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01-27-2016, 04:48 PM
Haveing such agreat time this week with my underdressing i got the courage up to stop and shop for some panties. After finding what i wanted i decided to get a sports bra . Well not knowing my way round the female underware section i did the female thing and asked the saleslady for help.well i will admit i was totally unprepared she began asking what size etc etc and i just couldn't answer. Then out of the blue i said "it's for ME" she looked me over and handed me the bra saying " this one should do ,if it not bring it back to me and we will find one that will.
I can't begin to explane the feeling ,it felt so wonderful.

01-27-2016, 09:46 PM
Way to go Wanda! What you did is pretty tough but once you swallow hard and blurt it out it can make for a MUCH more relaxed experience, and feels pretty darn good 😀

01-27-2016, 11:40 PM
What, she didn't offer to let you try it on? I've found that sometimes they can't handle it. I've even had one SA who let me try on a bra the next week said I couldn't. Who knows.

01-28-2016, 10:31 AM
You need to just have a wander around the ladies sections and have a good browse. If a SA comes and ask`s if they can help, just say what I do and that is...just looking for a bit of inspiration for the wife/girlfriend.

Worked every time for me, or it used to when I was a novice.


01-28-2016, 10:59 AM
Pretending it's for a wife or girlfriend would be a step back at this point. ;) What Wanda did in one fell swoop is what many aspire to for years. Congratulations, Wanda! Always move forward.

Amy Lynn3
01-28-2016, 11:12 AM
Wanda, you did great, but can't say as much for the SA. We have good stores and bad stores. What I mean by that is, it is the SA's that make a store good or bad. It boils down to training, of the SA's before they are allowed on the floor. Each SA's should give the same amount of service to everyone, regardless of gender. Personal feelings of the SA's should never enter into the service they give. The store should set a benchmark for the service they offer each and every customer.

Keep on doing what makes Wanda happy in life. Life is too short to do otherwise. :hugs:

01-28-2016, 11:56 AM
I have learned that it's easier to say its for me when shopping en drab.... It's like you let them in on a secret. Almost everyone will be willing to help at that point.

01-28-2016, 12:13 PM
Feels good isn't it ? ;) that's really good for you, next time you'll be less "stressed" ! I love that feeling (and see if there're any reactions from the SA as well lol)