View Full Version : Just because

Patrica Gil
01-22-2016, 10:18 AM
Basically someone mentioned to me that my life is that of a women. Cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Yes that is the norm for myself and my love prefers it this way. While doing all these things it is the Mrs. Cleaver look as well. Yes I enjoy wearing a dress with hose and heels pretty much everyday and it is wonderful. When out and seeing a cute dress or pair of shoes it is nice to be able to express it and sometimes even purchase what I like without judgement, especially from the one special person in my life. Just needed to get this off my shoulders. Thank you.

Nadine Robles
01-22-2016, 10:49 AM
Sadly there's still some social stigma that living the life of a "Woman" regardless of your phisical gender is somewhat degrading or a sign being a lesser person. At least where I live, even though LGBT rights are accepted and became part of the law, there is still, deep inside peoples mind, that alpha macho patriarcal dominance going on. I dont know, maybe its evolving, but its definiltely there. If you are transgender, you are an outcast and sooner or later to become an outlaw, a freak at the best optimistic scenario. Will it be always like this?
sorry for the slight off topic

01-22-2016, 11:13 AM
Hi Gilda! Long before I came out to my wife, ( of 20 years) we had a less than typical relationship. I have always done the lions share of the cleaning. We do our own laundry, and I cook. (I love her, but she could burn a salad) It's been very normal. That I'm out to her it hasn't changed that and I'm sure in time she'll come around to seeing me in my "comfortable clothes." To agree with Nadine, it's a still seen as female is the lesser of humanity and why the hell would a MAN want to embrace that?! And to the person that mentioned to you that about your life? It would have been fun to call him out on his misogyny, especially if their significant offer was nearby. "What do you mean by that? Do you see cooking, cleaning and laundry as demeaning?"