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04-27-2016, 05:17 PM
With these stupid laws being passed against men in the ladies' room. a thought just struck me.
What if a man in a dress was arrested for being in the ladies' room. When they get him to the jail, where do they put him? If they put him in the men's section and he is attacked, the city would seem to be vulnerable to a negligence lawsuit, and putting him in the women's' section would make a mockery of the very law he was arrested for.

04-27-2016, 05:36 PM
They would put him in the men's section, or in isolation if he were very lucky. There are some jails that have special accommodations for trans women, but lots of times we're put in with the men. If your ID says M or if you have a penis, in many places you get put in with the men.

What's that you say? You worry about being raped? As well you should - but most facilities don't care about that much as far as we're concerned.

If you are actually in transition and are jailed, you can be in for a terrible experience.

Good luck with your lawsuit though - the places where the worst abuses tend to be places where you will lose such suits.

04-27-2016, 07:14 PM
I have a big question on these bathroom laws that are being passed.

All you hear about is men not being allowed in women's bathrooms, but never hear anything about a woman being in the men's bathroom.


I've heard that they are afraid of perverted men in the women's bathroom, but can't women be just as perverted?

Of all the stories I have read about the new bathroom laws, I have never heard anything about women being in the men's bathroom. I know the beginning of the stories don't specify one sex or the other, but later in the story it is ALWAYS about men being in the women's bathroom.

Tracii G
04-27-2016, 07:53 PM
Some have said its not to keep the trans women out but just to keep the male predators out.
But we all see where this line of thinking is flawed.
If you look 100% female maybe they would give some leeway if you look 100% male, have a five o clock shadow combat boots dirty fingernails and wearing a dress maybe not

04-27-2016, 08:28 PM
What dilemma? Used to be bad for all everywhere, now risk of bad some places. You are miles away. Annoying, something to thinking about, but dilemma, not by any definition Webster would make.

n. A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive.
n. Usage Problem A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution.
n. Logic An argument that presents two alternatives, each of which has the same consequence.

If I want to paint my house checkerboard, this is not a dilemma to you thousands of miles away.

Better focus on what is possible of being changed. You can paint your house any color you want. You can live anywhere you want. You can choose what to occupy your mind with, surely there is something more productive and satisfying for all of us than something a stupid lawyer wrote down. Laws are not life they are just a form of glasses we are encouraged to wear.

Time to get new lenses.

04-27-2016, 08:49 PM
What if pigs could fly? No one will spend prison time for peeing. U can quote me on this if u wish!:Angry3:

There have been NO instances of a trans doing anything perverted in a restroom along the lines of what u suggest. In any case, the perp would have to be a tru deviant to attack anyone and, would get what he/she deserves in prison!:straightface:

04-27-2016, 09:15 PM
There is no doubt that all these bathroom laws are a violation of the 14th amendment equal protection clause and perhaps the 5th amendment due process clause. Playing devils advocate, how does a police offer upon finding me in the ladies room en-femme, considering that if he has entered the ladies room he is in violation of the law, first know that I am not a women, does he stick his hand under my dress and feel something other than female genitalia. If I am a women has he not just sexually assaulted me? The laws are just enforceable.

Sometimes Steffi
04-27-2016, 09:37 PM
All she needs is a "pretext" for a "body cavity search", for example, she believes that you are concealing drugs. Now we all know that would certainly constitute an illegal search, but we all now know that police officers have been know to lie about a situation to cover up a crime that they committed, or other nefarious activity. If she wants to do body cavity search, I'm sure she can find a plausible reason. Sure, the search and any evidence coming from it may be thrown out in court, but what difference will that make after you are cuffed and given the perp walk to the waiting police car and then thrown in the men's holding cell until a magistrate hears your case.

04-28-2016, 03:27 AM
Some have said its not to keep the trans women out but just to keep the male predators out.
But we all see where this line of thinking is flawed.

I wonder if we do? The flaw, of course, is that there are so many rapes in the US, and so few rapists are prosecuted and convicted (something like 2% of them), that sexual predators essentially can prey upon women and children with little to impede them. The idea that public restrooms are somehow a "safe space" for women is ludicrous. Unfortunately, in our nation, NO PLACE is actually all that safe for women, as one in six of us will discover. Who needs subterfuge when no one is going to stop you anyway, in all probability?

04-28-2016, 07:18 AM
There have been NO instances of a trans doing anything perverted in a restroom along the lines of what u suggest. In any case, the perp would have to be a tru deviant to attack anyone and, would get what he/she deserves in prison!:straightface:

Yeah, people just need a place to pee and maybe check their makeup. All of this recent legislation is just the warbling of the narrow minded and the ignorant.

04-28-2016, 08:15 AM
Well, they're going to have to put a rider onto those laws; maybe something like, 'conservative politicians must use locker rooms single occupant only'. USA Today and Gawker headlines yesterday tell us as such.

Dennis Hastert, Longest Serving Republican Speaker of the House, an Admitted Serial Child Molester, having had free access to boys locker rooms, as republicans pass laws specifically allowing continuing such access.



So screwed up, the very same people who raise such a ruckus about who should be allowed into bathrooms and locker rooms, are the ones who are molesting the children they tell us that need protection from people who never commit those crimes. So it's only o.k. to molest kids if you're a powerful politician.

Amy Fakley
04-28-2016, 09:15 AM
I think the most infuriating part of all of this is that absoloutely none of it has a damn thing to do with bathrooms. It's just that a certain political establishment needs a boogeyman to sell their brand to the masses, and they've been burning through them at a record pace lately.

It reminds me of the way bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics. The electorate takes a year or two to catch on, then they come to see the humanity in the boogeyman of the day, and next time it doesn't work.

I swear, it's like these people took the "LGBTQ" acronym and literally started crossing off the letters. Guess they've finally worked their way down to the "T". When they're done with us, I guess they'll move on to somehow demonizing the "Q".

On the one hand I guess we can thank the right wing hate machine for so efficiently preparing a future society that will almost certainly be more tollerant.

On the other hand, day in and day out they're using their well funded billion-watt megaphone to scapegoat us ... to try and turn our neighbors against us, to incubate hate and ignorance. That has real world consequences. Many trans people will lose their lives as a direct result of this irresponsible rhetoric, whether it not the despicable laws they're promoting are passed or withstand legal challenges.

It's such a helpless feeling being in the crosshairs. I wish I knew a way to fight back.

04-28-2016, 10:14 AM
I have a big question on these bathroom laws that are being passed.

All you hear about is men not being allowed in women's bathrooms, but never hear anything about a woman being in the men's bathroom.


Because sexual assault and abuse is almost always done by men,

04-28-2016, 11:02 PM
I wonder what will happen when a woman dressed in men's attire walks into the women's bathroom and someone calls the police.

04-29-2016, 05:24 AM
This is just another example of a solution in search of a problem. Can anyone find an example of a crossdresser assaulting anyone in the bathroom? Much like the voter ID laws trying to prevent a nonexistent voter fraud. Unfortunately it is unlikely that these people are not going to change (I.e., open) their minds. The only thing is to educate the rest of the people that for a crossdresser the bathroom is a scary place!