM
I read somewhere once, and I can't seem to find it anywhere now, so maybe I imagined it or it was totally discredited, that a testosterone overload can somehow result in more estrogen showing up in the system.
I know this is unsupportable, vague, and probably just plain wrong, but it alway made sense to me. And I believed it until the internet came along and I couldn't find any further information.
Anyone hear anything like this?

I have found the information you are speaking of. There is an the aromatase enzyme the is present in our bodies. This enzyme converts free T to estrogen. According to the articles I have read, this supports bone growth and the ability to heal broken bones. Other articles included in body building mags say the taking T can cause this effect. Body builders who are taking T are also taking estrogen suppressors to suppress this process.

10-13-2015, 05:02 AM
I have to agree with Marcelle ( sorry Isha I shall have to get use to the change !)
Most of my life doing the male thing partly what was expected of me and a partly to bury the shame and guilt of CDing ! I'm still capable of doing the man thing but now make it clear when I'm not interested, they all now understand the reasons.

As for doing an active, maybe aggressive job, it just feels good to shower after and relax into fem things !

10-13-2015, 06:30 AM
Do activities that involve more aggression, muscle activity cause you a greater urge to dress?

Nope - not for me... :) Gym, cycling, gardening... all just make me want to collapse with a beer and a sandwich...

I think sometimes we look for physiological reasons or justification for how we feel... but I think there's more of a psychological aspect here...

How many of us (as Marcelle has intimated) deliberately pursue something macho in order to actively repress our femme side? Or even in doing normal stuff perhaps are a little mega-competitive...? Or even if not, once we've done something that has effectively dragged us away from being able to express a little more femininity (or at least, less masculinity), our persona is insisting that we get back to expressing that feminine side in any way we can... :thinking:

It's probably better to balance the femme-male aspects, but whether because of our personalities or circumstances, some of us have to be seen to be at an extreme of masculinity. It's possibly that conflict, Brenda, you feel is disturbing..?

Katey x

10-13-2015, 08:36 AM
After a hard job (engineering) - cleaning up - bathing etc, is kind of a natural segue to dressing up anyway. But for me I think it has less to do with "macho" than it does hard work- tough decisions.

Macho stuff: flying, motorcycling, hard exercise, the unmentionable subject... these are kind of fun things- i always look at them from (what I consider to be) somewhat of a feminine perspective. The skill and handling of big or dangerous things with minimal effort- that's fun.

But a tough day- remediating a flooded basement, rebuilding a machine because one can't figure out what is wrong, dirty-smelly-hot-dangerous work- this is when i do like to come home, clean up, put on something cute and relax.

No where near the only reason I crossdress, but after saving the world (or a few square yards of it), it is nice to be able to relax and enjoy the fruits of one's effort.

10-13-2015, 08:49 AM
I have often found that my urge (or pink fog) increases during times of euphoria or simply feeling really good about something. This could be after working out, being successful in something I am doing or just simply something good that happens and makes me feel happy.

Not sure if this is tied to endorphins, testosterone or what, but it is not necessarily tied to a masculine activity.

I have realized this a while ago and have struggled with the notion that when I am really happy, I am pulled to the feminine side...does that mean that my masculine side can only ever be the depressive side?

10-14-2015, 02:10 PM
I must say that there is some of a correlation with myself. I coach American Football and I find that when that activity is stressful, I tend to desire to cross-dress more frequently. Not sure if it is more of a stress related activity, but I don't often get the same desire from work stresses. I have thought that cross-dressing is a way that I get away from the stress of daily life, but I never considered the correlation to more masculine activities.

Adriana Moretti
10-14-2015, 02:36 PM
every time I go to a 'record convention" ...think of it as a comic book convention for record /music nerds....my crossdressing desire DOES come on stronger.... but I think that it is just because I JUST spent the day surrounded by a bunch of overweight, unshaven men, who smell cause they have not changed their sweatpants in over 5 days searching for the ultimate record, album cover.. or rare 45 . .... it makes me appreiciate the fact I LOVE both worlds.....minus that smell I get from another record collecter who hasnt bathed in days.#gross #smelly #urnotcool #dutypants


Amy Fakley
10-14-2015, 03:06 PM
:rofl: I always interpreted that song completely differently! :-)

On topic, I find my cd desire is more or less unrelated to physical activity (or lack thereof). But I'll say this. When I've absoloutely got to marinate in macho type activities to which I totally do not relate (football, fixing cars, bachelor parties, yadda yadda) ... it does make me long to express my feminine side. Something about putting on that fake for too long does indeed flip the girl switch!

Adriana Moretti
10-14-2015, 03:08 PM
That Smell,,, to me will always represent a fat guys car seat.........

10-14-2015, 06:06 PM
Katey, the reason it distubs me, I can't concentrate on anything else. All I can think about is dressing and prancing around (in the closet). I have other responsibilities that I have to take care off that require my full attention.

10-14-2015, 07:13 PM
I read somewhere once, and I can't seem to find it anywhere now, so maybe I imagined it or it was totally discredited, that a testosterone overload can somehow result in more estrogen showing up in the system.
I know this is unsupportable, vague, and probably just plain wrong, but it alway made sense to me. And I believed it until the internet came along and I couldn't find any further information.
Anyone hear anything like this?
This is also assuming that estrogen= loving skirts, panties and heels. I'm going to say they have no relation

10-14-2015, 07:15 PM
Is this to due the release of endorphins? Physical exercise produces the the "feel good" hormone, which is likely to also be a consequence of our dressing. Hence doing macho things produces the same responses as dressing so one induces the desire to do the other.

10-15-2015, 05:57 AM
Katey, the reason it distubs me, I can't concentrate on anything else. All I can think about is dressing and prancing around (in the closet). I have other responsibilities that I have to take care off that require my full attention.

Brenda - I think I can relate to that... :hugs: I've referred to this as escapism for me - because the process is something that requires total immersion so everything else becomes secondary... perhaps it is akin to the nefarious 'pink fog' but I've always felt that it was other issues driving me towards some way of escaping, rather than being pulled towards my femininity to the detriment of my male side. It does me good to express it for a while, but you always have to come back to the harsh realities and responsibilities of the major part of real life...

Is it a cause and effect thing again? Whereas some of us are pulled to it because of a strong gender identity dysphoria, others of us are attracted to it because we are able to lose ourselves in it?


Katey x

10-15-2015, 09:35 AM
I am finding that if I do activities that require a greater amount of 'macho' my need to dress is greatly increased. Sometimes I find this disturbing.
Ah, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Push yourself to be more masculine, and you compensate by reaching for the feminine immediately after.

10-15-2015, 02:39 PM
I have experienced this and can relate but for me it goes in both directions. If I have to really operate in the male mode to greater extreme then I seem to rebound back the other way and the need to express femme gets strong. I must dress and I feel like I might have some kind of conipshun if I don't satisfy that need.
But, if I get to an event or and dressed en femme for extended time then I will rebound back into the male side. Completely fascinating. With me I believe there are two distinct personalities at work that sometimes overlap yet are fully aware of the other.