View Full Version : No more empty nesting for Sandra Michelle

03-24-2016, 03:21 PM
Well we have not had any of our kids live with us for 12 years until now. My 38 year old son who was getting disability income has now moved in with us since the Feds in their infinite wisdom have now denied his benefits. The long and short of it is that I used to be able to dress at home pretty much all the time and now I have to only dress outside the house. I even took my toenail polish off because it is too weird to walk around all the time with socks on. I had to pay his bills for the last 18 months while we fought the ruling and now I had to cut my losses and have him temporarily move in with us. He's a great son but does not know of Sandra and the wife wants to keep it that way so for now, she's in hiding. I am going to buy a fixer upper house for him in my town but and that will be a priority, sooner the better, Sandra Michelle likes her privacy and of course her clothes. In the grand scheme of things this is just a small bump in the road but felt it was time to vent my frustration so you are all the foil to vent upon. Thanks for listening, good to get this off my chest!!!!

03-24-2016, 05:18 PM
I am sure the work on the fixer upper will be done by a lady carpenter!. My daughter moved back in but I have about an hour or more early every day before my girls wake up. I feel for you sister.

03-24-2016, 05:19 PM
I am sorry. Keeping Sandra in hiding will not be any fun. Good luck!

03-24-2016, 05:46 PM
Hi Sandra,

That'll teach you for being a loving, caring parent. :devil:

I can't imagine having to rein in my activities for someone else in my house. I'm out to my sons, the youngest two are accepting and are OK with me dressed, but the elder not so. However, if any of them were to move in, they would have to put up with me dressed every now and then.

I understand that everyone lives their lives according to their own beliefs and circumstances, so I hope that your loving act doesn't impinge upon your life for too much longer. No nightie and dressing gown in the mornings when I'm off work...eek!
