View Full Version : Your Pink Fog Calendar

Sarah Doepner
04-17-2016, 12:37 PM
I was just reading through the journal I started last summer and noticed a certain regularity for my encounters with "serious" pink fog. I haven't actually specifically tracked it, put it on a calendar or rated the strength of the experience. I know everyone is an individual and experiences things in their own way but I'm aware of a shared experience with some variant of "pink fog". While I dress partially or fully nearly every day there are times when it becomes something with more of an emotional component and that is part of my definition of "serious". Since I am relying on a journal where I often miss days (or after I broke my foot a couple of months) it isn't even close to being good data. I'll attempt to keep better track and use some standard language to help define those more notable days and maybe that will help me define what I've dealing with.

My questions for the forum;

Have you done this kind of tracking?
If so, how do you define what to record?
Do you have a better tool to use than notes in an occasional journal?
Finally, if you have tracked this (or something similar), has it been beneficial or a waste of time?

Tonya Rose
04-17-2016, 01:03 PM
Hey Sarah, As for me. My Pink fog is regulated by the level of stress i`m under I cant chart it on a calendar But when the stress is off the heels come on :rose2:

Tracii G
04-17-2016, 01:15 PM
I know there are data hounds and number crunchers on this site that probably have volumes of material.
Personally I see no reason in trying to track everyday personal feelings and what you did that day.
Sounds more like an obsessive compulsive thing.
You can record your life if you want I would rather enjoy life and not analyze it.

04-17-2016, 01:19 PM
Hi Sarah, I have not tracked it for the gender switching but that might be a good idea but what would it prove out? I am still switched from the Vegas trip. But today I feel the male switch coming back. It seems to be longer switches in either direction. Perhaps I should, It might be interesting to see over a year time frame. But I do not see any benefit is doing it but perhaps seeing the balance in a year. I would use a journal and notes.

Sarah Doepner
04-17-2016, 01:38 PM
I know there are data hounds and number crunchers on this site that probably have volumes of material.
Personally I see no reason in trying to track everyday personal feelings and what you did that day.
Sounds more like an obsessive compulsive thing.
You can record your life if you want I would rather enjoy life and not analyze it.


I can see your point here and I really am trying to avoid the obsessive kind of tracking that takes the joy out of life, that just ain't me. Unfortunately those situations when my gender identity becomes the source of a negative emotional experience happen along often enough that I need to find a resolution. The journal was started as supporting documentation as I went into counseling. I've just recently gone through it to see if I've made progress on the issues that were on my mind back then. Some good progress and some areas where I seem to be avoiding the issues, so it was a good read for that. My lack of consistency has made it less of a resource in this one area and as you suggest, I'd like to spend less time analyzing and more time enjoying life so I'm willing to put up with a little more record keeping if it helps me get a handle on things.

Tracii G
04-17-2016, 02:59 PM
If there is a portion that does help you then thats a good thing I suppose.
I guess I'm far different than most here I don't have to find resolution or feel I have to know why I am the way I am or try to find out what triggered the change.
No need to justify my existence or lifestyle to anyone just happy to be alive and be myself.
I do feel sorry for people that have so much trouble dealing with their gender issues and it has to be a horrible way to live.
Over analyzing everything seems to be where people acquire all the stress and problems.
Then that escalates into other problems like self hate and suicide.

04-17-2016, 03:14 PM
mine seems to be days that end in "y"

Tracii G
04-17-2016, 03:18 PM
Ice queen LOL very funny
Snow melt off yet ?

04-17-2016, 05:20 PM
Never kept a journal, but I find that if I go back and read my threads from when I first joined CD.com I can tell what "mood" I was in and upon reflection I can feel once again the color of my musings if they were pink or blue. I can almost pinpoint when I finally gained total acceptance of my dressing and gender identity just by the "tone' of my writings. If you can learn from writing past experiences than by all means do so.

04-17-2016, 05:35 PM
There is no calendar or journal, but I can share with you my observations of my SO. He tends to dress more when the seasons change from the cold of winter to the warmth of spring and from the heat of summer to the coolness of fall. This is also when we get more clothing catalogs showcasing the new seasonal fashions, and also when these changes are reflected in the clothing of the women around us.