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View Full Version : Does anyone know if I was busted by PS4

Maria 60
02-13-2016, 05:02 AM
Last night the kids were out and I finally had a chance to fully dress, I guess my son was planning on drinking because he was sleeping at his friends house.
Well, at 9:00pm he sends me a message asking me if I could do him a favour, he was trying to update his NHL16 from his cell phone but his PS4 was not in the proper mode for him to do it from his phone.
I went into his room and he started sending messages on what he wanted me to do, working construction I'm not exsposed to technology, so it was very frustrating for me not knowing what was really going on.
At one point the TV started doing its own thing and my son messaged me and told me that he was now able to control it from his cell phone and thanked me.
Here's the part where iam not sure if I got busted, all at once I was looking at the TV and in the lower left corner I seen a small picture screen and realized it was a picture of my sons room and I was in full view of it. I looked over not believing what I was seeing and it said "SEACHING FOR REGESTERD FACES" I didn't know what to do so I slowly lowered myself to the floor and got out of camera view.
Does anyone here know if my son was able to see me threw his cell phone, I don't know enough about this and was wondering if anyone here can please help tell me if he seen me.
I work with a lot of young guys and they tell me that for fun they set cameras in there house and when they go out and there parents don't know, and they have stories about seeing there parents walking around naked, having sex on the kitchen table and one guy caught his mother masterbating watching a soap opera, and they watch it on there I-phones. Did I get busted by technology.

02-13-2016, 06:45 AM
I think you're OK Maria... :)

From what I understand, the "SEARCHING.." process is something PS4 goes through during logon when someone (in this case your son) has previously registered his face with the PS4 via a rudimentary facial recognition system. I don't believe the PS4 will be able to transmit the screen images to a cell phone... they should be only local (ie. just what you could see)...

Best play it cool for a few days - but there's a big lesson there for all of us secret 'Closeteers' - as webcams for conferencing and security proliferate, it's a good idea to know exactly where they are and what they transmit or record - especially in your own home.. :cool:

Useful warning...

Katey x

02-13-2016, 11:07 AM
Last night the kids were out...

You should have changed the locks! dear god, the last thing I wanted to do was witness my mother's sexual activity- I once heard her orgasming and my hands hit my ears so hard I had bruises.

Nicole Erin
02-13-2016, 12:09 PM
Hard to say. Let's assume though that you did get caught. Ok so you already have that fear but let's look on the other hand -

Your son is probably not going to mention it. Family tends to be weird like that. Those who got caught dressing when they were kids often report here that their parents didn't bring it up beyond the initial incident. Even parents who like to drudge up junk for years tend to push the "dressing incident" under the rug. I am not sure when roles are reversed and adult children catch their parents but I would imagine it is the same way. I think any kid age 10 or over (I assume yours is over 18) would rather not ask why their dad is dressed like a woman.

Second - if some members of the new generation sets up cameras to see their parents naked or having private moments, I would say CD'ing is pretty boring by comparison. Most people of any age do not want to see their parents in "private", let alone make an effort to do so. That is just weird.

02-13-2016, 12:17 PM
I'm a PS4 user, and the PS4 remote play app on the phone does NOT show what the camera sees. All "Search for Registered Faces" means is that your son set up the PS4 to use facial recognition for user login.


Beverley Sims
02-13-2016, 12:29 PM
Probably not and if you were they are not likely to share it anyway.

Crissy Kay
02-13-2016, 12:40 PM
Good advice from Katey888. For all us closet girls, to know where all the webcams in the house are.
Mine is always disconnected until I want to use it.

02-13-2016, 12:58 PM
I guess my son was planning on drinking because he was sleeping at his friends house. Curious detail. Just sayin.

Maria 60
02-13-2016, 02:31 PM
Thanks I guess I could rest at ease. I know Sherri sorry about that detail but I thought I was busted and a little nervous, so anything comes out. I was searching the net for this information but couldn't find anything, but thank God I belong to this great community and got my answer. Thanks again.
The katey888 response is so true, we were at my wife's brothers house and he was talking the talk about how great he feels that he hadn't had a cigarette in two years, he went to take his dog out and he must of forgot about the security cameras we install just a week ago. Yep, there we were watching him having a smoke on TV. Busted, and the best part was, he installed that camera himself. Seems like there's no privacy nowhere, maybe the closet might have a camera. Maybe it's time to come out. Haha just a thought.

Sarah Louise
02-13-2016, 04:00 PM
One thing I said to my wife when I came clean with her recently was that there was a lot worse things I could be doing. Well, I'm definitly not as weird as people who put cameras around there house to film their parents 'at it' and share with their friends! Now that is weird. I suspect they are a small minority though.

02-13-2016, 08:32 PM
Grin.. this SO reminds me of finding a homevideo of my father once..

back in the days with no remote control.. MY EYEEEES!!! no nooo turn it off..
a two seconds dash to the VCR sadly was not fast enough to not see it :s

And of course I never mentioned this to anyone except for you guys now :)

02-13-2016, 09:33 PM
I'd think you're probably OK Maria but yikes, being involved in IT and security myself I can see how it could have gone all weird 'n stuff 😉