View Full Version : Have you ever had moments to yourself when you said ''Ive worn your panties".

03-04-2016, 02:10 AM
I'm sure we all have hatched at one point. One time a few years ago my mom and my friends mom and her three daughters were in a room talking. I was thinking to myself that I have worn all of your panties before. It sounds creepy now but it was before I had my own . Do you have any of these awkward encounters

03-04-2016, 03:34 AM
It still sounds creepy - to wear their underwear without their knowledge. Better a memory to keep to yourself.

03-04-2016, 06:13 AM
I used to think that when i saw my sister inlaw.Many years ago i had the key to their house to water their garden when they went on holidays.I would go to her dresser draws and try on her underwear and dresses.

03-04-2016, 06:36 AM
If you've worn other peoples clothes without their knowledge that goes well past creepy. I don't care how you got ahold of them, unless actually handed to you you've crossed a line.

03-04-2016, 06:58 AM
i wouldnt say creepy,more like being curious,i have worn my mothers,step-mothers,wifes and after i told my wife about liking womens clothes she let me wear her lingerie and never was upset about it.some times when we were going out she would ask me what i was going to wear,i said make a choice and she would give me a pair of her panties.how else were we going to get to wear these clothes.

03-04-2016, 07:56 AM
i'm sorry but it is wrong on so many levels. Imagine a seriously larger person wearing your clothes and ruining them through stretching, let alone what else you might've done in them, accidentally or intentionally. Telling them makes it worse for them. Man-up and buy your own.

03-04-2016, 08:04 AM
how else were we going to get to wear these clothes.

You buy your own. You don't violate someone elses privacy to indulge yourself.

03-04-2016, 08:17 AM
Hi Sissyboy:hugs:, That's way TMI ! ~~...:daydreaming:...

03-04-2016, 08:28 AM
I just looked in the mirror and said, "I'm wearing your panties!"
Does that count?


03-04-2016, 09:28 AM
I can't believe how of you are bothered that some young person borrows and wears his sisters or mother's panties. Most of us started this way for the very first time. I remember guys going on pantie raids at the girl's dorms derring my college days, and I know that a lot of guys used those panties in self gratification. So don't be so critical now.

I Am Paula
03-04-2016, 10:13 AM
AND creepy.

Scarlett Viktoria
03-04-2016, 10:19 AM
Wow ladies. Kinda mean.

Beverley Sims
03-04-2016, 10:25 AM
There are some things in life we may have done that are creepy, but it seems more creepy to brag about them.

Not a good question on your part but it does set some of us thinking.

I have been with a group and thought, I have worn the clothes you are wearing now, the essential difference being that girl also knows as she encouraged me.

03-04-2016, 11:28 AM
Lock that one in a box and bury it.

Julia Welch
03-04-2016, 11:54 AM
Wow!! ... so judgmental !! ... Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone ... from what I've read here, most of us started at a young age and used our mothers, sisters & cousins for a clothing source ...

03-04-2016, 12:52 PM
Nope, never have.

03-04-2016, 01:16 PM
In the immortal words of my wife, who responded to me (completely without recollection later) when was I crawling into bed at 3 am a decade or two ago... she asked 'What are you doing?' I responded, and she answered with:

"I have no idea what you are talking about." And promptly rolled over and went back to sleep.

The thing that gets me is the plural "moments". If someone is a serial panty-absconder, I'm sure there is board somewhere for it...

AKA: It is called 'under-wear', NOT 'under-share'

This is not cross dressing, this is invasion.

03-04-2016, 01:22 PM
I believe in Japan there is vending machines where you can buy "used" panties.
Can we make some money ?? You decide.

03-04-2016, 01:26 PM
I can't believe how of you are bothered that some young person borrows and wears his sisters or mother's panties.

Don't forget neighbors, neighbors kids.

Doesn't seem all that innocent now.

I remember guys going on pantie raids at the girl's dorms derring my college days, and I know that a lot of guys used those panties in self gratification. So don't be so critical now.

Equating a college prank to going through your neighbors drawers to try on their clothes is wrong. They are not the same thing.

And one can surmise that sissyboy did go into his neighbors house to try their undies on. The only way it would be ok is if they invited him to do it. Otherwise it's creepy.

- - - Updated - - -

I believe in Japan there is vending machines where you can buy "used" panties.

That's actually an unsubstantiated rumor.

03-04-2016, 02:24 PM
Wow, really.... Yeah, maybe it is kinda creepy to think about (now) but really.... What were all of you girls wearing when you were kids and had your 1st dressing experiences???? I am sure you went to your mom or sisters and say hey, mind if I wear this....:doh:

03-04-2016, 04:06 PM
Think about all those real world non-accepters out there that think that us males who wear female clothes are creepy and icky, and then we dress in the house next door to our neighbors kids too. That sounds perverted based on what I am reading above! Poor little neighborhood kids. Some people are making a big deal over the reality of how most started dressing at some stage in their lives. Yes, to talk about it here among some of our more perfect members, who may be among the rare few who actually bought their first pair of panties they tried on, will get these types of replies. It make me wonder if it is like the pot calling the kettle black. Probably most of us have done things, and maybe even continue doing things, that we should not, like smoking cigarettes or weed, taking hallucinatory drugs, swearing in public, laughing too loud at the library, crossdressing, watching porn, not going to church, or for some going to church and being hypocrites for not following their religion's teachings, and whatever else is on that endless lists of things not to do. So, sure some us may regret it, but we did it and need to understand that others may have too and cut them some slack when they are brave enough to admit it.

In answer to the OP, I prefer not to share with others my early in life experiences because that could get embarrassing for me and maybe for some reading about them.

03-04-2016, 05:12 PM
I used to wear their clothes early on but I would not do that anymore as an adult. As for the panty thing, yeah I wore one from my sister but it "went missing" and she never wore it again lol

03-04-2016, 05:19 PM
Can't say that I actually have.

03-04-2016, 06:26 PM
When I was a teenager I used to wear my aunt panties. It felt so sexy to wear them on

03-04-2016, 07:14 PM
A couple of months ago when I bought a used wedding dress the SA said "it's nice to see this dress get a new home"
During the ride home I wondered if she had any idea!
I also thought that the original bride would be disappointed if she knew that a CDer was going to (lets say) prance around in it?
Of course done respectfully.

03-04-2016, 07:23 PM
I could have told you were on dangerous ground here making confessions like you have doesn't go down well, I would still guess that more people have done it than will admit to it !
Not everyone understands the reasons behind why it happens, it's not the fact that you want to steal the clothes but a very intimate thing you're sharing with them, that's how I see it !

I had to smile at some clothes my wife sold on Ebay, two of the three parcels were addressed to guys !
As for their thoughts on you wearing their clothes, my counsellor has sent me two large bundles of clothes with a note saying , " I hope you enjoy them !" I have to say I did as one of them is in my photos of my first social outing .

Maria 60
03-04-2016, 08:04 PM
when I was younger we were very close with my mothers sisters family. They had two daughters and every time we went there I always stole a few pairs of pantyhose from them. When I seen them it wasn't the feeling of I wore your pantyhose as much as I know what type of pantyhose they were wearing

03-05-2016, 10:02 AM
how much different is it if a sister borrows a pair of panties or a slip or a pair of pantihose,i do know that i have sisters that borrow clothes from their sisters and mothers.now all of a sudden we are not equal even to our own family members

Donna June
03-05-2016, 10:32 AM
Not the same thing, but recently five High School friends (male friends) and I got together. Some of us hadn't seen each other for over thirty years. While sitting there having a nice time at a bar / restaurant, I thought to myself "I bet I am the only one wearing panties".

03-05-2016, 12:42 PM
I bought a used wedding dress the SA said "it's nice to see this dress get a new home"
During the ride home I wondered if she had any idea!
I also thought that the original bride would be disappointed if she knew that a CDer was going to (lets say) prance around in it?

Turn this around: If you had a graduation suit, military uniform, or such(and sold it or gave it away), would it bother you if a F2M transgender person found it to be what they really liked?

Heck no.

Personally, I'd be flattered they liked my taste. In general, I'd be happy they found it useful and attractive. But there is no psychic connection- woo-woo spiritualism does not enter into the equation, for me at least, not should it for others.

But if the person buying the used suit or dress feels a connection, and it is a positive one, then so much the better. The world needs positive thinking and acceptance. Period.

What kind of psycho would sell a dress but say "no one who is not as pretty as me can ever wear this"? No one (or no one worth worrying about) is going to care about the person buying their old stuff- people see treasures in things others never notice.

What you are saying sounds like self-pity, not to be negative to you, but stop it, really. Just stop it. You have the right to wear something you feel pretty in. So what if the girl before might be technically prettier? Real/true beauty consists of caring for others, and if the bride before you was beautiful in this dress, than why she would obviously like to see you be happy as well. If it were a dress she was not selling or giving away that might be different...

Put yourself in her shoes (or dress)... you are beautiful, loved, and obviously a desired person. Would you be so petty as to pass judgement on something someone else admired of yours? Heck no.

The SA probably meant it as "I'm glad to see that you too appreciate something so pretty." SAs like to support their own egos too...they are affirming that their judgement of a person is a good judgement.

If anything, the bride might be jealous because they only got to wear the dress once, whereas we will probably wear it many times. So there! HA!

03-05-2016, 04:36 PM
I've never worn someone else's panties but have worn some other peoples clothes through the years. One time I was house sitting for my Brother and Sister-in-law. I had the house for a week and couldn't wait to go through my sis-in-laws clothes (shes really stylish). I found this slinky super long black maxi dress hanging up. One of the nights I did my make up, wig put the dress on and wore my heels (her shoes are too small). I ate some dinner with a bottle of wine then watched a movie. I felt so relaxed and femme and I could smell my sis-in-laws scent off the dress.

A few months later I was at a family bbq and she arrived wearing the maxi dress. I sat beside her for a while chatting and all I could think was "you have no idea I have worn that dress".

03-05-2016, 06:25 PM
how much different is it if a sister borrows a pair of panties or a slip or a pair of pantihose,i do know that i have sisters that borrow clothes from their sisters and mothers.now all of a sudden we are not equal even to our own family members

Sisters borrowing clothes and a boy/guy going through his mothers/sisters/neighbors/neighbors kids drawers for the sake of indulging a fantasy are in no way the same thing.

03-05-2016, 08:05 PM
i'm sorry but it is wrong on so many levels. Imagine a seriously larger person wearing your clothes and ruining them through stretching, let alone what else you might've done in them, accidentally or intentionally. Telling them makes it worse for them. Man-up and buy your own.

what makes you assume the guy is larger than the gal in any or all of these cases let alone SERIOUSLY larger? weird! odd!

03-05-2016, 09:26 PM
I started by wearing my sister's panties. It was a pair that she disliked and kept in the back of her drawer, and of course, she never knew.
Looking back, I guess that was wrong, but you do some irrational things when you're going through puberty.

I've worn other womens' panties but only ones belonging to girlfriends or wife, and with their permission.
All others have been my own.

03-05-2016, 10:31 PM
I had thought most of us started this way...but more importantly this thread is a little judgmental...something i thought we were all avoiding...

03-06-2016, 01:11 AM
When I was a kid, and being dressed up in other girls clothing, there were many times when I'd meet and talk with the girl those clothes belonged to. Often enough, so that I knew exactly what she looked like in the outfit that I knew I would be wearing in a short time (the guy 'appropriating' the clothes took them from the laundry bin in his house, avoiding the girls ever knowing that the clothes were borrowed at all; so I knew when I saw her dressed in them, that outfit was on the agenda that day or the next). As I put them on, I would imagine that I looked just like the girl as she was dressed in them. Because we shared the same clothes, I felt closer to those girls, and sometimes daydreamed about them 'accidently' discovering me dressed up, and letting me hang out with them. Reality was it would never happen, simply because of the age and sex difference. But it made for many pleasant daydreams.

Edit: As far as 'borrowing clothing'. I really think it depends on who you're borrowing it from, and what you're borrowing. intimate garments are not considered something you can borrow. A coat, jacket, shoes, top, pants, skirt, or even dress is considered acceptable for female-female borrowing, so I don't think I'm out of line for borrowing my sister's dresses when I was a kid. Panties and bras are on a different level. In all the years I dated women with roommates, I never heard of one borrowing a bra or panties (other than in an emergency where their own item tore or was no longer wearable, such as after it was soiled in some way), and yes, they did talk about these types of things in front of me.

char GG
03-06-2016, 11:07 AM
Yeah, Creepy.

I wonder if any of those ladies thought to themselves - they've worn your underwear??:eek:

Angie G
03-06-2016, 11:45 AM
A few years ago my wife and I went to hercoworkers wedding. My wife did the alterations on her dress. At the wedding I was thinking I had that dress on. And I've done the intimate thing also. Where is a 10 or 11 year old going to get these things.:hugs:

03-06-2016, 12:03 PM
I do agree its a little creepy especially if your old enough/financially able to buy your own when I started out yes I "borrowed" some of my sisters underwear and dresses, blouses, skirts same with most of us a 14 year old boy isn't going to walk into any store looking to buy womens clothing alone exp if they grow up in a small town like mine where everyone knows everyone. Today I wont "borrow" anyone elses underwear anymore and "if" I was to borrow a outfit id ask first its only right my brother and i swap shirts on occasion were the same size and we both like to wear funny t shirts but ofc we ask each other. just for some clarification my sister never saw that underwear again but the rest went right back same day we were around the same size I was just slightly taller. Personally I wont ever tell her it might cause some issues even 20 years after i started dressing.

03-06-2016, 12:26 PM
I have, but then I told my wife not to do it again }:>

03-06-2016, 10:49 PM
I had thought most of us started this way...but more importantly this thread is a little judgmental...something i thought we were all avoiding...

Wow, you haven't spent much time on this website, have you? It's hard to say anything without being judged. This site is sold as being a safe haven for nuts like us, but try to say anything other then "look at my new heels" and you get attacked. It's why I don't say much.

03-06-2016, 11:24 PM
I have, but then I told my wife not to do it again }:>

LOL, have I said publicly that I'm a MM fan yet? 😃

If not, I am...OK...yah, I'll fight ya! 😠

Amy Lynn3
03-07-2016, 09:25 AM
Over the years I have encountered lots of women and I said to myself...I sure would like to get in her panties. That is the same thing, right ?:D