View Full Version : Warning, narcissistic post - Do photos age like wine and cheese?

03-26-2016, 12:01 AM
Being a raging narcissist I take a lot of photos lately and the vast majority are filed under "OMG girl, that's way too fuggly for public consumption! 😲 " but looking back a month or two (not like years ago, that goes without saying 😉 ) at pics I think, "you look great Robin, what's the problem?"

Anyone else find older 'out takes' get better with age...😕

03-26-2016, 01:10 AM
Nope. My photos age like milk.

Tracii G
03-26-2016, 01:47 AM
99% of mine are really bad trust me LOLOL

03-26-2016, 04:43 AM
No matter how they age I feel we still need them, yes it may be narcissistic but I've found them useful to make the point when going through counselling. I find that people have an OTT image of CDers mostly like drag queens so when they see my pics they have a surprise ( hopefully a pleasant one !).
As for older ones I cling to my avatar because there are far less wrinkles, that's not narcissistic , it's vanity !
I find it funny that when buying a dress or shoes in drab, I say mostly in jest that I'll bring them a picture, many seriously do want to see them.

I didn't get the chance to thank you for the comments about my pictures but the thread was deleted, I can't say more.

Maria 60
03-26-2016, 05:07 AM
For myself when I first take them it feels like I take them for granted, maybe trying to achieve a certain look and not really getting it. But when viewing it after, I look at the picture for what's it's worth and appreciate it more after. It's funny but your right.

Shelly Preston
03-26-2016, 05:12 AM
Photos don't age but people do.

Its a combination of evolution and revelation.

As we evolve we learn more make up skills, dress sense etc.

The we have the revelation that we can improve how we look.

Sara Jessica
03-26-2016, 07:07 AM
1) We can be our own worst critics.

2) Sometimes that is a good thing.

3) In the long run (as in years), yes...photos are like wine & cheese in that they often get better with age. Youth...sigh. :)

03-26-2016, 07:14 AM
Robin If Ive learned anything from being here, Are "you" happy? Own it, Smile. chin up. I think from talking to you, I can say, you are being you, doing what makes you happy and to quote yourself "you look great Robin, what's the problem?" Go Girl!

03-26-2016, 07:37 AM
Hi Robin:hugs:, Looking at my old photos shows me how far that I've come with Orchid's styles.:daydreaming:

Heidi Stevens
03-26-2016, 08:00 AM
Robin, I think your taking the wrong approach to looking at your photos from the past. As others have stated, the rememberance of your youth is clouding your ability to really analyze your progress. When I look at what few photos I have left from the "film" years, (I purged nearly all my old paper photos) I see a young, inexperienced girl trying to find herself. I see obvious mistakes in my presentation and how I've improved over time. Since most of my photo stock is from the past 15 years or so, I'm surprised at the progress I've made in such a short time. Now, would I love to go back to the time of my first photo (1979)? Sure if I could take what I know now with me! But we can't, so I take a positive view and see what has improved and look at the progression I've made to make me me the happy woman I am today!

03-26-2016, 08:14 AM
Nope, never took a good picture. Nope not true, my mug shot was a good one, angry young man. My year book picture is so baby faced and innocent, if I could only have that face to make-up.

03-26-2016, 09:50 AM
Thank you for the input ladies!

I've been thinking about this and replying to my own post, the photos don't change but I think I am...on the verge of the Holy Grail...self acceptance...maybe a little bit

Sure, I'm no Gigi Gorgeous or Carmen Carrara but I'm OK with it, I'm still a chic! 😊

03-26-2016, 10:31 AM
Older photos cons: my first digital camera sucked. My only wig was from a halloween store. Wardrobe was almost non-existent.

Older photos pros: I was younger, cuter and weighed a little less.

Newer photos: finally learning to smile, much better camera equipment, better at appyling makeup, wardrobe increased exponentially.

Getting good photos is hit or miss for me. Some older ones turned out good. Some new aren't too good. Vice Versa

03-26-2016, 11:23 AM
Speak for yourself, Robin. Here's a 9 y/o pic of Sherry.

Compare it to my avatar pic taken last week!:daydreaming:


03-27-2016, 01:07 AM
Oh I am way to scared to take photos. I am very critical of how I look. A photo would only upset me more in knowing that I have a hard time looking very femme. Well that and my house is always a mess. I dont want to subject people to that either. Lol

03-27-2016, 01:45 AM
OK Sherry, I admit you truly are kinda timelessly hot, and I'm still kinda jealous 😉