View Full Version : Did not upset the apple cart, phew!!!

04-22-2016, 12:45 PM
I recently made an appointment for my Veterinarian for a check-up on my "Buddy" who I think misses our late pack member, so in the morning I called to ask if it was Ok if I came in dressed as a woman, they were very understanding and said it would be OK, that it probably would not upset the others waiting, after all our pets are what we are there for. I thought I would ask as I have been going in a more femme mode each time and have a "relationship" with them for 14 yrs. now. I know I could have gone in male mode but after the doc and assistant seen me break down when I had my "Dolly" euthanized I figured maybe this would explain why in a round about way. I got dressed, nothing to over the top but in full femme, and off we went. Now I'm used to being out and about en femme but I was nervous as the first time out. I have found that the more educated the person the more open they are to diversity, that is to say that not every one needs to be well educated, I think that they are exposed to more lifestyles and such from attending large institutions. We did have a bit of a discussion about CDing and gender variations and I hope I have opened the door for more acceptance for those that follow and maybe got the word spread even further about "us" being out there and "normal" people. I thanked all the staff for their understanding and being so nice to my Buddy and former Dolly. Is this "telling" to others a part of our total acceptance or a form of release to keep us sane?

04-22-2016, 01:27 PM
that got a little blurry in the middle for me, about who you were talking to, staff, folks waiting, both.......as for "telling" and this is my feeling, yes it can be therapeutic and keep us sane as well as just sharing it with folks while interacting and relating with them in a normal fashion. as you said getting the word out and cracking the door a little at a time will have a positive result.

im sure that it had more of an impact with the staff as they have known you for a relatively long time and already had an opinion about who you were as a person and this time the wrapper was changed...

now how is that pup....just took my knucklehead lab to the vet tues, and no i was not dressed....

04-22-2016, 01:47 PM
Mikell, my discussion was with the doc and staff as Buddy was being checked out. There is always two staff members in the room with us because buddy does not like being pawed at and is quite strong for an old dog and needles and clippers were involved. They did confess to being somewhat curious about my appearance as of late. As far as others waiting no one said a word, but there were some looks mostly trying to figure me out. I'm sure there were questions after I left but I'm sure the answers were in my favor. As always smiles all around, they just seem to disarm people.

04-22-2016, 04:05 PM
For me, I think open and honest communication is usually the best.
For young children I go with "god gave me a girls brain but a boys body" - they seem to get that, like who wants to agrue with god?
my other shorter explainations to people include - "not quite sane" or "Normal with a bit extra"

04-22-2016, 04:40 PM
Alisa, Yes communication is the answer. It is really nice that the pet shop treats you with respect.

04-22-2016, 04:42 PM
An apple a day keeps the girls at play. I think it's great that they not only readily accepted you but seemed (from your post, but maybe that's just me) to be genuinely curious. I'm not sure if there is any such thing as "normal", after all, if you take a look at the universe, billions of light years of cold, dead, empty space could be considered to be "normal",
and under such circumstances, who wouldn't want to be different?

04-22-2016, 05:02 PM
Dana , I hate to be nit picky but it is a professional medical facility albeit for animals but professional all the same. I am against pet shops for various reasons. Just had to clear the air.

04-22-2016, 07:18 PM
I know you don't consider yourself TS but if you were you may not have made that call, the point is they wouldn't have known and may not have questioned it anyway. I think it's great you did ask, it is showing some respect for them and considering not to upset other pet owners. It can be a stressful time for pet owners, their animals mean a lot to them, I would be lost without my dog , I've had two dogs put to sleep over the years and shed a tear over both of them .

04-22-2016, 10:40 PM
Hmmm :thinking: would a veterinarian not allow you to come to the hospital dressed


bridget thronton
04-23-2016, 01:30 AM
Good one Lorileah - i had forgotten you were a vet

04-23-2016, 08:36 AM
Lorileah, I was just concerned about the others in the waiting area, I know you wouldn't, having inside info into CDing.

04-23-2016, 10:00 AM
I think the more people see different gender expressions, the more accepting they will become. I agree that education is key as you stated in your original post.
I feel that some people have their preconceptions about crossdressers or transgender people but when they meet someone face to face I'm sure they realize that there preconceptions were misconceptions. Thank you Allisa for stepping up and being who you are without fear.

bridget thronton
04-23-2016, 11:49 AM
I agree Betty - it is hard to hate someone after you have gotten to know them