View Full Version : A huge step for me...

04-20-2016, 12:53 PM
Well, my wife has once again gone away for a few days, which means, I get to dress...

I am very much in the closet and although I have dropped many hints to my wife, she is very much in the negative surrounding it, so I guess it's as near enough to a DADT situation... The only exception is I am allowed women's jeans...

Anyway.. I have my stash of bits and pieces nicely concealed and once she was gone, I did a little shopping and bought a couple of nice skirts, a new top and three dresses sadly only one fitted and as such the others will be donated (I bought a beautiful black velvet dress, which broke my heart when I struggled to get into it)...

After getting home, I got changed into some of my older bits (the new stuff that fits goes through the wash), jeans and stop with of course suitable underattire and borrowed a pair of my wife's knee boots that she can't wear any more and went out to do some more general shopping... Although I wasn't wearing a padded bra, I still felt very self aware for a while, but, no one gave a second look...

I know that I can't pass since that I am over 6' tall and even taller with the heal in the boot and have a rather long beard...

04-20-2016, 01:10 PM
And I thought I was the only worried about beards. Very brave of you to venture out and well done.

04-20-2016, 01:33 PM
I assume you bought from charity shops otherwise the things that didn't fit could have been returned, (UK charity shops will give refunds ). I can't understand why you need to wash the new stuff.
I posted in shopping section about the reluctance to give up on something that doesn't fit, luckily Oxfam online came to my rescue when I found the same dress that fitted.
Being over six feet tall doesn't mean you can't pass but I'm sorry I don't get it with the beards, surely someone is going to recognise you and maybe tell your wife.

I'm still happy for you having a good day !

04-20-2016, 01:51 PM
Not that much risk really... A pair of women's jeans that my find has no issue with, a top and underdressed... The only thing that I am likely to be caught out on is the footwear and when was the last time you looked at anyone's shoes?

04-20-2016, 08:43 PM
Hi Carrol, Because of the lack of female identity in the way most women dress today, it is easy to dress completely in female cloths and go out and no one will notice you. I dressed completly in women's cloths.I wore a dark lose fitting woman's shirt over my bra, camisole, and forms. On my feet I wore a pair of low heel loafers, and on top I wore a loose jacket open at top an waist. I have a full beard and wore no make up or wig. Nobody showed any sign of noticing or said or looked in any odd way. I went to Walmart and a major grocery store. I know if I had been a cis-woman wearing a business skirt suit, and heels, every man and most of the women in the store would have noticed her.