View Full Version : I think I'm losing it!

01-19-2016, 12:37 AM
I slipped out at lunch to do a little shopping at the thrift store. I found a purse I liked and bought it. On the way back to work, I could help looking at it on the seat next to me. Before I knew it I was crying. I have no idea why I was crying over a 3$ purse. I'm not even sure if they were sad tears or happy tears (maybe both). But, when I got back to work I had the most productive day I've had in months.


01-19-2016, 01:37 AM
Okay, I think you lost it, but never mind, I never even had it, and it sounds like your better off without it anyway :)

Tracii G
01-19-2016, 02:46 AM
A little over the top but OK.LOL

01-19-2016, 02:59 AM
But, when I got back to work I had the most productive day I've had in months.

You allowed a release of emotion! Good for you, it's good for the soul for both men and women! I don't know how you identify, but I think our North American uptight society would be greatly improved if our boys were not taught at a young age to suppress their emotions. You've gone through a lot in these last months with the strong revival of the CDing and your wife's burgeoning acceptance (I read your other threads), so it's no wonder you were caught up with your feelings.

01-19-2016, 05:53 AM
Daphne - if I'd picked up a $1500 Louis Vuitton for three bucks I'd be crying and singing and dancing all at once - and yes, while driving! :D

But I don't think that's it, is it...?

Reine's right - the purse is a metaphor for you being more in touch with this part of you and the emotion just found an outlet while you had some solitary time to express the feeling... :hugs:

Glad to hear of your productive day - just hope you weren't in the layoffs section of HR... :eek:

Katey x

Sarah Beth
01-19-2016, 07:47 AM
I came home one time some years ago unexpected in the middle of the day to find my wife crying. I rushed to her and asked her what was wrong and she told me to just go away. I pushed her to tell me what was wrong but she told just go away right now and leave me alone. So I did but I spend the rest of day trying to figure if I had done something or what had happened that made her cry like that.

When I got home she didn't say anything so finally I worked up the nerve to ask her and she said it was nothing that sometimes she needed to have a good cry and get it out of her system. Sometimes I feel like crying and don't but maybe it would be good for all of us if we did.

Claire Cook
01-19-2016, 07:53 AM
They must have been happy tears and I so agree with Reine. Casting off those male clothes let's the inner me out, and yes the emotions come out too.

Lilly Diadem
01-19-2016, 08:53 AM
..... I think our North American uptight society would be greatly improved if our boys were not taught at a young age to suppress their emotions....

I agree Reine and also think that statement could apply to males in many cultures and not just the US.

Daphne it is good that you could release and although it may have not happened at the most convenient time it appears to have got rid of tension that you were maybe not aware of if you had a productive day after the event.

I am a great believer if that in this macho, dominant world more guys showed their emotions (and wore dresses :D ) then there would be less aggression, anger, violence and illness.

Pent up emotions such as hate, frustration, sadness, anger, resentment, guilt etc. surely eats up the body from inside leading to a physical manifestation in the form of illness?

Lilly x

01-19-2016, 10:02 AM
definitely not lost it, but maybe a wonderful sign that your true self has been acknowledged?

Alice Torn
01-19-2016, 10:19 AM
I agree with all the posts, and Reine is right. I have found myself crying and letting out a lot of sorrow and grief lately, and sometimes a lttle joy. Part of it is knowing i will likely never have an SO or wife.

01-19-2016, 10:29 AM
Daphne Ive had that happen to me about 3 times in the last 6 or 7 months. The first time I had no Idea why, I just broke down.
There have also been times where Ive wanted to cry but couldnt.
Each and everytime I always think ''Thats it, ive lost it now''

01-19-2016, 02:03 PM
Clearly those tears needed to be shed. It's good that they were and the proof is your more productive day. Those tears were impeding you.

I have a sense that crossdressing is a lot like that in general -- there's something that we need that only gets provided when we dress and that's why we feel good about it and why we get stressed without it.

01-19-2016, 04:50 PM
I cry over the damn stupidest things, so I wouldn't worry about a little blub on your own. So many good answers have been given already, so I won't try to better them.

No to hell with it. Here's my take. Could it have been tears from spending too much? Maybe you're not tight with money, ...just careful? :devil:

Becky (Moving home tonight :nailbiting:)

01-19-2016, 10:53 PM
Wow Daphne, been there, done that! I echo Reine (our awesome and highly regarded GG, no I'm not sucking up...OK, maybe a little bit 😊 )

01-20-2016, 01:06 AM
Unfortunately it wasn't Louis Vuitton, it was Liz Claiborne.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm sure it wasn't actually the purse I was crying about. It was symbolic. I was happy that I wouldn't have to hide it from my wife. I was sad that I would not be able to share it with her right away (I don't want to overwhelm her right now, she is having trouble adjusting even though she is accepting). I was confused by my desire for a purse, it seems so silly to be so emotional about something relatively trivial (I agree Tracii, it seemed over the top to me too).

But mostly I think it was just a cathartic moment alone in my car, as several of you have suggested, and the purse was just the trigger that released it.

Thanks everyone for being such supportive listeners!


01-20-2016, 07:31 AM
You allowed a release of emotion!

Daphne Ive had that happen to me about 3 times in the last 6 or 7 months. The first time I had no Idea why, I just broke down.'
We hold back our feelings so much, that at some point we just break. It's like the straw that broke the camel's back; it isn't the final, little thing, it's all of the things that we have held back responding to over a period of time. As men we're not 'allowed' to express our feelings, so we just repress it until it explodes. usually, it comes out in anger, we see that happen all the time. What we don't see, is the tears, because men aren't allowed to cry. So when it happens, we usually hide so no one can see. It's happened to me numerous times, and each wasn't anything big, just the 'last straw' that my mind couldn't handle holding back any more.

Beverley Sims
01-20-2016, 11:08 AM
You may be getting to know about it too.

Losing it, no.