View Full Version : G. P. Will find out about Heidi tomorrow.

Heidi Stevens
12-20-2015, 09:46 PM
Monday morning I have my first general physical since I started HRT back in March. Of course one of the first things the nurse will do is to ask you if your meds have changed since your last visit. Uh, yeah! Oh, BTW nurse, I need to have you to list my OB/GYN on the other Doctors list as well. So the nurse surely knows how to put two and two together.

Next will be the GP and the general physical. This should be an interesting encounter. The clinic I've been going to for over 30 years prides itself in being Christian based, primarily Baptist. You hear a lot of "have a blessed day" and "thank the lord" around the office. With this in mind, I have always been honest and forward to my doctors when it comes to my health care.

I expect my Doc to behave in a professional manor, but I will keep my eyes open to any noticeable changes in attitude or demeanor once he's read the chart and notices that my chest is a bit bigger since I saw him last.
Not worried, this will probably test him more than me! I'll give a full report tomorrow.

12-20-2015, 10:08 PM
Heidi... I still chuckle from getting the notice of being overdue for my cervical exam after my records were changed. We all have lots of challenges as we transition but there's also ample opportunity for a weird sorta chuckle along the way at times.

Cheers... Jennifer

12-20-2015, 10:13 PM
The medical field is a mine field to traverse. Too many things are assumed or automated to the gender/sex norms. It will change over time, but for now, I hope you do well with your doctor and his staff and no x-rays if you are pregnant!

12-20-2015, 11:11 PM
...The clinic I've been going to for over 30 years prides itself in being Christian based, primarily Baptist. You hear a lot of "have a blessed day"...I expect my Doc to behave in a professional manor, but I will keep my eyes open to any noticeable changes in attitude...

Other than for the fact that you've been going there for a long time, is there any reason why you continue to go there when you know that it is likely that they will be hostile to your true self?

If one is trans, It would seem to be prudent to get one's medical care from those who are openly supportive of transpeople, not those for whom you feel the need to "keep your eyes open" in case they might undermine your treatment.

Honestly, the luckiest thing that happened to me was when my old GP retired and I switched to a young female GP. She was on board with my being TG from the first second I met her,

12-20-2015, 11:19 PM
Wow Heidi! I'm not on HRT (yet) myself but I've done a lot of research on TG friendly Dr's. ..found a really well reviewed doc but not recommended for 'us' since he works in a very Christian clinic. The Dr would be great but the staff...would probably run out crying after I phsycologicaly tore them to shreds 😠

Kate T
12-21-2015, 03:38 AM
Hmm.... Curious, for a group of people who should know better there seems to be a lot of judgement about what others are going to think or say.

Frankly it has been my experience in coming out that people usually are amazingly supportive. I have a staff member who is Jehova's witness and she has bought me mascara, lent me dresses and we babysit her children. We have the full support of our local catholic parish priests, we have had teachers from the local catholic high school ask us for advice and support for a student who is transitioning and most of my GP's staff are clients of ours, in fact some have recommended us to their friends.

I am a little bit mystified though as to how on earth you guys get a hold of HRT without getting a referral to an Endo from a GP?? My GP knows but basically because I sat down in a consult with him and told him I wanted a referral to this Endocrinologist, that Psychiatrist, and this pathologist. Frankly the only reason I was happy he has had a trans patient previously is that it meant I didn't have to go through trans 101.

12-21-2015, 12:02 PM
Kate T Did you see where she is From ? Central Arkansas ,, Hick Town USA,,,,LOL,,, Trans Friendly Doctors are HARD to come by down here,,lol,,,, You gotta take what you can get around here,, Hell maybe he will just blow it off?

12-21-2015, 02:21 PM

Normally, I wont comment in the TS section, but you're a friend so... Wishing the best for you. Yes, there could be an issue or NOT, just as easily. Even in the deep south. Good for you to give them a chance. If it doesn't work out, then you can always move on. If it does, maybe you've done everyone a service! Please let us know how it goes.

Kate, I'm very glad to hear about your positive experience.

Heidi Stevens
12-21-2015, 04:39 PM
I've returned from my trip to my primary physician, and I'm proud to say things went swimmingly! Actually the toughest thing that happened to me was not eating for 14 hours for a fasting blood test. I must say that the entire staff was very professional and did not cause any undue stress if they were bothered by my new information.

The nurse came in and did her duties. We updated my meds list and I had to spell Spironolactone for her. I tried to keep an ear out for the conversation when she returned to the nurses' station. All they were talking about was the Miss Universe screw up last night.

So now it's the Doctor's turn and he comes in to do the physical. We hit the general stuff, how you doing, had anything, etc. During the exam, he asked me if I was taking something like saw palmetto for my prostate. I said " you might want to look at the drug list update". He first says "mmmm.. Ok, guess that combination should keep prostate growth in check!" Then he asked me how I came about this prescription? I told him about my gender dysphoria, the gender therapy, and the OB/GYN monitoring my treatment. His reply was interesting. He asked me if I was trying to be more male or more female. I told him more female. He asked if I was going as far as surgery, but I told him I was happy at the level of treatment I was at right now, so no, not right now. He wrapped up the exam and wished me a Merry Christmas and went on his rounds.

So it seems even here in the middle of the Bible Belt the professionals do their job as expected. I do wish every one would behave this way.

12-21-2015, 09:35 PM
Heidi, I'm glad all went smoothly for you!

Hugs, Bria

12-21-2015, 10:49 PM
Sometimes we get the outcome we least expect. Glad to hear it!

12-22-2015, 01:58 AM
Jenn---Even funnier would have been if you went for tge cervical exam as directed. Really test their demeanor and composure, LoL

12-22-2015, 05:30 AM
Hi Heidi,

Glad to read things went swimmingly well at the GP . . . it makes things easier for certain. Most important questions after 14 hours of fasting I am sure you had a great celebratory meal :)



12-29-2015, 10:29 PM
glad to hear it went well heidi