View Full Version : The more I feel it the happier within myself I feel

04-21-2016, 02:02 PM
Just lately what with getting more confidence in going out the more pleasure I get from experiencing the fact that I am coming across more empathy towards my/our world what with my hospital visit and meeting total strangers whilst dressed and not getting back any animosity or hate makes me realise how the world is changing possibly in leaps and bounds sometimes to us.
Today I had a lovely conversation with somebody I know about how and why I was/am the way I am and with this in mind got back what can only be described as total unbiased empathy towards me and towards our community in general. this lady told me how appalled she was at the people she knew who ridiculed and were spiteful of the LGBT community in general. She was so totally understanding when I explained how I preferred to dress this way and in no way could see anything wrong in what I was doing.
In my hamlet of only 11 people 3 have come to find out and also to see me dressed and I have not lost them as friends. They do not outwardly see me as some sort of freak or weirdo or anything like that all.
All of this goes to show that with being careful and dressing sensibly what can be achieved, I am so happy I could almost have a party to celebrate this new happening in my march forward in this lovely life.

04-21-2016, 02:15 PM
The hardest thing I did was go to the curb to get the mail from the mailbox.
I still get the "flutters" now and again, but then I remember that 99% of the folks out there are oblivious to the fact that I'm not really a woman.

04-21-2016, 02:29 PM
Kristenw, keep going it gets better I can assure you as others have said, it is all down to I think confidence, I used to get the flutters like you regarding the post that was soon dispelled with having to stand out in the road to sign for a letter. But after, you think why did I worry it was no big deal in the end and also as you say 99 o/o opf people hardly notice at all. go

04-21-2016, 04:19 PM
It sounds like you live in a very nice and accepting hamlet. There should be more such hamlets spread around the world which advertise as such. This would go a long way to take away the angst many of us feel about going out in public dressed.
Good luck to you and thank you for sharing.

04-21-2016, 08:03 PM
As time goes by I am finding a great deal of acceptance from all walks of life, various shops I go to knew me before my newfound life en femme and all of them are totaslly at ease with my life style.
For sure a lot of it is how one presents themselves, ie dressing in a similar fashion to those around one.

04-21-2016, 09:44 PM
I'm with you Bobbi, if your sensible and dress appropriately there is a lot of acceptance out there, even when I present en tween I find I actually get what feels like respect a lot of the time!

04-21-2016, 11:40 PM
it took me awhile to get comfortable and to feel good about myself and once i did that,
i gained the confidence to go anyplace. i think confidence is the biggest factor in going out.
and with that, i've spoken with people who maybe didn't agree with me or accept me, but by the
time we were departing tell me i was a pretty "cool" person.

04-22-2016, 06:53 AM
Paulaprimo, for sure as you say it takes time to feel comfortable most of it is in the dressing and finding comfort within that as well. yes for sure confidence is what it all boils down to at the end of the day. I am to an extent still feeling my way in some situations but there will be a way one day.

04-22-2016, 07:00 AM
I agree and being able to express myself has changed me also, Tiffany told me recently when I said I couldnt quite figure out how people were perceiving me differently in the way I act, she said I was "at ease" with myself and people were picking up on that. She said when you act nervous and unsure thats when people get the " your doing something wrong" and will also react to that. I can say since Im at ease I find being social very enjoyable. Bobbi Im glad you being you is working also, I know many here say you have to "own it" . I do agree.

Kate Simmons
04-22-2016, 07:08 AM
We are all "social animals" by nature. Sometimes being en femme just naturally brings out the best in us. :)

04-22-2016, 11:11 AM
"Being en femme" says a lot just on its own, I think it is this that opens a whole new world of experiences for me its also contentment as well.

04-22-2016, 11:25 AM
I agree Bobbie, being En Femme sure has changed me. It took time but I am far more sociable and it shows. I am more of a feminine male and embrace the fem me now. I have the confidence to be out and about to people. My toes are painted and in a class of yoga or another one that we have. I'm in bare feet LOL, I wonder what the male trainer thinks. He never says anything and acts though its no problem at all and of course with long hair, I have a pony tail.

04-22-2016, 04:23 PM
This change which many of us must have is lovely change to have and experience as well as creating a whole new way in which to see and deal with the world around us. This feeling within me has deepened much over the past year. I wonder how deep this can go.

04-23-2016, 10:41 AM
I find that the majority of people could care less what another wears. Yes, there are those out there who, in my opinion, may be threatened by what they do not understand or perhaps are afraid to admit to having feelings about causing them to lash out. I am happier now than I've been in years and just kind of roll with things even though I don't totally understand why I am the way I am. I'm just wired this way so no understanding is needed. I feel like I have a healthy balance of masculine and feminine. I like doing guy stuff but I adore being pretty and being feminine. Maybe I'm just a tomboy lol.

04-23-2016, 05:35 PM
its because many/all of us think the same, we are wired differently and that gives us the ability to feel the way we do, to give one the ability to feel feminine without criticism. Its a good feeling to have and there's no getting away from that, feeling happy and content with ourselves as I progressively feel.