View Full Version : More on taking small steps

Rhandi Spencer
12-14-2015, 09:54 AM
This weekend I decided I was going to window shop at some stores to see what reactions I would get if any. I was drab.
I went to Dress Barn and it was actually very pleasant. The SAs were all helpful and allowed me to just browse, checking on me every so often. Other customers ignored me. This is giving me the confidence to make purchases, however I am not ready to try items on in the store.
My wife and I then went to Victoria Secrets and Soma looking for items for her. I was observing how the SA's and other customers reacted to a male being there. Non of them cared. It might have been different if I was actually involved in conversations, I has just the husband.

Anyways, this is/was a huge confidence builder for me. Next step is to actually make a few purchases from stores other than Walmart / Target.

I want thank everyone for the posts on this forum as it really does help with confidence. I am one of those that over analyze everything and think knows what goes on inside my head.


12-14-2015, 10:03 AM
I've only purchased in store from Meijer and Walmart. Ordered online from Hanes and Kohls.

12-14-2015, 10:58 AM
Especially at this time of year, no one cares what you buy or who it's for. All they want is for the day to be over so they can go home, or go shopping themselves. I see men buying women's things all the time, and I haven't noticed anyone paying any sort of attention at all.

Genneva Lynn
12-14-2015, 12:41 PM
Most VS and Soma stores will welcome you with open arms, might have you come back at a non busy time, but money is money.

Beverley Sims
12-14-2015, 12:51 PM
I have never had trouble shopping for myself, I am usually up front and honest, most SA's seem interested and wish to help.

You will get the occasional off hand person but all you do is say no not now, give thanks, smile and walk away.

Always be pleasant and never show your timidness.