View Full Version : Tomboys and GGs

01-25-2016, 08:21 AM
I was just wondering how many GGs that were tomboys growing up, were goofed on for it, or rather, praised because it was kind of cute at the time and age.

One of my best friend playmates growing up ( a girl and kind of tomboy-ish ) always kind of got positive comments about it and I remember thinking even back then, that if I was a bit "girly" at the time, there would never be positive comments.

01-25-2016, 08:44 AM
I had a tomboy friend when I grew up, and she was treated as a friend, no differently to anyone else. The modern generation - our kids - suffered no discrimination at all, the ages to mid-20's seem very accepting these days compared to 40-50 years ago. I have an adult female friend who was a tomboy also, and she had no problems being boyish as a child.

01-25-2016, 09:15 AM
At the time I was growing up it was pretty much unquestioned dogma that being a man was the best possible thing to be. So it's probably not surprising that girls acting like boys would be smiled upon, ("Isn't that sweet? She wants to be a human....") For the same reason a boy acting girly would be frowned upon.

I remember having lunch with a fellow who had very strong views on the topic. It was probably the early 90's and some case of FtM transgenderism was in the news. "Why would a man ever want to be a woman?" he asked rhetorically in a voice dripping disdain. I just said that it was clear that the desire was so inconceivable to him that he'd never understand and so should instead just try to accept that it must truly be important to the person and that his understanding wasn't required. It spoiled his lunch. ;)

Angie G
01-25-2016, 09:21 AM
Girls can get away with a lot more then boys sometimes.:hugs:

01-25-2016, 11:24 AM
Can see where this is going so I'm putting the brakes on right now...

You know what happens to threads that do the "GGs get away with doing anything they want..." thing...? :)

And the connection to MtF crossdressing is obscure at best... :confused:

Thread closed.
