View Full Version : A night at the theatre

12-19-2015, 10:34 PM
I have a few minutes before the show begins. I'm seeing Emma, by the way. Wife couldn't make it so I'm alone. The show was virtually sold out so my single ticket is in the middle somewhere. As I went to enter the theatre I was a tad early and the usher, a 70 something year old woman tells me I'll have to wait a few minutes and another usher lady asks the first usher what is needed and the first usher says," He...She is waiting to get in. Pretty good catch for a grandma, I thought.

This is just called me unity theatre but professional none the less. All kinds milling about. Some men in suits and ladies in dresses but most pretty casual. I, of course, rented a dress from Rent the Runway. Is the Houston sheath by Elizabeth and James. Not too fancy but very form fitting. Can't wait to talk to my seat mates!

just a little more: I'm in a cozy part of Palo Alto and families are startin to come in. This ain't San Francisco! Good times. I'll give an update at the end of the night.

Good show. I was just another patron of the arts. Here's what I wore: http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?234944-A-night-at-the-theatre-in-a-Rent-the-Runway-dress-of-course!