View Full Version : It has begun.

12-05-2015, 07:31 AM
So I feel like I've hit my first milestone today. I was having a bad day at work, and on the way home I saw a picture of a cowl neck sweater dress, and decided I had to have it.
I'd try to go shopping for femme before, usually ending with me rushing guiltily past the woman's dept and walking out with Oreos or ice cream.
Last night I had to go to three stores, and got progressively further along in the shopping experience in each.

About a week after I came out, I have my first piece of cd clothing and in store shopping experience =) I swelled with a girly giddiness. I couldn't get the leggings too, so I couldn't wear it home, but it's such a motivation to get the rest of the pieces together.

12-05-2015, 07:39 AM
Well Done you!

I know it's a heart-thumping moment when you first purchase something, but in reality, it's not really an issue for anybody!
Sister - go ahead and stock up your wardrobe.

Luv Debi x

Jacqueline StGermain
12-05-2015, 07:40 AM
Great to be out isn't it!
When I have a bad day, I shop too.

Angela Marie
12-05-2015, 07:44 AM
Awesome experience. I too remember the days quickly running by the women's section lol. Now I shop en femme all the time. Great feeling.

12-05-2015, 07:54 AM
Hi Alley Kat:hugs:, That's great, But be careful it $ get$ real ea$y real quick$$
it can be like a drug to some of us a very addictive hobby. ~~...:daydreaming:...

12-05-2015, 07:59 AM
You know we make a big deal out it in our own heads..Its kinda like what we do when we go to a haunted house or things like that .at the moment its scarey for a lot of people but afterwards we are laughing at our selves for it and it wasn't really that scarey.Its just what we make up or rather perceive in our heads..the big thing to remember is that the sa isn't going to eat u and the article of clothing u are wanting won't bite you .All tho it may bring down the pink fog on you ..That's about the worst its going to do.But remember there is the chance of being outed to someone you might see so if your not out to people just use caution on that and if u are then throw caution to the wind and live it up girl..

12-05-2015, 08:14 AM
Let me welcome you to the forum first, and yes it has begun for you. I've seen other men shopping for their wives or girlfriends so don't worry about it. Now it will get easier for you. It is expensive and addicting so be careful and enjoy yourself. Keep it up your doing good.

Rhonda Darling
12-05-2015, 08:51 AM

Congratulations on your first experience shopping in-store for yourself. I want to point out that this is the best time of year to shop if you are at all timid about searching through racks of clothes and rubbing elbows with other women looking for that "just right" piece. During the Christmas holiday shopping season SAs and customers alike expect men to be shopping for the woman/women in their lives. Go ahead, ask for help. If they ask, tell them the item is for you and get their opinion about size, color matching items, etc. Reach deep and exude confidence and they'll support you. You represent their paycheck, so they're not going to get judgmental on you.

Go go forth and shop til you drop.

Jonni Lin
12-05-2015, 11:56 AM
I found out it is fun shopping as a man for women stuff for me it felt so normal, I'm 50 and if someone asks, I would just say they are for my better half, which is the truth. Yesterday I got a pair of brown leggings and a raspberry color sweater and wanted a hat for it, so I just asked the salesperson which would look good with it. Going to try on some jeans next time. Question, what is a good nail polish with good coverage?

12-05-2015, 12:53 PM
The brand "OPI" is probably the best....

12-05-2015, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the support. Thankfully as geek I'm well versed in corralling expensive addictions.
The SA's weren't overly helpful and stumbled on their words when they saw what I wanted to try on, but weren't rude at all either.

A funny story from the night. As I was in the fitting room, I heard someone else come in, so I tried to time my departure to be sneaky. Almost ran into him as I was leaving. I recognized them as someone who had also bee nervously picking through the clearance. Kinda a nice reminder that I'm not the only one, cuz it can feel like that going out alone. (My irl cd friend is still to shy to shop in public, and my gg friends were busy)

The pink fog... Is that the normal term for that girly/giddy feeling?

12-05-2015, 03:31 PM
Hooray for you! Once you do it the first time, it gets easier. My advice when shopping is, only think about you when you're buying your women's items. I mean, that's who you're buying them for! Be respectful to others, but as long as you keep to yourself, you'll be fine!

Re: the pink fog. The pink fog is exactly like it sounds. Its a cloud of femininity that engulfs you and can make you spend $150 on lingerie when you have a credit card bill to pay off. It's a unique high that causes you to buy a pair of heels when you just bought 2 pairs last week. When you know you're supposed to be getting a holiday gift for Aunt Miriam, but that dress next to the cardigans would really make your butt look good. The pink fog is always a good feeling when youre in, but can make you feel guilty and sometimes ashamed afterwards, especially when you know that money could've been spent on a tank of gas, that thing you need for that project youre working on, or that birthday gift for a loved one. It's okay to fall victim to the pink fog every now and then, but have some discipline and don't let your feminine instincts destroy your finances! (This is something GG's also go through.)

12-05-2015, 03:47 PM
It is scary how you seem to just decide one day you are going to shop for womens clothes and just be honest with the Sales People. I have even forgot to look out for friends or neighbors.

12-05-2015, 06:23 PM
The first time is always the hardest. It gets easier as time goes on. Like others have said, it can get expensive. That's why I like clearance rack shopping.

12-05-2015, 06:33 PM
Good for you. Another good place to shop is at an outlet mall where the prices are better and the quality is good. Occasionally will get the odd look but for the most part SAs are either helpful or neutral.

12-05-2015, 07:19 PM
Allykat - Good for you. Congratulations and welcome. I hope you continue to enjoy your experiences and live your life as you want to live your life.

12-05-2015, 07:24 PM
Congrats Alley!!

The first purchase is exciting, isn't it?!? It can get so expensive!!

12-05-2015, 08:02 PM
It gets easier we only scare ourselves