View Full Version : feeling good and natural

01-21-2016, 02:18 PM
Well today I had to go for a drug test(urine) for a new job, so off I went to the clinic used by my employment agency, never thinking once about my appearance, although my shoe choice was somewhat perplexing, panties, slim jeans, 3/4 sleeve sweater top over camisole, Totes winter boots,(fuzzy lined that spills out the top), hair down, and all jewelry, just a dusting of face powder and a very light mascara application(brown) and my shoulder/cross body bag with large semi-square tortoise-shell sunglasses. After arriving and signing in, in front of about 6 other "working" men and sitting in plain view of everyone to fill out forms and being called by male name to proceed to the back, NOT ONE mumble, growl,comment,sneer,reaction of any kind that I could see, indifference? Well while in the back after leaving a full sample, the nurse made some nice comments about my jewelry and my nail length and color and the "girl" talk started about jewelry and dressing for the cold and snow that's on the way as if my male self was not there even though my voice is not very femme but not a deep bass either. Walking out past the crowd was such a joy now that I felt so much more natural. I know they think something else not crossdresser or any other gender classification but I don't care the sun is shining. Just had to share this feeling, Thanks for listening(reading).

01-21-2016, 03:20 PM
I guess it's mostly to do with confidence, you walked in head up and took in the other job seekers, if any had spoken I'm sure you would have politely replied. The nurses attitude doesn't surprise me at all, I haven't come across a GG yet that has been offhand or rude.

I'm envious that you can style your own hair , in your circumstances I would have to rely on a wig !

I hope you get offered the job .

01-21-2016, 03:54 PM
See, those folks in Jersey are nice...married one almost 50 years ago.

Lauri K
01-21-2016, 06:05 PM

I hope you studied for that test ........LOL

But on a serious note, and I have heard this here many times it is really all about attitude, and when you go into a room full of strangers with other strangers no one says much I find.

Like others here have said most nurses / other GG's are not typically ever going to be real ugly to us if we are behaving well, it's like they somehow know that we are real people with real feelings and they let us pass on through without issue.

Also I find women tend to be more than happy to talk hair, makeup or fashion in most any setting....it's usually a good ice breaker too with most ladies.......but some will just be snotty no matter what and you just have to accept that and think nothing of it and move along

Good luck on landing your new assignment !!!

01-21-2016, 07:12 PM
I've been to alot of.them and only once had a problem. The rest were all good. I drive for a living get random drug screenings all the time. Glad yours was a good one.

Karen RHT
01-21-2016, 08:38 PM
Glad to hear you're comfortable and happy Allisa.


01-21-2016, 10:34 PM
Sounds like a phenomenal day! Cheers for you!

01-22-2016, 12:13 AM
Another great inspirational post Lisa, thanks so much sharing! 😀

01-22-2016, 08:43 AM
Thank you for sharing Lisa. Usually going to a clinic of any kind can be a drag. But you made it out to be a good time and that's awesome.
So next time I have to go I will know what to wear.

Beverley Sims
01-22-2016, 09:58 AM
Some situations produce surprising results don't they?

01-22-2016, 01:41 PM
Wonderful story

01-22-2016, 02:05 PM
I am glad to hear that and it gives me hope for humanity that people can treat us like, well, people :)

Alicia Rae
01-22-2016, 03:28 PM
What a great story. I am new to CG and nervous shopping for clothes. I do not go out dressed, but it's uplifting to hear stories like this.

01-22-2016, 04:49 PM
Thank-you all, I try to relay as many good experiences as I can, I hope they help others realize they are just normal beings with a gift. If it helps others to go forth with confidence and poise than I feel justified in taking up space here. And it is kind of narcissistic, oh wait that was another thread, oops. I know others have positive events to tell, I like happy stories, that's not to say I see the world thru rose colored glasses, there's enough bad out there but we need some not so good events to keep our perspective in line with the real world. Don't know why I posted again, just waiting for the big snow to come.

01-22-2016, 05:38 PM
Allisa - Thanks for sharing such an encouraging and positive story. I credit all those people in the clinic, to include patients and staff, and I credit you, for a positive, acceptance experience. Good luck in your new job. Are there positions for us to work there, too?

01-23-2016, 05:41 AM
Allisa, lovely story, and you "nailed it". Confidence, just being yourself, it allows everyone else to be themselves, too. Please do share more such happenings.