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10-30-2015, 02:39 PM
Well I put in all my allotted time at the job site so I had 1/2 a day today, upon arriving home I immediately went into femme mode, after cleaning up and dressing casual femme I decided to go and pay my taxes(due on 1st) so with full face, minus eye liner, and my wavy curly hair co-operating I set off to city hall. Upon arriving at my destination I was met with a metal detector attended by a police officer, no turning back now, I enjoy going out as myself and let the chips fall where they may, so now I ask what's going on and it seems they are having some kind of hearing and all must be screened. So now I put my keys in the tray and he asks to put my "purse" on the table also to which I comply eagerly and pass through the detector which of course goes off and now I have to show my metal belt buckle, good thing I tuck and am smooth in front. Now the officer says I have to check your bag for explosives and such, which makes me chuckle at the thought I was a terrorist disguised as a female. The whole time the term ma'am was being used. Every thing seemed so ordinary and right, even the woman at the tax department acted as if nothing was new seeing a man dressing in such a manner and with my name on the check she knew, how many CDers can she see in such a small township? Now with my purse over my shoulder I pass the officer on my way out, with a cordial good-bye ma'am I walk to my truck past many people engrossed in their own world and smile for all to see just feeling so natural in my expression of self. For all those unsure about going out, please try once, there is so much to enjoying every day life as your femme self. I don't pass in no sense of the word but if you show confidence and just relax you can go unnoticed and be accepted in a small way.

10-30-2015, 09:36 PM
Wow, awesome post Allisa, loved the story! I need some new jeans and boots at LTS and I'm going next week and contemplating either going en andro or en femme, you've added a weight to the femme side of the balance ☺

Victoria Demeanor
10-30-2015, 10:53 PM
Another wonderful story Lisa, you definitely get out there. ;)

10-30-2015, 11:05 PM
I really do believe that there is way more tolerance and acceptance than we as a group think there is. Score another one for the home team.

Robin, the gals at LTS expect to see us in our finest, don't disappoint them!

10-30-2015, 11:32 PM
Just so you know, the involuntary smile appeared on my face reading this. So happy you had such a nice time.

10-30-2015, 11:57 PM
I had one of those involuntary smiles too. You crafted a warm feeling of natural positivity for us with your well written account. Many happy returns. ;)

Chris Crossrd

10-31-2015, 12:21 AM
I agree people just leave us alone for the most part. They may not like it but don't make an issue. A few years ago I was walking into a store. I reached the door first and being trained as a gentleman. I stepped back and held the door open for the woman behind me. She said, We should be holding it for you. I was about 20 years older than she and the guy with her. I wasn't made up but I was wearing obviously fem shorts, shoes and had projection from my tee bra under a woman's polo shirt. She checked me out but never reacted.