View Full Version : What they do to get there way

Maria 60
03-12-2016, 08:11 AM
It's amazing what they will let you do to get there way. Thursday after a rainy and drag myself threw the mud day, I got home ate dinner and laid on the couch to what I thought was the end of a long aganising day. In the back ground I hear my wife on the phone talking to someone but I'm not really paying attention I'm to tierd to even care. She closes the phone and b lines towards me and ask me if I could drive her to a mall that's about half an hour away and there's only one left of this item and they will only hold it for today.
She was in an accident a few years back and so she lost her confidence a little and she knew it was going to take double the time for her to drive herself, so it was dealing time for her and she told me that I could fully dress for the drive to make it interesting for me. I told her I was to tierd to dress and that I would drive her in male mode, plus I didn't want to dress up and then put my male clothes on and then struggle in the car taking the male clothes off, I just wasn't in the mood.
She insisted and told me she would help me dress and that she will go outside first and make sure nobody was around and I could dash in the car, I wasn't even in the mood to argue with her so we went to the bedroom and she picked out this short dress because she said I have to show my long legs and she did some make-up.
I was waiting at the front door fully dressed wearing a three quarter length trench coat she gave me a few years back, black boots and the short dress, and for the first time a black MK purse and wig, she gave me the signal and off I went to the car, as I was backing out of the driveway and it dawned on me that this was the first time I was leaving my house with no male clothes with me, that even if we had a little fender bender I would have to get out of the car dressed as a women.
As we were driving my wife gave the dress a little lift showing the top of the lase of the stay-ups and telling me again to show off my legs, we got to the mall and she told me she wouldn't be long and she went inside. I was waiting just to the side of the mall entrance and I was so tierd I was almost falling asleep, I had closed my eyes for what I thought was a few seconds and when I opened them I looked to the passengers side and there was a man smoking a cigarette and looking in the car, when I looked down I guess the dress rode up alittle more and the stay-ups were in full view and from were he was looking in he was even getting a look at my pink panties.
I instantly pulled my dress down and drove away as fast as possible, when my wife came back I was alittle upset with her for dragging me out when I was so tierd and explained that I fell asleep and I seen a man staring at my legs and I don't know if anyone else seen and that she will do anything to get her way and now I don't even know who seen me dressed and all exposed like that.
She called me grumpy and told me that being seen by that man was probably the best thing that ever happened to Maria and that I won't admit it to her but she was sure it was a thrill.
We got home and thank God we beat the kids home or that would have been another challenge, and I got changed and went to bed.
Friday morning when I got up and drinking my morning coffe I wasn't sure if it was a dream, but by the lipstick marks on my coffee mug proved it wasn't, reality was setting in, HOLY SHIT! I left the house with no male clothes, I walked to the car fully dressed, I drove and didn't care who seen me, I know one person seen me, but who knows how many others seen me at the busy mall entrance, this wasnt sitting well with me, I was having mixed emotions, scared and worried about who seen me and then again excited for what I did and what a big chance I really took.
I guess I was really to tierd to enjoy the moment and even now I'm feeling the excitement of what I did and even being looked at by a stranger. When my wife woke up I told her the promise I made to her thirty years ago about not wanting to become a women and that I'm not gay and that I would be happy in the closet, and that she is making me break the promise every time she wants to get her way. She has made me do this in the past, but never this risky, her only response was for me to admit it that I loved it. After everything I still don't know what she went to buy and I know this isn't much for a lot of you who go out everyday dressed but for me this was huge. It's just to bad I was to tierd to appreciate it, and maybe if I wasnt that tierd maybe I wouldn't have even did it. Sorry I dragged it but now looking back it was so exciting. Just goes to show they will do anything if they want it bad enough.

03-12-2016, 08:23 AM
Im envious, lol, your wife sounds very supportive, seems you should do something special for her, : )

Rhonda Darling
03-12-2016, 08:35 AM
Don' kick a gift horse in the mouth. Many would have you disappear and gladly take your place. :D. Sounds like you have a great, adventureous and encouraging wife. Congratulations.

03-12-2016, 08:51 AM
I'm curious that you mention 2 or 3 times that your wife makes you do this, makes you do that. You indicate that you feel controlled and manipulated by her, but I'm not seeing anything about why you grant her this power.

This isn't about her, it's about you. Being given permission to dress, and being controlled in when and where you dress are very different things. I think you enjoy and are aroused by being dominated by her. If so, all fine and good. Just don't pretend that isn't your responsibility.

bridget thronton
03-12-2016, 10:32 AM
It seems your wife cares more about your happiness than about the promise you made when you were younger. You have a wonderful and loving wife.

03-12-2016, 11:43 AM
Nice story Maria, and you seem to have a very supportive and encouraging wife.

I think I'll side with your wife on where she belived it was a thrill for you tho, but I can understand you being a bit grumpy then by how tired you were, and that you'd probably enjoy it all more if you weren't.

And I don't think you should make too much of that promise if you're both enjoying this and she's encouraging you, but rather do as Mike said; something special for her too :)

Alice Torn
03-12-2016, 12:19 PM
Again, as an aging old bachelor, I cannot even imagine have a lady friend who accepts, let alone an ACTUAL WIFE, that like this despised activity. You are oh so fortunate!

2B Natasha
03-12-2016, 12:52 PM
Great story Marie

I remember that sense of excitement and the thrill of adrenaline that first time I left the house with no " Male " clothes. The difference was that mine was a choice that I wanted to push myself.

I think you are right though in your last lines. That you may not have done it if you where less tired. You let your guard down with your wife as a cheerleader for you. Thats good. While I don't advocate pushing the boundary's that are established between you and her. It seems like from this reading that your wife is pushing her own boundary's about what is to far and the what if you are seen by someone. Let her lead.

She's also right I believe about the man staring at you. It is what women have to deal with to far great extent then men will ever have to. I am sure it built confidence within you about your appearance as well as had a nice relaxing salve on your wife about you being seen.

The extra bonus for all of this is that, just like training a dog ( and NO I am not saying your wife is a dog. I am sure she is a lovely women ). While you where out en femme and nobody saw you or no negative consequences happened. She got whatever it was that e=she was getting. Sort of a reward to herself for you driving en femme. A positive reinforcement that will stay with her and be taken into consideration that next time this opportunity is presented to you and her.

and Ya. What did she get that pushed her own boundary's to that extent?


03-12-2016, 06:57 PM
You're a crossdresser with an accepting wife and you're whinine and moaning. I believe this qualifies you for a stay in some type of mental institution for examination, for surely, you must be out of your mind.

Count your blessings and stop complaining. You've hit the crossdresser jackpot. Jeez, you're like one of those lottery winners who complains about not knowing what to spend their money on, or a girl with a 36D rack complaining about her 'too big breasts' in a locker room full of flat chested girls.

We get it. You have an accepting wife. Stop rubbing it in. It's just mean to the rest of us.

03-12-2016, 07:24 PM
I could never be too tired if my wife was that encouraging , it would be great but may never happen !
Whatever happened in the mall car park without your knowledge you'll never know , I must admit having a guy peering in at you wasn't so pleasant, but don't blame your wife.
As for the precaution of taking male clothes , I did go for drives and then panic half way thinking what could happen if .....? Now I take drab clothes as a precaution when I attend my social meetings along with makeup remover and nail polish remover more for my wife's peace of mind.

Maria 60
03-12-2016, 09:55 PM
Well "sometimes_miss" I'm far from rubbing it in, I thought it was a great positive outing and its not like I could share my excitement with a family member or a close friend, this is were my close friends are and this is were I can tell this to. In my eyes it was great but she did it to benefit herself, if I would have asked her that I wanted to do out dressed it would have never happened. I'm sorry if anyone here took this as a rubbing in story, all it was sharing a event that I wanted to share here with my friends, just as I love reading positive stories from others.

03-12-2016, 11:31 PM
Maria, it sounds like you had a wonderful adventure. And I think it's great that your wife pushes you a little, seems as if she is excepting your dressing more and more each time. I enjoyed your sharing the adventure with us. I only wish we (my wife and myself) were in a region where everybody was not kin or known by each other. We would also be doing what you'll did. There aint nothing wrong with enjoying CDing if it doesn't adversely affect anyone else. Thanks again for the sharing!

03-13-2016, 06:52 AM
Hi Maria:hugs:, I'm still trying to figure out whether you are bragging or complaining

Give your wonderful:love:wife a big:hugs:hug for all of us. ~~...:daydreaming:...

03-13-2016, 09:10 AM
Sounds like a pretty great wife to me.

nice that you and she step outside the box sometimes.
I would love for a trip like that here. :daydreaming:

Beverley Sims
03-13-2016, 10:14 AM
Be thankful for all the encouragement you can get.

Moral support like you describe is very thin on the top with most girls here.

03-13-2016, 02:02 PM
My wife does not drive due to a vision impairment from being run over by a car when she was a young kid. Our marriage of forty plus years is DADT. It is impossible to count the number of times I have driven her to a store, and, sat in the car and read a book. I keep a stack of free newspapers on the back seat. We live in an area with relatively decent local bus service. However, if I did not drive her, then the bus trip would turn a ten minute trip into a two hour ordeal.

From your posts everyone is envious of your relationship. Frankly, I would have given it a second thought and driven her without any inducement, whether being en femme or wearing grubby torn up jeans.

03-13-2016, 02:41 PM
I gotta say Maria, Nice story. but this one sounds like a dominance forced feminine story. LOL, yep I would let her do that all of the time if she gets her way.

03-13-2016, 10:14 PM
I gotta say Maria, Nice story. but this one sounds like a dominance forced feminine story. LOL, yep I would let her do that all of the time if she gets her way.

I want to post a lot but I'm on my phone so I won't go into everything I'd like to. First, I'm jealous that your wife knows and accepts and I'm still in that internal debate.

I sometimes get into being dominated so it sounds yummy in that respect but you truly are the one that allows yourself to be dominated.

I completely understand you wanting to share the experience, there's something compelling about being able to share something like this with others of like mind. Earlier today I did something and thought to myself "how can I share this on the forum?" Compared to your experience it was nothing but to me it was thrilling and I just had to let someone know. Where else can you do that but here?

My little ordeal was just one of those baby steps. I was sitting on a toilet in a grocery store and I heard someone come in. My first response was to pull my jeans up so if they caught a glimpse through the crack in the door they wouldn't see my pretty panties. They are black with green and pink flower print and really sexy lime green lace. Then I thought, "what the hell" and I pulled my jeans further down my thighs so all of the panties would be visible hoping they'd be seen.

The point is, that was really no big deal compared to your episode but I just had to share it.

You go girl!


Anne K
03-13-2016, 10:39 PM
I think you should take a breath and have some fun! Your wife sounds like she is up for some levity and fun. Perhaps she bought you some new pink panties?:daydreaming: