View Full Version : Auto parts,what do I know?

10-17-2015, 11:58 AM
Just got back from a large auto parts store(3 men in the title).I needed some new wiper blades, now that the weather is changing, first time I went into this bastion of machismo in my usual weekend mode(femme male with purse)after all this time of acceptance and who cares attitude I was nervous as all get out. When I got to the parts/cashier counter with my items a somewhat "masc." female( in her company uniform),kind of ironic huh? asked if I had the right blades for my vehicle, as if I didn't know, now I'm thinking she thinks maybe I'm a female so I play along and ask her to check for me, and of course they are, but now my store card for points is shown and the name of course is male which brings an unexpected comment of "sorry I didn't realize", no explanation of comment just on with business, and out the door I go. I did change them there in the parking lot just to show I'm no dumb girl. I can't wait until I have to buy tires, what does a girl know about tires? I know it's not nice to put people on like this but sometimes that devilish male shows up and whispers in my ear with his sense of humor. I am so bad at times.

10-17-2015, 12:12 PM
Lisa - you are out there, swinging the handbag/purse for all of us closeteers... Thank you for your service... :cheer:

I did change them there in the parking lot just to show I'm no dumb girl.

But did you think how you would have felt if you'd slipped when fitting them and scratched a nail, or popped a nail off to go skittering across your windshield accompanied by an irate squeal...? :eek:

(I replaced mine last week and always wear rubber-faced grip gloves to do that type of job, even in boy mode... What is this now - 'Tool Time'..? :lol:)

Katey x

10-17-2015, 12:19 PM
I love shopping for auto parts; I've just never done it in girl-mode.
Thanks for sharing!

Sarah Beth
10-17-2015, 12:56 PM
I think that is a very typical attitude for the people who work in auto parts stores in my part of the country. Women just are not supposed to know about such things. My wife won't even go in one anymore even if I tell her exactly what to get or call ahead to order it. I have been amused several times when in parts stores with my mom, who was working an parts counter in an auto dealership at age 15, when she would make the clerk look stupid in replying some inane comment they made.

You handled it perfectly. Changing them where you could be seen by the clerk was a nice touch.

Tracii G
10-17-2015, 01:06 PM
I have done it boy mode,girl mode,50/50 mode all at the same store.
The young tomboy ish girl there always calls me ma'am LOL I'm pretty sure she is a trans to some degree.
He name tag says Ricky so that what I call her/him.

10-17-2015, 02:02 PM
actually these kinds of places are the toughest for me to visit dressed, so i mostly chicken-out and go in male mode.

10-17-2015, 06:00 PM
Sounds great for u, Allisa. But, I can NEVER be mistaken for a female from the front. :sad:

So, u girls that pass can visit Walmart, Denny's, Nordstroms, Starbucks, Pep Boys, and all the other vanilla venues I visit daily without a second thot or care, in drab.

I don't need or enjoy the stress and uncertainties involved. I KNOW my closet loves me!:D

10-17-2015, 06:12 PM
Yikes, So far I only go to the auto parts in male mode. I not that fearless yet.

10-17-2015, 06:34 PM
Hi Lisa, It's so much fun playing mind games with people.:devil:

Angie G
10-17-2015, 07:56 PM
Isn't it grate how some people the woman don't know anything.:hugs:

10-17-2015, 08:04 PM
I have to admit to being perturbed by the grime when I changed my front brakes whereas a few years ago it was a badge of honour.

Erica Marie
10-17-2015, 09:03 PM
Why cant gurls or girls fix cars and buy their own parts. I think it is awesome when a lady is willing to give it a shot. I have worked in auto parts for the last 23 yrs, and to be all honest I have met some women that know more than their male companion.

10-17-2015, 09:05 PM
The sad thing is that there is a lot of ignorance in sales and service jobs these days. I don't know if some people are just that dumb or that they don't care.

I've been a car guy for 6 decades now. Whenever I've gone out with the purpose of buying a new car, I usually have to correct the sales people. I've researched the thing backwards and forwards and evidently they can't be bothered. The exception to this was when I purchased my MINI. I think BMW does an above average level of preparation for their people and it shows.

The thing is, if you are trying to sell me something and I know more than you, why should I buy from you? If this happens and you add in gender bias, it is a recipe for disaster. Sad situation...


10-17-2015, 09:09 PM
I know how you feel, I had to buy oil, filters and ancillary bits to service the bike and actually changed back into my poor facsimile of a boy just to go buy them... So much easier when they think you actually know what you're asking for...

10-17-2015, 09:41 PM
Way to go Allisa! Shopping for auto parts en femme, I'm no where close to that...how about going to the muscle shop en femme, now that would be tough! I used to be into body building and I'm sure the owner of the place I frequented would be OK with it (super nice guy) but wow, now there's a lofty goal for me at least!

Sometimes Steffi
10-17-2015, 10:42 PM
Can I tell a funny GG story? I didn't hear anyone say no, so I'm just going to tell it.

I don't really know a lot about cars. I know about fluids and I used to tune my car up and replace the points and condenser, so you know how long that's been.

So I taught my daughter a few things, hopefully just enough to make repair people think she might know what's going on.

So she goes into one of those jiffy lube places for an oil change (you know the one) where they always try to up-sell you. She's gone with me a few times and she knows to always question up-sells.

So the guy tells her that her radiator fluid needs to be changed.

She: What color is it?

Guy: it's kind of dark.

She: Let me see it.

Guy: Shows her the radiator fluid.

She: That's pretty green to me. I think I'll pass.

I wasn't there but she gave me the whole story. I was very proud of her.

As I said, I don't know a lot about car repair, and I'm sure there's more to it than the color.

But just for her to stand up to the guy and know what color radiator fluid is supposed to be!

10-17-2015, 11:11 PM
OK, I get the part of the story that's about presuming women don't know what parts to buy for their car; profiling is bad and so on. But I'm wondering if it was really that horrible that she tried to head off a potential problem rather than let you walk out of the store with the wrong parts? Perhaps she did the right thing, although you assume for the wrong reason, but the right thing none-the-less.

10-17-2015, 11:35 PM
OK, I get the part of the story that's about presuming women don't know what parts to buy for their car; profiling is bad and so on. But I'm wondering if it was really that horrible that she tried to head off a potential problem rather than let you walk out of the store with the wrong parts? Perhaps she did the right thing, although you assume for the wrong reason, but the right thing none-the-less.

I thought exactly the same as Jennie here.
I think you're probably getting a little ahead of yourself here Allisa. Would it be unreasonable for the cashier to ask you if you had the right part before you open the package and make the item dead stock by potentially damaging the packaging?
Making sure you have the right part (a part that people will get wrong more often than most because of how often they are sold) makes life easier for the customer and the store.

Saying "I didn't realise" may have been her indirect compliment to your appearance rather than a back pedal on the earlier remark.

10-18-2015, 01:34 PM
I see this tread has headed in the wrong direction, I in no way was demeaning any auto parts worker, mechanic, or any other counter person. I just thought it was kind of ironic that a more "masc." appearing women would be questioning a more "femme" appearing man about their purchase. I know all about gender pigeon holing and misconceptions, just thought I'd relate an incident in my day, maybe help others to see what to expect from time to time when out and about, but get out there anyway and go with the flow.

10-19-2015, 07:46 AM
In most cases, you can buy the same wiper blades at Walmart for less money and put them in your cart along with your bras and panties.

I think the clerk was trying to be helpful by offering to make sure you had the right parts. And there's no reason a female can't be good at this. A penis isn't a requirement of employment.

Shelly Preston
10-19-2015, 12:30 PM
Auto parts or anything else.

When I am in the store and they hint as suggesting I use the wrong thing I just say maybe I better leave it for now and go elsewhere. However the vast majority are kind and helpful. I have even had some store assistants carry heavy items for me.

Oh and does anyone remember the court speech from My Cousin Vinny

Jennifer in CO
10-19-2015, 02:12 PM
Eons ago...when I was in the process of transitioning back...Got up on a Saturday morning and dressed reasonably drab (as drab as I could anyway) and went to the parts store. Guy behind the counter kept looking at me. Got back in the car afterwards and realized I still had my dangly daisy earrings in from the previous day. It happens....