View Full Version : 2015

12-08-2015, 01:15 PM
It's that time of the year again, where I post my annual thread about the year that is about to pass.

Ah, 2015. I wrote about how miserable 2013 was, mostly because of the emotional bottom I hit caused by decades of untreated GD, exacerbated by a psychic who obviously couldn't help me. 2014, the year in which I started my transition, and started going out with Cody, was a wonderful year. Well, at least the first 10 months of it were. Now on to 2015. I honestly believe that 2015 was one of the most difficult year of my entire life. Although I am living authentically, and am much more comfortable in my own skin this year, 2015 has certainly been a year that has tested me and my patience. When I first came out at work last year, my boss told me that he noticed that I have much better coping skills than I did before coming out. Well, those coping skills have been tested to the max. 2015 has been an incredibly difficult year. Some of it has been transition related, and some of it because of my father. But a huge part of this year's difficulties came from circumstances that were not really TS or transition related.

The biggest thing I faced this year was two months of bronchitis - the god awful coughing, being bedridden, drained of energy, and depression that came along with it. Virtually every appliance in my apartment broke down this year and had to be replaced. My car (which is 15 years old) had lots of things go wrong with it. And lots of other stuff. A lot of little obstacles that by themselves wouldn't be much of an issue. I mean, I usually have a car repair or two every year. Things go wrong. But this year, it seemed like everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong this year. It felt as if the little obstacles just kept on piling and piling. One by itself, or even a few, don't normally cause too much stress. But this year, it just never seemed to end. I just couldn't get a break circumstantially. And all of this happening on top of an already stressful gender transition. And my father pushing my buttons about my transition when I was sick didn't help either.

I would like to say good riddance to 2015, and I am hoping for a brighter and happier 2016 :).

On a bright note, I got my gender marker changed on my driver's license. Along with it, I got a photo which is congruent with what I look like now. I plan on doing the full documentation change in 2016. In California, you can legally change your gender marker on your driver's license without changing your name.

Oh, and I didn't get much seasonal depression during November or December. Normally, I get seasonally depressed during the last two months of the year, but this year, so far, no seasonal depression.

I would like to hear from you, how was your 2015? Was there anything in particular that stood out in 2015 that you would like to remember, or like to forget, or anything that will leave a lasting impression or is telling you that you need to do something in the future? What would you like to personally accomplish during 2016?

Edit: Let me post about the good and bad of 2015.

I. The Good

1. I came out on Facebook and created a Facebook page for Michelle. I deleted my male FB page.

2. I am gainfully employed

3. I am in a loving relationship with a transman, and Christmas Day will be our year and a half anniversary

4. I have lots of supportive friends - some trans, but mostly cis

5. I am beginning to socially integrate into society as a woman

6. I have been attending three women's AA meetings every week since August. These are not LGBT meetings, just regular women's meetings.

7. I got my gender marker changed to Female on my driver's license, along with a congruent photo.

8. I have had 10 laser hair removal sessions, and my facial hair is nearly gone. Although I still have to shave sometimes, the beard is not at all noticeable. Even the chin, which has been the most stubborn area, has nicely been cleared of any facial hair.

9. I attended my first wedding as a woman, and it was also my first wedding with a date. Another MTF/FTM couple Cody and I know got married a few weeks ago.

II. The bad

1. I had numerous appliances break down and need to be replaced this year.

2. My car had two intermittent problems - the car not starting, and the key not coming out of the ignition. Both these problems would happen on and off. I had to take the car to the mechanic numerous times before each problem was diagnosed and fixed. The two problems were ultimately diagnosed and fixed, in separate visits. A temperamental car which won't start, key won't come out, and breaks down for no reason can really begin to wear you down and add stress to your life. My car is 15 years old with 145,000 miles.

3. My car had several other problems, including it once stopped running in the middle of the road, and I had to get it repaired. I've visited the mechanic a total of 8 times this year. My car air conditioner stopped blowing cold air the other day. I will likely need to get that fixed, but I will wait until a month or so from now, since December isn't usually very warm in L.A. Although this year it has been warm so far.

4. I got two traffic tickets when I was in NY. The tickets were ultimately dismissed, and I found out today. However, it was a MAJOR headache trying to fight an out of state ticket.

5. I got ripped off by Spint PCS who offered this promo with a free tablet and land line, along with free service. It turns out Sprint lied to me and the devices and service aren't free, and there's nothing I can do to get my money back. I tried fighting several times, both over the phone and in person, and finally I just gave up.

6. I was sick with bronchitis for two months this year (mid-April to mid-June). I was bedridden for most of the time. I was coughing constantly, depressed, fatigued, and could barely talk.

7. On the night before my birthday, my dad blamed the hormones for making me sick, and he also went off about how I should look for work outside the L.A. area. Yes, I was sick on my birthday, and my dad said all this to me when I was sick and on my birthday. I sunk even further into depression from this.

8. I had a residual cough that is still not completely gone. I was unable to laugh until mid-September without triggering a cough. Although I can now laugh without coughing much of the time, I'm not 100% over my cough. I haven't smoked any cigarettes - regular nor electronic, in over two years. Not laughing for 5-6 months can really take it's toll on anyone - it certainly did for me.

9. I experienced the worst mis-gendering wave during June and July. The mis-gendering has stopped, and I rarely get mis-gendered since then. However, it was very depressing to be mis-gendered every other day for two whole months, especially after not being mis-gendered so often before.

10. I was really depressed over my face this summer, and was freaking out over whether or not to get FFS, how to pay for it, and knowing that my bf is against plastic surgery. I'm feeling much better about my face, and I have seen more facial feminization occur since July/August.

11. I lived with lots of fear and uncertainty about the future, whether I will pass or not, whether I will be accepted as a woman, and whether or not I will have an easy time making new friends.

12. I was seriously betrayed by someone (who is a transwoman) who I thought was a good friend.

13. I was really hurt seriously by another transwoman who said very mean things to me.

14. I've experienced a wave of back problems during the past 2-3 months, along with a couple of colds.

15. For the first time in my life, I really know what it's like to be persistently busy 24/7, and have little to no free time. This is difficult because I've never been this functional, nor have I had so much on my plate to deal with.

16. The senior pastor at my church left in May. My church has been falling apart ever since then. There is internal conflict, which I am staying out of, but it has affected the church. Membership has dwindled drastically. Our trans male pastor just decided recently to step down.

So while some good things did happen this year, I experienced a lot of stress this year from health, transition, and an increase non-transition life related circumstances (especially with my car).

Nicole Erin
12-08-2015, 01:46 PM
Had a room mate come stay with me. Other than that, just another year.

12-08-2015, 02:19 PM
2015 was the year of Everything™ for me.

Out to everybody
Legal junk

Busy, busy, busy. I'm just hoping 2016 will be a bit less frantic.

12-08-2015, 03:53 PM
2015 Was Great so far,, Business was Great, Started H.R.T. With a Great new Doctor, Everything seems to be looking up. And most of all I am Happy Happy Happy ,, Not that I was ever a really unhappy person other than the Gender dysphoria thing,, But with all that behind me and 17 laser treatments down and losing around 125 Pounds Life is great,, If 2016 is Better than 2015 I don't think I could stand it,,lol,,,

12-08-2015, 04:08 PM
2015 for me:
- legal name / gender marker change
- Fully out at work
- Led a trans support group
- came out as bi / poly
- voice lessons with Kathe Perez
- I was on TV a couple of times
- I was in the paper
- stood up in a press conference about what's after marriage equality with Chad Griffin, head of the HRC
- did a number of public speaking events to raise trans awareness
- lobbied for trans rights in Austin
- 26 years sober
- Got a girlfriend
- Gender Reassignment Surgery
- Breast Augmentation

And yet I'm still not finished with electrolysis - dammit!

12-08-2015, 09:26 PM
Prior to November '14 -- Years of denial, resistance, turmoil, male/husband/father duties, leading to significant breakdown and mental anguish. Rock Bottom and the realization that successfully transitioning under the care of Dr's was the only answer.

End of Oct early November ’14

Established Dr connection and was accepted into MTF Hormonal Treatment under a doctor’s care
Went full time personally (excluding Work).
Meeting Paula (Iam); first Trans-woman I’ve personally met and began a wonderful friendship.


Considerable battery of medical tests to determine health levels to begin Hormone Therapy including a specific attention to potential Cardiac issues that might preclude me from HRT.
Met Erin(girl) through a strange quirk of fate and a wonderful kinship began.


Began Electro on Face and Laser on Body.
Major change in diet and exercise. Starting at 266lbs.


Estrogen and Progesterone; added slowly as Dr. was very conservative.
Voice Therapy begins.


Ramped Estrogen to current levels
Began the process of disclosure to Work related friends and critical allies to assist with preparation and planning to eventually going full time.
Established connection with Corporate HR for planning Work Transition (they eventually left all planning and execution to me to drive due to global nature and organizational complexities and assisted where needed)
Call from President and CEO of the company expressing their support for my decision to transition and looked forward to my continued participation as a valued member of the work team. That was a turning point for me for many reasons.
Disclosure to Son that I was transitioning. Still remember the conversation and response vividly. “yeah whatever, what’s for dinner”.


Coming out with Direct Management Chain and beginning the broader awareness and disclosures. Completed 160+ personal disclosures WW to key friends, management chains, and peers on close working teams. Secret remained solid despite the breadth of disclosure but this was a significantly draining process emotionally.
Business trip to HQ and arrived realizing I'd not packed any Male cloths (wasn't out at work yet).
Hormone levels stable; life is good.


Official coming out World Wide at work. Mind blowing positive event. 100% acceptance at work and overwhelming feedback. Name changed within work.


Official applications filed for Name Change
Extreme agony regarding how coming out to family and friends would go. No time for the slow disclosure process it had to be all or nothing otherwise I’d need to significantly change summer plans.
Coming out to Personal Friends and Family.
Now Full Full Time
Without question the best summer in my life in home town with family and friends. Very social all summer. Me being me at home.


Things begin to settle to the new normal.
Official name change received; the big “F” finally. New Driver’s License and Health Card. the long list of name changes begins.


1st vacation (freelance work) as Jennifer.
First significant international business trip meeting customers since going full time.
Birth Certificate Update Application submitted.


Hormone levels remain good.
Weight down under 200lbs. BMI 28.
Application for SRS submitted.
Laser on body concludes. Electro continues but crossed the hump.


Previous friendships remain strong and in most cases improved, work remains good, family comfortable.
Realizing the degree of physical changes over the past year due to hormones (pretty cool).
Reflection on all the significant events of the year, the people who helped me in my journey (including all of you here), how much I’ve grown, my comfort level and confidence in myself, and most of all looking forward to a somewhat more normal year coming.

Pretty average year I'm guessing. Welcome to the world of transitioning.

Cheers... Jennifer

12-08-2015, 09:57 PM
Wow, 2015! Where to start?

Started Therapy
Started HRT
Finished facial electrolysis (as much as one can be finished with it)
Grew my hair out to shoulder length
Taking performance art lessons exclusively as Eryn at a club where I have never been (and never will be) in male mode
Started coming out to long-term male-world friends.
Came out to my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. (successfully)
Set tentative date for transition at work next year. (this one is problematical, still needs study.)

And, most importantly, I had a great year with Mimi!

12-08-2015, 10:42 PM
MMMMM 2015

Went from coming out to my wife (in May 2013) and taking it at her pace not mine!

Now transitioning no small feat in my home town

Started therapy in August with my wife

Laser hair removal started October

Looking at HRT next year ( depending on the NZ health rules)

Dress full time at home

Wife has just joined here kiwiGGdownunder

After xmas going to start discussing all this with our two grown up daughters , scared to death about that!!!!!

Has it been easy NOPE lots of highs and lows for both of us

My wife keeps saying WE will get through this together how amazing is that !

Lastly I don't post a lot mainly because I'm a shocking spelling but I do read all your posts and you all have made a real difference so thank you

Merry Xmas
Happy New year


12-08-2015, 11:26 PM
I thought about copying and pasting Paula's and just editing. But I will go with this.

- Still doing electrolysis (I begin to think it will last as long as taking estrogen)
- First full year of being real and I feel it in my personality.
- 6 months after transition, decided to volunteer and was voted on the board of the Utah Pride Center.
- 6 months later voted the Vice Chair for 2016
- I used to bowl something like 5-7 nights a week. So I decided to go around to my old leagues and reintroduce myself. It is like coming out all over again but with confidence!
- Unlike Paula, I joke with my wife how I am just off the pictures in the paper and clipped out of the TV news when I talk. My nickname will be "cutting room floor".
- On a related note, broke my nose 5 minutes before speaking to a 500+ person gathering. That was interesting.
- Met Janet Mock
- Met Aydian Dowling
- Worked with my HR on two gender related topics, one for my benefit and one for theirs. Got a friend request from my HR rep on Facebook after (dangerous?)
- Able to spend time with, Skype, or use Google Hangouts with, 5 friends from this subforum and it should be 6 before the year closes. Solid Gold!
- Best of all, felt the love of my family and friends.

Toughest of all, having to work through the first suicide in the community while being heavily engaged. It was heart breaking and really does suck a lot out of you. RIP Ashley Hailstorm, you are remembered.

12-09-2015, 01:22 AM

Going to thailand was an exciting and kind of surreal experience of a lifetime. Memories that will stay with me forever.

The rest of the year not so great

I have my camera, my cloths, a couple old beat up cars
I work 60 + hours a week trying to get some financial security but it does not seem to work out
I deliver pizza!
I have a small room above a garage, it's cold
I'm alone
I have no social life
My new parts still hurt I don't know if it will get better
my doc here says it will need surgery to make it look a little more normal
I leak a lot

Hearts broken
I feel like I have failed in my transition
im really sad
I don't know how to pick myself back up

What a year

12-09-2015, 07:36 AM
Facelift surgery
Got my ears pierced (wow love it)
Sold house and moved to new one
Continuing 4 years of electrolysis almost done
Still married to a very supportive wife
Sleeping much better now (see retired above)
Thinking about getting a part time job as Vicky next year. Something fun probably an office environment.
Thinking about HRT next year but kinda chicken and still liking my male life.

Suzanne F
12-09-2015, 05:46 PM
February began laser on face

April 20th ran first Boston Marathon.
Same day began HRT

Changed legal name and gender

Scheduled SRS for May 2016

Came out to HR and company president

Introduced to company and customers as Suzanne Ford

Began electrolysis on genital area and face

What a year!

Heidi Stevens
12-09-2015, 06:36 PM
It's great to see that we all seem to be making progress in our lives, congrats to you all!

2015 will be a very memorable year for me as well. In January I started gender therapy and after four visits had my self diagnosis that I was transgendered confirmed.
In March I was introduced to my ob/gyn and started HRT. After getting the go ahead for HRT, things have been looking up.
Did some traveling most of the spring and summer to all portions of the U.S. It was a trip to the Erie Gala at the end of October that was the highlight of my year! 5 days of Heidi getting to be herself among others like her!
Best of all, my lovely bride, though DADT, stayed with me the whole time. She remains my life's love and I remain in male mode only to keep her happy. She in turn has given me the freedom to find my female side as long as she doesn't see it.
She is the only reason I've not progressed to living 100% female. We continue to share things, travel and even are learning East Coast Swing this fall.

I finish up this year with a trip to the big island of Hawaii with my wife! Having a wonder time relaxing and reminding myself how good I had it this year!

Leah Lynn
12-13-2015, 01:55 AM

Quit my job in Feb.

Former boss offered a substantial raise and promotion to come back.

I went back.

Came out to some friends.

Came out at work.

Worked my tail off.

Name change.

Living full time.

Down side...

Lost my mother.

Lost my youngest brother.

And life goes on...
