View Full Version : don't understand

04-23-2016, 06:56 AM
caitlen jenner is a "hero" for her stance and the public thinks she is great. according to opponents of the "bathroom law" all the rest of us are evil degenerates and must not be allowed to express ourselves. i feel this whole issue is being blown out of proportion and may be hiding other issues they don't was us to think about. another case of smoke and mirrors.

Nadine Spirit
04-23-2016, 09:56 AM
Most likely the people supporting the bathroom laws are also against Caitlyn.

Angie G
04-23-2016, 10:04 AM
I don't think everyone thinks Caitlyn is a hero. Some may even really not like her.:hugs:

bridget thronton
04-23-2016, 11:47 AM
Smoke and mirrors - the bathroom laws have distracted attention from the issues the government should be working on like poverty and education

04-23-2016, 11:49 AM
I agree that its smoke and mirrors. The governments should be working on defense, humanity and education.

Tracii G
04-23-2016, 05:54 PM
How often do we learn what happens behind the scenes after the media dishes out the contrived crises on the month?
Smoke and mirrors and they are taking advantage of us somehow you can be sure of that.

04-23-2016, 06:05 PM
Most likely the people supporting the bathroom laws are also against Caitlyn.


Or ... the people who support the bathroom laws don't really know any TGs. They've had no exposure to the TG community and so they imagine some sort of big burly man whose sole purpose is to go into woman's bathrooms to rape them. If you put them in the same room as any transitioned member here, they'd likely change their tune, like "Oh, I don't feel threatened by this person at all".

Or ... they are against it not because they really think that TGs are rapists, but because it is against what they believe is in the Bible.

Or ... it's political for them. They embrace all the rhetoric of a certain political party (they hate the current administration) and so they'll take a stance, any stance, that they believe represents their base.

Or ... they're angry about a lot of other things in their lives (lack of jobs, flat salaries, etc), and this seems like a cause that's as good as any to vent their anger.

I don't think there is only one reason that applies to everyone who has taken that stance.

I'd love to know how many people feel so strongly about it that they'd actually go out and picket. A few hundred out of say, millions who live in a particular state?

04-23-2016, 06:33 PM
Hi Denese, Yes where was Caitien Jenner, when these bathroom laws were passed, and they would effect her as well. Answer, she was supporting Senator Cruses, who's very campaign is ultra religious and supports these very laws???

Tracii G
04-23-2016, 07:00 PM
Rachael you probably won't hear much out of Miss Jenner on this because she has security detail following her around.
She is one of the elite so laws don't pertain to her.

Lauri K
04-23-2016, 07:29 PM
Ditto on what Tracii said, Ms Jenner is an elitist, otherwise she would open her mouth to help lobby for us and also get out her wealthy purse and spend a few coins to advocate for trans rights.

So far to my knowledge she is like a cricket on the bathroom bills.

04-23-2016, 07:36 PM
I sympathize with Miss Jenner in a lot of areas. No matter what she does, she has someone to give her grief. No matter what she says, not everyone is happy, and I mean in our own community. If she doesn't say anything or something fast enough, she gets grief. All of this while making the biggest change of her life, and trying to find how her new being fits with parts of her old life.
I envy that she had the finances, the courage, and the will to transition. We should all be happy that someone is living the life that they have chosen.We should all be encouraged that she has been received as well as she has. I don't think we will ever see the end of some small minded people tryin to run others lives.

04-23-2016, 07:54 PM
@Reine - I was going to quote your first point because that one's kind of my thorn but as I read the other points I realized they're all great. Yah, what Reine said!

@Tracii and Lauri - I've always wondered what would happen if a wealthy high profile person were to come out as TG, I admit I should get more up to speed with what CJ is doing for her fellow sisters before forming an opinion but I honestly haven't heard a lot of high profile comments, maybe my head's just too far down in the pink sand lately 😐

Lauri K
04-23-2016, 08:07 PM
@Tracii and Lauri - I've always wondered what would happen if a wealthy high profile person were to come out as TG

Robin, I long for the day that a high profile person steps up as TG and has the courage to represent us and not sit around endorsing a presidential candidate that hates us all. I don't make this stuff up these are the facts.

Anyone who has walked a few feet in our shoes would be a good representative, as much as I am proud for CJ and her life to be who she is I never see her being an advocate for us.

Tracii G
04-23-2016, 08:18 PM
I'm happy for CJ actually and I don't expect anything from her she has her own stuff to deal with.
She lives in a protected bubble so to speak is all I am saying.
Nothing that happens to us on the front lines as far as whats going on now will ever be of concern to her because she is an elite.
I hate to put it that way but its the way it is.

04-23-2016, 08:23 PM
...Anyone who has walked a few feet in our shoes would be a good representative....

Absol...freaking...utely! Get out there, be safe, and be nice! We're ALL ambassadors for US and there's strength in numbers ladies 😡 !

04-23-2016, 08:41 PM
Hi Denese :hugs: , It's like the famous quote, "Never let a good crisis go to waste" ....:daydreaming:

04-24-2016, 08:04 AM
If you watch the show, Caitlyn was clearly in the Fox News bubble, even after she transitioned. It's only after being exposed and actually listening to the issues from real everyday people has she begun to change her opinions.

It's kinda fun to watch someone when they actually start to use science and reason to form opinions on social issues. You can almost see light bulbs go off, and a face of incredulity once long held beliefs are realized to be false. It's like watching a child learn that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

I think Caitlyn has the potential to be a truly great leader for our cause, but there is no doubt that the rhetoric bubble and privileged life she has led and continues to lead makes it much harder to get there. But I think she wants to better understand and learn, so that's good.

Only time will tell, but I wish her well.

I Am Paula
04-24-2016, 08:16 AM
Caitlyn has gotten better. She thinks about what she's saying now, and she's not as overwhelmed by her new world.
Her show...indescribably bad. How to build your own Kardashian.

04-24-2016, 08:25 AM
The first thing I think is those pompus a** es in government need to worry more about the state of the country.Like our retirements and such .The bathroom things and such should not be a big deal .if people knew what was going on in the government they would be more worried about that than someone wearing the opposite gender clothing that makes them feel normal with themselves.But that is just my opinion ..

04-24-2016, 08:27 AM

Or ... the people who support the bathroom laws don't really know any TGs. They've had no exposure to the TG community and so they imagine some sort of big burly man whose sole purpose is to go into woman's bathrooms to rape them. If you put them in the same room as any transitioned member here, they'd likely change their tune, like "Oh, I don't feel threatened by this person at all".

Or ... they are against it not because they really think that TGs are rapists, but because it is against what they believe is in the Bible.

Or ... it's political for them. They embrace all the rhetoric of a certain political party (they hate the current administration) and so they'll take a stance, any stance, that they believe represents their base.

Or ... they're angry about a lot of other things in their lives (lack of jobs, flat salaries, etc), and this seems like a cause that's as good as any to vent their anger.

I don't think there is only one reason that applies to everyone who has taken that stance.

I'd love to know how many people feel so strongly about it that they'd actually go out and picket. A few hundred out of say, millions who live in a particular state?

Or this is a response by the extreme conservatives in an increasingly polarized society to the over-the-top activism by the GLBTQ community. I don't think this was much of an issue until the GLBTQ activists made it one.

04-25-2016, 02:05 AM
Politics sometimes makes us stupid. I truly don't believe that you can choose who you fall in love with. For some that happens to be someone of the same sex. Former VP Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian but because of support of conservatives, he had to publically take a stand against gay rights. The bathroom laws is a solution in search of a problem. It is simply another attempt by some to let fear rule reality. Has anyone seen an article about someone dressing up like a female to gain access to the women's room for any other purpose than to pee?

04-25-2016, 01:33 PM
Yes Stacy. The organizations that are funded by people who support a certain political party to advance conservative views (due to forum rules I can only speak in riddles), have lists of crossdressers or non-CDers who said they were TG, who were caught being peeping Toms in women's bathrooms and changing rooms. In a country this size, there are bound to be a few nuts who will use that excuse, but I dare say they'd do that anyway, without any liberal bathroom policies. News articles of men dressing like women and then exposing themselves have been around forever and allowing TGs to use the bathroom of choice will not make their numbers increase.

04-25-2016, 02:10 PM
Since I have a different definition of a hero, I don't feel Caitlyn falls into a hero category. I also do my best to avoid conversations that are politically oriented but the bathroom laws being enacted are stupid.

04-25-2016, 02:43 PM
The best way to keep a population from focusing on the real dangers to their society is to get them to focus on something else.

Tracii G
04-25-2016, 04:36 PM
Exactly Billie Anne.

04-26-2016, 06:14 AM
The best way to keep a population from focusing on the real dangers to their society is to get them to focus on something else.

Amen! Magicians and politicians are masters at misdirection.