View Full Version : my crazy week

Gina Torres
01-02-2016, 08:39 AM
Wednesday I finally had the courage to go out.
Took me a couple hours to do my makeup as I am still new at that. I had probably my longest photo shoot ever, trying to find the best outfit.
By the time I was ready it was already late like 9 pm or so. So I got to thinking where should I go? I came to the realization I don't have any girl jackets. Looked up my nearest Ross on my phone.
Drove out there. Parked my car and by the time I got to the door my heart was pounding so dang hard I just wanted to abort.
Walked inside and all I could think was OMG!! people! So I started to walk around and my bangs got in my eyes and my heart was beating so fast I couldn't really see anything or hear anything. Couple of teenage boys walked by and said something to each other and laughed. Not sure if it was about me or what. No one really payed any attention to me, which I thought was success.
I ended up buying a welcome home mat.
The whole time inside the store felt like 2 eternities but was probably like 15 minutes. Got home and my downstairs neighbors are outside for a smoke. I don't think they noticed or cared.
I rate my first time out , on a scale of 1 to 10, awesome/10.☺
How do I post pics I wanna show what I looked like and get opinions?

I also came out to my brah on new years eve. I was at a country bar and said that my new years resolution is to be more confident. He said you have to find what you are afraid of and do it. I instantly started thinking of what I did the day prior. I got all emotional and started crying.
We got some shots and then he starts saying its the 21st century. Its OK to be gay. I start laughing and say its not that. Then I proceed to tell him how I really feel about myself. Then some really crazy stuff happened with a drunk homophobic cowboy. And that is a whole other story.
After all that I'm still here. And now I feel like I'm more lost than ever before, but for once I don't feel too scared about it.

Sorry about the super long post I've been bottled up long time.😁

01-02-2016, 08:54 AM
happy that you had a nice time out,
share the not having my own coat thing,
not sure about the Brah reference ?
like to hear the other story,
as far as feeling lost stick around and we figure it out together, thats why were all here,
dont ever worry about using too many words to get your point across, somebody will have time to read....
keep your chin up gina if you looked as good as your avatar your doing fine....

bridget thronton
01-02-2016, 09:01 AM
You post is not all that long (many here are longer) - thanks for sharing

Lauri K
01-02-2016, 09:47 AM
Gina, sounds like crammed a lot into your first time out dressed and you went shopping also. I am grateful to hear you done ok, many had to take much smaller steps to get our courage levels up to where they are.

But all that said, it sounded like it was all positive and no one payed any attention otherwise. Plus buying a door mat is a really cool, just another person shopping for the home. As for those young boy's laughing, who know's what they were giggling about, but I doubt it was aimed at you

I will let the mods jump in on photo posting, but last time I checked you had to make 10 posts to have photo privelages.

But as soon as you do get that behind you please post pictures of your outfit that you wore.

01-02-2016, 12:13 PM
Well, you still need a jacket so you have reason to go out again soon!

01-02-2016, 12:21 PM
Hi Gina,

Your part about going to Ross was very descriptive and familiar to me. I've been going out a little over a year and I still feel like you did, but it's so much fun!

Places like Ross are big time for me. So many people. I prefer a less crowded venue like Penny's where I can walk up and pay. Waiting in line is when people check each other out and I find it unnerving, even though nothing bad has ever happened in a long line.

Congratulations on your new dimension to life and I admire your courage to come out to your brother. Maybe you can shop together some day.

Gina Torres
01-02-2016, 01:39 PM
I posted and it didn't come up? Prolly hit a wrong button.

Thanks for the kind words.

Christina, funny you should mention the line as those were my thoughts exactly.

Jennifer, you are too right. I still do need one.

The person in the avatar is me. 😊

01-02-2016, 01:49 PM
As Lauri k said, you need to have 10 posts/replies before you can post a picture thread.

Just get involved in a thread and give an opinion on something, like I love giving mine :heehee:, and you'll be good to go.

Really great that you're getting out and about. Pity you don't live near Croydon, we could have gone together :daydreaming:. I'll look forward to your picture posts.


01-02-2016, 04:12 PM
Don't worry about the coat, my wife also goes in to shops for clothes and comes away with something like a lamp.
I think it's a girls thing (as is being emotionally "lost")
I love your story, wish I could have been there with you.

01-02-2016, 04:22 PM
Thank you for sharing.
Not sure if anyone has shared this.
But to post pictures you go to "Manage Attachments".
Sometimes you have to click on "Go Advanced" to get to additional options.
Make sure read the rules on posting pictures.
I open pictures in "Paint" and resize them per the regulation size, 550 by 650 I believe.
Of course after you reach 10 posts.
And you can click on "Preview Post" to make sure you definitely have the pics you want and that they're rotated the way you want.

01-02-2016, 04:28 PM
Your post isn't that long, but most of all you set out to do what you wanted, and did it...be proud of that as you will find that it will become easier and more natural each time

Suzie Petersen
01-02-2016, 04:32 PM
Hi Gina,

Sounds like you did great for your first time out. Most wont do all what you did on a first outing!

I have to say though, when I read you bought a "welcome home mat" it almost had me in tears! That was about the last thing in the world I would have guessed if you had asked what we thought you bought on your first girl mode shopping experience :)

Good for you! No turning back now!


01-02-2016, 04:47 PM
That sounds like a great time....make sure you get to the 10 post mark so we can see your pictures. Have fun and do it again!

01-02-2016, 08:31 PM
Is this little California surfer girl (me) the only one here who knows that "brah" is Hawaiian for "brother?"

01-02-2016, 08:37 PM
I want to venture out soon. I'm working on the makeup thing too. Getting better but not sure how passing I could be.
My nerves aren't quit there yet to meet real people shopping.

01-02-2016, 09:05 PM
Hi Gina:hugs:, Welcome to our forum, When you are here you are home.

What ever questions that you have 99.999% of the time someone will have an answer for you.

I'm sure that it will get a lot easier the more that you go out, You look so young and pretty in your avatar. ~~...:daydreaming:...

Gina Torres
01-03-2016, 12:41 AM
Wow, thanks for all the replies. I never really expected such a warm welcome.

Hey Donna , I hope you have a great first time. As far as passing I don't really know if I passed or not either as I have never practiced my girl voice or walk or anything. It was definitely worth it. For me anyway.

Thanks OCCarly I knew someone would know. He just came back from a vacation in Hawaii that's why I said that. ☺

Anyway, my *brother*,haha, and I went out to the local watering hole and talked a little more about this and he had a lot of questions and I tried to answer as best as I could. He said we can go out together with me dressed up anytime. I just might have to take him up on it one of these days and see if he will regret it or not.

So my point is I don't feel as bad as I did a few days ago, actually I feel pretty good. Thanks for all of your support! And I feel so lucky to have such a cool big bro.