View Full Version : Was it Mom and Sisters

03-20-2016, 11:07 AM
I often wonder if crossdressing takes me back to a time when I surrounded by sisters and mom. I witnessed and remembered all the clothes and stuff. And I was always around when they socialized. And then secretly experienced wearing their clothes.

So, is that the comfort zone? Maybe just part of the picture?

03-20-2016, 11:16 AM
My journey into cross-dressing probably started with my mother's nylon slips. I had no sisters until age twelve, when I had already formed my inner self. I had no female cousins. Nobody dressed me up in girlie clothes. I truly loved the feel of the nylons slips. The fabric was so different than the fabric my boy clothes were made of. If my mother had no hanged her nylon slips to dry on the clothesline in the apartment hallway, I probably would not have become a cross-dresser. I attribute this early interest in nylon slips as to the cause of me having a collection of over 400 slips.

03-20-2016, 11:21 AM
Carla, I doubt it is ANY part of the picture. The reason write that is because millions upon millions of boys have been raised by moms and with sisters. They are not cross dressers. It may be nostalgic for you, but that is not causation.

Annamarie B
03-20-2016, 12:38 PM
I agree with Carla. While the presence of female family members undoubtedly provided opportunity (as it did for me!), it certainly was not causal!

03-20-2016, 12:40 PM
Most likely, Yes! At a very young age, i envied the beautiful, frilly dresses they wore .. much nicer then a boy's pants, shirt and tie. I remember asking my mom if I could wear pretty dresses, too. her, "no, you're a boy" really didn't make much since to me then.The clothes hamper often called out to me, and I'd dress up. Sis' Mary Janes fit me for a while, too.

03-20-2016, 02:07 PM
I didn't have sisters

03-20-2016, 02:35 PM
Carla, I doubt it is ANY part of the picture. The reason write that is because millions upon millions of boys have been raised by moms and with sisters. They are not cross dressers. It may be nostalgic for you, but that is not causation.
I agree. Millions and millions of effeminate men just had to keep quite and play the role. Unfulfilled. So sad.

One of my Sisters wore Tabu and Charli perfume.
The scent of either sets me off to this day.

03-20-2016, 03:35 PM
I don't think it caused my CDing, but It did teach me some of the ways to be "lady like" even if inadvertently, which now serve their purpose. Sisters number 3, and mom of course. Also had male role models at the time. So I guess it's back to nurture or nature?

03-20-2016, 03:43 PM
not at all, in terms of mum/sisters. However, in terms of comfort zone, yes this is my CZ, being with females is simply more enjoyable on every level.

03-20-2016, 04:36 PM
Good lord, who know the reason? As seen here and nearly everywhere else, there is little to explain the need to jump over the gender fence. All I can speak to is my experience, and that's having two VERY beautiful, older sisters and mother. Glamour and dressing-up to the max was all around me from day one. My earliest memories is wanting to be just like them. Finally in my early teens, I realized I could! I'm still mystified why anyone would not want to be a woman. They have the male of the species beat on every level.

Eva Skarlatova
03-20-2016, 04:46 PM
Definitely the reason is not there. I had not sister. Some of us including me like girly staff from the early childhood. I have clear memory when I was 6 years old how I was attracted from the bra of the sister of a friend of mine. I believe that we are born genetically coded, built in. And the code starts working sooner or later.

03-20-2016, 05:49 PM
Mom has something to do with it, but I can't be sure how much; I know she wanted a second daughter instead of a son and had occasionally dressed me in my sister's hand me down clothes when I was quite young (2, 3 y/o). As I had no crossdressing tendencies or feelings of being a girl for the next few years after that, I kind of think I would have turned out normal without the other things happening after I was six. Having a sister who appeared to have a better life than I did may also have been an influence. The main thing was being molested and being told that I was really a girl. After that suggestion (which would include many years of reinforcement of that concept), I eventually started thinking back on my early life, and seeing things differently, in ways that to me indicated that perhaps I really was supposed to be female. Proceeding forward with that belief, it sort of became like a self fulfilling prophecy; I thought I was a girl, so I secretly tried to be one, all in the belief that god would eventually make me into the girl I thought I was supposed to be. By the time I got to high school, I had believed it for so long that to me, that was my reality; I was then just waiting for god to fix my body and make me into a girl. It took me decades to figure it all out, by which time the underlying feeling that I was supposed to be, feel, and dress like a girl was somehow stuck in my mind forever. Sure, there were some very long periods where I suppressed it (>10 years w/o dressing or thinking about it), but it all returned eventually, because apparently when under enough stress our minds aren't always able to deal with holding back all the things we don't want to face.

Alice Torn
03-20-2016, 06:06 PM
Sometimes Miss, You were very much abused, with torture, i would say. I had some attractive school teachers with nice legs,in hose and heels, dresses, skirts, which surely attracted me, and about age 14, i started "borrowing" my sisters, and mom's hosiery, and other things. My mom did not mention what i did, but tried hard to get me to go to a shrink...I think she knew. My dad wanted all daughters, but got a handicapped daughter, then three sons.

03-20-2016, 06:11 PM
Hi Carla:hugs:, I have been in this program for over 69years now and I'm not really sure what caused it. :daydreaming:

Tracii G
03-20-2016, 08:15 PM
Growing up I always played with the girls in the neighborhood maybe had one or two boys to play with.
I don't think having a sister has anything to do with CDing.

03-20-2016, 10:17 PM
I'm convinced I had an absorbed twin sister (seriously, really wierd results from some heavy duty surgery about 10 yrs ago 😲 ) so I guess my mom and 'sister' are responsible 😕

On a more phsycological note though, my mom did get me a pair of jeans with no front pockets when I was in elementary school, I'm sure they were girls jeans cuz I SAW OTHER GIRLS WEARING THEM (they were kinda hot)!! That was when I was struggling to be 'that guy', I think it might have messed me up, just a little 😅

dana digs sweaters
03-20-2016, 11:15 PM
I witnessed and remembered all the clothes and stuff. And then secretly experienced wearing their clothes.
Maybe just part of the picture?

Being the only boy with 5 sisters, 3 older and a set of twins younger then me, there is No how, No way I was Not going to end up in girl's clothes growing up.
Plenty of dress up games and also secretly dressing in their clothes.
Part of the picture?
You betcha and Glad of it!

03-20-2016, 11:23 PM
My mother did put me in panties and from that day on I knew what I wanted to wear. I'm not sure that I wouldn't have started anyway. I will say that it sure made it easier with 2 sisters and a mother. I learned to do all the fem things. I also learned how to wear the clothes, dance backwards like a girl. Being small for a guy it was an easy transition to girl hood when my sisters and I would sneak out to go to town etc.

03-21-2016, 01:01 AM
My crossdressing came at an early
age as my mother and grandmother always wore white fullcut panties full nylon slips along with their nylon hose. These
items were accessible to me. The
high heels was my weakness as I
would wesr moms heels..Today a
lsdy with beautiful leggs and. black or light tan hose. gets me
up and running wishing that was
me wesring the hose and heels.
My first pair of panties was s pair.of moms that wss in the goodwill bag that I retrevied.

Lacey New
03-21-2016, 05:50 AM
I don't think Mom and Sisters were necessarily the cause of my crossdressing but they did provide the enablers - most specifically the panties and other attendant lingerie. I started at about age 12 or 13 or so seeing girls in school in miniskirts and seeing more than one upskirt. Of course, I was fascinated and excited about what what was under there. Panties were the tantalizing door to the mystery so, being curious, I eventually tried them on and experienced the obvious sexual reward. So, because it felt good, I kept going back for more. More lingerie made it more exciting and the rest is history. The instant arousal is gone but it is still part of the good feelings associated with my dressing.

03-21-2016, 08:41 AM
CDing was something I knew early on over 60 years ago, while sitting in front of the TV, watching Capt Kangaroo with a pair of light blue panties on I borrowed from my older sister, somewhere around 1956. At the time I didn't know what CDing was or even now why it is so attracting for me?

Was I influenced by other people, no.

Just enjoy wearing and feeling the soft to the touch women's clothing and the feelings of being feminine that come with it.

And why? Guess the only answer I can think of is, because this is "me" a CDer.

It took a long time to find that out for myself, but now, I would't change a thing. :battingeyelashes:

03-21-2016, 08:47 AM
I was brought up in a family with a Mother and three older sisters. I was dressed in lingerie at an early age and have cross dressed ever since. But, was that the cause, or were other forces involved? I don't know and probably never will.

It is common but wrong to take some aspect of one's past and project it into a general explanation. Why we become cross dressers is still largely an unanswered question. Given the large and increasing amount of data on cross dressing as the community becomes so much more open, one would have expected at least one major academic study into causation. Perhaps because cross dressing is a harmless trait, it does not seem to be of social importance, and so the psychological community just ignores it.

Sharon B.
03-21-2016, 09:28 AM
I am the baby of the family and have two older sisters, my older sister who is six years older then me used to dress me up as a little girl when I was around four or five. By the time I was around seven or eight I would sneak into their room and take their nylons. I would always get caught in the morning. Summer time I would go in the basement and try on their swim suits. Other times I would sneak into their room and try on their long leg panty girdle and would be caught by my mother who would say she would buy me my own but never did. Later on in my teens I would try on their clothes only if I was home alone, the it when on to makeup and perfume.
Yes I think my sister had a helping hand in making me who I am today, a male who enjoys dressing as a woman.

03-21-2016, 09:59 AM
I grew up with a very strong grandmother, mother and aunts. I saw the power lied in the women. My father and uncles, weren't as assertive. While the men where watching games on holidays in one room talking about boring stuff, the women were in the kitchen laughing and having fun. This through out my life I have seen how this has disempowered my idea of the masculine. I have finally found a balance in my life that i like. The Egyptians thought that Osiris could only be saved my Isis, the female side of our beings was the half that possessed the power to restore equilibrium and wholeness, healing our inner divisions making the two- ONE. I am grateful for the experience of crossdressing, it has made me a better husband, a better father and a better person. I am living my dreams now. I now treat dressing as a ritual a healing of sorts, reuniting these two forces. Slowly learning how to hold both while I walk through this life. Dualistic powers are your birthright.

03-21-2016, 10:13 AM
Not at all in my case.

Beverley Sims
03-21-2016, 11:08 AM
Maybe, but I started of my own volition.

03-21-2016, 05:06 PM
In my case, nothing could be further from the case to be made about mom or sisters "causing" it. No siblings at all, and not a strong bond with my mother. She had many weaknesses in the mental health department. She loved me, still does, but just a lot of stuff that gets in the way of it. My father on the other hand was the model of all fathers to be. Although not an overly large strong masculine presence physically, internally, I have never known a more solid rock foundation, purely masculine yet with unbelievable traits of caring and empathy. Inwardly at least, he was as close to being the perfect man there can be. I am lucky to have had him in my life till I was 39. His death, tragic in that it was 2 years of horrific pain from stage 4 bone cancer, he was nothing but truly stoic. I know he had hard days, but he never let it show. He continued on through the pain to help the elderly women in the neighborhood, as long as he could. He insisted I never feel sorry or bad for him. I tried as best I could....

So, with all of the seemingly reasons why someone growing up with strong female presence and female stability, I had none, but I had immense male presence and stability. Yet, here I sit in 4 inch boots, girls stylish somewhat skinny jeans and a v neck sweater, typing this out with nails that are beginning to cross the boundary of long to girls nails, and I have buffed them quite shiny.

03-21-2016, 07:23 PM
With no doubt about it, absolutely. Having grown up clinging to my mother and living in fear of my father (and some other men) was the cause of my crossdressing.

This isn't the company line, but it is the truth, and it is what it is. It is in my case, not saying it is the case for others, but it was in my case.

03-21-2016, 08:28 PM
Vickie, I would suggest it may have been "your" trigger. Certainly, many boys have a similar upbringing, but do not engage in CDing because of it. In fact, many go the opposite route, and try to get tougher, to stand up to their dad, or be as tough as their dad, and win over their approval.

In the case of many who had the loving mother, who may have even encouraged it, or secretly accepted it, or helped hide it.... or sisters who did the same, it opened the door quicker. Opportunities that arose quicker for these people than for others. I had no real bond with my mother, and no sisters. So no feminine friendly atmosphere so to speak. For me, it wasn't until my junior year of high school when it hit me. Suddenly I began to feel I wanted to be her, instead of wanting to be with her.... or sometimes a combination of wanting to be her and be with her.