View Full Version : My Daughter accepts me totally but wife doesn't

01-24-2016, 12:15 PM
It's so refreshing to talk to my Daughter because she loves Carla but, the wife just wants the traditional utilitarian male unit.
Is anyone else experiencing this?


01-24-2016, 02:35 PM
Very similar story, my daughter is very supportive she is prepared to help me with various aspects of going to my social meetings. She hasn't seen me dressed but is happy to see pictures. I've told her kindly that it's something I must do for myself because she is going to place her in the middle of the situation with my wife. They have already had heated words I can't let it go any further, my wife is gradually accepting it more, so I must let it happen at her speed and comfort level . Yes she also wants the man she married but she knows it's now a compromise for the sake of happiness for both of us now.

01-24-2016, 02:42 PM
Carla and Teresa I think have accepting children puts you in a good position to bring down the DADT wall.
When your kids support you they can begin to question "why are you being so hard on dad"

Hope things get better in the future

Melissa in SE Tn
01-24-2016, 03:17 PM
Carla, you have my continued regrets as to your wife's refusal to acknowledge Carla. However, what a blast it must be to enjoy being a girl with your daughter!! How great that must be for you!!

01-24-2016, 04:56 PM
Does this surprise you?

Each has a very different "vesting" in you. Add in that your daughter's generation is simply more equipped to handle this and the reaction seem reasonable for both. I wouldn't waste time comparing the two.

01-24-2016, 08:28 PM
I agree Jennifer. My daughter doesn't know the whole story, but likes my femininity, the girly clothes, hair, polish. But, she is my daughter and that's a completely different paradigm than my wife.

If my wife were a crossdresser and my sons were cool with it, I would not be at all. Double standard? Yep, don't want to see my wife with her breasts wrapped, a cowboy shirt and a mustache.

However, she could do with as DADT.