View Full Version : One year after self-acceptance

12-22-2015, 01:26 PM
Hi friends,

This is my first post in this forum, I'm here to say hi (hi!) welcome myself :), and give a quick update. Just about a year ago I introduced myself to our forums, and since then my world has changed so much I can hardly believe some of it is real. After coming out to my wife, increasing frequency in needing to dress, going out too much, drinking a little too much, and experiencing bouts of severe yet momentary depression due to hiding, I started seeing a gender therapist over the summer.

Several months ago I started laser facial hair removal. And while I'm not full time, I'm happy to say my transition path is slowly starting to take form. I'm out among our neighborhood friends (there were rumors anyway, so why hide!), and I've started attending my MBA courses as myself... next step will be interviewing as myself. While I'm still unemployed and things are a touch shaky at home, I'm hopeful.

I started hormones 3 weeks ago today, and LOVE it already.


12-22-2015, 02:08 PM
Good for you! I have to ask, what are the changes you've noticed after being on hormones for only 3 weeks? Do you think it's mainly a psychological change do to moving forward or an actual effect of the hormones?

Heidi Stevens
12-22-2015, 02:16 PM
Congratulations Jamie, finding yourself is the first step and it looks like you know where you want to go since finding out. There will be starts and stops along the way, but enjoy the ride.

And Cindy, I started HRT last March and felt fantastic by the middle is April. The physical side didn't show up until months later. It does effect your mood.

12-22-2015, 03:32 PM
What are the changes you've noticed after being on hormones for only 3 weeks?

Thanks Cindy! Changes. Some physical changes so far. The primary one is OMG... my skin. It got softer after about 10 days, and continues to soften. It feels so amazing. My friends have told me I already look younger around the eyes, though perhaps some of that is drinking a lot of water, quitting smoking, or even smiling a lot more and being a little more outgoing due to confidence. I've been doing measurements daily, and beyond my skin the only noticeable change so far is that the size of my areola has increased slightly.

Psychological changes... hmm... well, I'd probably attribute this to confidence and generally feeling much better about myself, not sure if that's hormones or like you say just having a plan forward and action. I no longer need my nails to be perfect, nor do I care *as much* about a perfect shave except for my face. I'm more likely to go over to a friends house in jeans and a sweater than having the perfect outfit and going out partying. I don't feel the need to drink as often or as much.

Interestingly, the first few days I had a low grade headache, kinda nagging me, barely there headache. I also experienced a little anxiety, not like GD, but a touch of fear of the unknown. Don't remember exactly when either went away.
