View Full Version : there I was justa walking in the antique mall----

phylis anne
04-09-2016, 05:49 PM
After I have taken care of things for the day usually on my day off I head to one of our antique stores in town ,now this store is on a busy state hwy in wa state in cashmere ,so on the weekends we get a lot of seattle visiting traffic .So there I was all relaxed a little sway to the shoulders and some noticeable swivel to the hips reall kinda getting into it it was so relaxing , when a young lady approached me and mentioned in a very giggly way "I like the way you walk,we both had a good laugh ,she apologized for being so forward and I replied thankyou I think for the compliment we talked awhile over coffee in the store and she mentioned a family member that dressed and thought it was great for that person to be the way they feel :) kinda made my day in a nice way .
hugs phylis anne

Maria 60
04-09-2016, 06:42 PM
That's great, for sure it made your day. It would have made mine, and I'm sure you must have gained more confidence that what seems like you have a lot.

Tracii G
04-09-2016, 07:42 PM
Those encounters are always very special.
I'm sure it made your day and the way you handled it was perfect because you were having fun just being you and she could see that.

phylis anne
04-09-2016, 07:49 PM
yes it was indeed ,as to handling I reply to snarky ones with a smile to the nice ones like today I engage them in conversation , I mean on days i actually dress you really have to look ,today was girl jeans which fit better and a teal blue t shirt , the experience might get even better as the weight is going down
hugs phylis(swivelhips)anne :heehee:

Tracii G
04-09-2016, 09:55 PM
As my weight has gone up I have gotten a few more whistles going from my car into a store.
Not sure thats such a bad thing.

Angie G
04-09-2016, 10:08 PM
That would have made my week Phylis Anne.:hugs:

phylis anne
04-10-2016, 06:18 AM
@ tracii G ,
getting whistles from the car is a good thing pardon me for being forward here but if that is you in your avatar you are nice and curvy ,my weight on the other hand is bubbaesque type gotta keep the presure on to change it ,happening very slowly but happenening just the same
hugs phylis anne