View Full Version : I have a dilemma

03-14-2016, 06:22 PM
I have a dilemma and want some advice. I was able to dress the other day. When I put on the dress I bought last year it was tight on top. So was the bra. So I got on the scale and sure enough I had put on about 15 pounds this winter. The good thing is that the girls are bigger I'm now a 36 C:) but my cloths don't fit:eek:.

So do I go on a diet and lose weight and maybe the girls. Or do I just buy new cloths?

03-14-2016, 06:30 PM
My weight doesn't change much, but my wife's weight does. She does have several different sizes of jeans so she always has a pair of jeans she can wear no matter what her weight is. I don't look at which size she wears, but since I do laundry I do see the different sizes when I look at the tags to see if they are her jeans or mine.

So in my opinion you probably should buy some new clothes, but keep your old ones so that way when summer comes and you start losing weight you will still have something to wear.

03-14-2016, 07:06 PM
I have some dresses (oddly all vintage) that otherwise fit well but are "top tight" with C forms (I'm about 15 Lbs up as well). My solution was to buy some A forms to use with those dresses until I can resolve the real issue!

GGs can't do that! LoL!

03-14-2016, 07:22 PM
Glenda, you say how you feel physically with the additional weight. If you feel and look good, then buy some new clothes when you can.


Tracii G
03-14-2016, 08:02 PM
I'm dealing with that predicament myself so I feel your pain.
I say go shopping LOL

03-14-2016, 08:20 PM
In general, gaining weight is not good for health. Often it is caused by heating unhealthy food such as fast food which is loaded with worthless calories. You should try to keep within the range specified for your height. You will feel better and more energetic if you do. I’ve had a similar experience, in that I gained weight, and my favorite clothes started not to fit anymore. I then decided to diet to lose it. You might want to look at these threads:
Thread: A noticeable change in being out now:
If you don’t watch your weight you just might continue gaining. I started a thread related to this you might want to look into:
Also bear in mind that as you get older the fat tends to accumulate around you stomach, which further complicates buying clothes. This became an important factor with me. To wear the type of clothes I want to, I have to keep fairly slim. I gain weight easily and am in a constant battle to keep my weight down. As a result, I decide what I want to wear, not my stomach. The payoff comes every weekend when I go out dressed.
It’s hard to keep your weight down. You might have to make a decision, either to eat whatever you like or to wear the clothes you like.
The German poet Goethe once wrote, “You are what you eat.” This is very good advice.

03-14-2016, 10:05 PM
Depends on how long you keep the weight. If you plan to take it off (or if you don't know), just get one or two things to tide you over for the present. If your weight yo-yos, you may need several different sets of sizes. Separates can help here.

Tracii G
03-15-2016, 12:23 AM
Good luck Glenda whatever you decide to do.

03-15-2016, 02:32 AM
Buy some clothes that feel right, but don't spend much.

Tight clothes, unless you've an incredible figure, never look good.

Tracii G
03-15-2016, 07:09 AM
Nikki makes a good point ^^^^^^^^^.
Some here can pull that look off and some cant.
May grab a few "A" line tops or dress.

03-15-2016, 07:10 AM
Without knowing your weight and if you are now "normal" or overweight, it's impossible to give you good weight advice. Most of the population is heavier than they should be so the answer in general would be to get back to your former weight if you can.

If I had a magic diet that would allow me to lose fifteen pounds I would do it.

03-15-2016, 07:25 AM
This should be a great motivator to get back into better shape. I have posted in the above noted fitness thread that I'm now doing women's exercise routines (from you tube PM me for details) since running is now too tough on my knees. I'm doing this purely to be in better condition not to lose weight.
This has been beneficial in a few ways, I feel so much better and have more energy and I'm less stressed, I'm getting a little bit rounder shapely butt, and my Lee women's jeans are a bit more snug in the thighs for a good reason and some of the routines have me doing more graceful softer movements like toe points, curtsies and arm movements and now having a stronger core, my posture is better.
As far as buying new clothes, I would use that as an added incentive, lose the weight buy some clothes for the new fitter more shapely you!

03-15-2016, 10:25 AM
No reason you can't do both, right? Get some comfy clothes for now and lose the weight in a sustainable way if you can.

03-15-2016, 10:54 AM

I had a similar problem and found that some of my favorite slips did not fit so well anymore. So I went on to a 5:2 Fast Diet where you eat normally for five days and reduce your calorie intake to about 1/4 on the two fast days. I also cut out alcohol and cut back on carbohydrates, especially bread and potatoes.

Today is one of my fast days and so I eat no breakfast, i have an egg for lunch and I have a small meal at dinner time. It has worked for me and my weight loss has been rapid. I also exercise regularly and each time I make sure that I work hard for a good part of my exercise.

I have not found it difficult and I love being able to fit easily into so many clothes. I hope to go down at least two dress sizes and that will be good as the choice becomes bigger and there is more variety. When I have reached my target I shall drop back to a 6:1 regime. Go online and look up Fast Diet. There is a lot of scientific research into fasting also.

03-15-2016, 11:27 AM
I would go with losing the weight, it's the healthier option and then you haven't got the problem of new clothes, I'm sure your wife would be happier with that option .