View Full Version : saw a t girl yesterday

Wendy me
12-23-2015, 08:09 AM
hey i was out and abought picking up some things with my son in "him" mode ... i saw a t girl i picked her out in abought 2 seconds she was dressed very cute just tight enough jeans cute top and hair was very cute ... as always made limited eye contact but i am sure she knew i knew .... but respecte is a big thing so i did not let on..

see everyday life and being out and abought is not 6 inch heels skimpy skirts and putting on a show its abought blending in and haveing some style and class.... to who ever you are .... you rocked it .....

Candice June Lee
12-23-2015, 08:30 AM
We were in Nashville a couple weeks ago. Went shopping at Kmart. Our checker lady was a trans female. Cute and blended. Nothing elaborate. I had earrings in that dangled, we both noticed each other and smiled. My SO didn't even notice her. It sure is great to that honestly.

Kate Simmons
12-23-2015, 08:32 AM
I see one every day when I look in the mirror Hon. :battingeyelashes::)

12-23-2015, 09:44 AM
I've only seen one or two in my life that I was sure about. And it's been a long life around a lot of people. I guess they all gravitate to certain parts of the country and certain parts of cities.

12-23-2015, 09:54 AM
i have seen many and hope to see many more...some have worked at passing others have not...it is just wonderful when you make eye contact and smile...gives me a nice warm feeling that i am not alone

12-23-2015, 10:04 AM
Many here disagree but what Wendy saw I think using the right words to make contact and compliment the CD and let them know you are also a CD also just furthers our cause and builds confidence. If anyone remembers my post several months ago I saw another CD early one morning in Walmart, I went over not letting this rare opportunity pass and broke the ice in an easy and complimentary way, we both were dressed and had a short, nice conversation and I think we both left knowing we were not alone; a good feeling to see someone you have "this special thing with" out just like you. And it seems the person you saw was dressed very nice, blended and everyone was just fine with the presentation, AS IT SHOULD BE.

12-23-2015, 10:38 AM
I think it would be pretty embarrassing to walk up to a person you suspect is a crossdresser and say something like "I see you are a fellow crossdresser" only to find out that she was an actual genetic female. Even if the person was a crossdresser, you would be hurting her feelings by making it obvious that she didn't pass.

I think the best plan is to just treat her as another woman that you don't know and walk on by. If the situation puts the two of you in close contact (like a checkout line), polite conversation might be in order but not about crossdressing unless you see that she wants t6o talk about it.

If the other crossdresser is not trying to pass (a "man in a dress") and you are not either, that's a different situation, walk up to him and say whatever comes to mind.

12-23-2015, 10:58 AM
there's "passing" to a normal member of the public (other men, then women - much tougher), and then there's passing to other t-girls - not gonna happen. So i don't think its rude to say hello to another CD 'cos we know we can spot signals other people just don't notice. It'ls like when you buy a new car, suddenly you see all the others of that type you'd never noticed before; same goes for CD.


Suzanne F
12-23-2015, 02:10 PM
I've only seen one or two in my life that I was sure about. And it's been a long life around a lot of people. I guess they all gravitate to certain parts of the country and certain parts of cities.

Really???? They all gravitate to certain cities or parts of cities. I guess I didn't get the memo because I go everywhere my life requires not certain cities or parts of cities. I might be in Hayward or Sacramento for work one day and San Francisco the next. I also fly to Kentucky regularly to see my daughters. How did that hot bed of trans approval get on the list? My point is that we do not gravitate anywhere we just live our lives as trans women. It is bad when the general public lumps all of us in a box but here on this forum?

12-23-2015, 02:38 PM
I'm not really sure how to take this thread. It sounds so bad when you guys I saw one or I saw only one or two in my life like we something different than a human beings. I know you are supportive, but the way you all sound is a little offensive to me.
If you see someone you suspect is Trans you really don't know if She or he is a CD or a Trans person. We are all just people like everyone else and all I want is to be treated like every other human being.
When you say oh there's one you put us into a category of I don't know own what. I know when you walk by someone you think is Trans and smile you think you are giving some secret support. When I see someone and they flash me a big smile, I know that they are saying it's cool to me that you are Trans but the reality is I don't need anyones approval.

12-23-2015, 07:35 PM
If you've seen only one or two and you say so, how can that be offensive?

12-26-2015, 08:56 AM
2015 has been called the "Year of the Offended". Some people find a way to be offended by almost anything they see or hear. My comment is probably already on Facebook.

Maybe I should restrict my posts to "You look hot in that outfit."

12-29-2015, 02:46 PM
I go out shopping en femme in the Chicagoland area quite a bit, if you ever see me please feel free to say hello. You won't be able to miss me, I'll be the man dressed in woman's clothes because although I look in the mirror and see a beautiful young girl I am certain everyone else sees a 60 year old man dressed as good as he can as a woman. I try my best to look decent, respectable and pretty but it just don't shake out that way so please, compliments if you will.

12-29-2015, 03:20 PM
Why do the references to skyscraper heels and inappropriate hem lengths always get trotted out? Who here has actually seen a fellow CD out in the daytime dressed like that? If anybody wants to spot me in the crowd go right ahead: I'll be classy and stylish but sure as heck not attempting to blend.

12-29-2015, 04:32 PM
well Angela, there are many who do dress this way. Not all, maybe not more than half, but enough do and generally it is not the best impression IMO. To each their own, live and let live, but, I have seen some dressed just that way, and it was not that they were a CDer that I noticed 1st, but simply how they were dressed. Not blending in at all. Maybe these people want the attention, and if they or anyone else does, I am fine with that. If CDers somehow think that dressing that way disguises them, hardly. It makes them much more noticeable.

12-31-2015, 09:55 AM
Really???? They all gravitate to certain cities or parts of cities. I guess I didn't get the memo because I go everywhere my life requires not certain cities or parts of cities. I might be in Hayward or Sacramento for work one day and San Francisco the next. I also fly to Kentucky regularly to see my daughters. How did that hot bed of trans approval get on the list? My point is that we do not gravitate anywhere we just live our lives as trans women. It is bad when the general public lumps all of us in a box but here on this forum?

Extreme sarcasm aside, many of the posts in this forum would suggest that you are wrong on the "gravitation" statement. People ask where they can go to be accepted and others reply with suggestions. Some cities and some parts of some cities are more open to those with "alternative lifestyles". Others are not. It's a fact. Either that or everyone here is wrong except for you.

I would have been more accepting of your post if the personal attack had been left out.

12-31-2015, 11:11 AM
Some of us "T-girls" do live in the real world and people see us all the time - at our jobs, in our schools, at church, in the store buying our toilet paper. In $hit town idaho and san francisco too. Its like we are almost normal or something. I always get a kick out of these threads people getting exciting they saw a trans person, like some exotic rare animal in the wild. In reality, we are all around you ;)

Tracii G
12-31-2015, 12:22 PM
We are everywhere and some enjoy standing out some don't.
I'm a blender in girl mode and might be considered a little out there in guy or 50/50 mode.
Live and let live is my motto.
If you want to say hi to me in either mode I'm cool with it.It really does matter how you approach them so use common sense if you want to make contact.
If you see one who is pensive and unsure of themselves maybe its best to leave them alone.