View Full Version : New attitude from SO after weekend vacation

05-11-2016, 09:25 PM
I planned a special out of town weekend for my SO last weekend for Mother’s Day. It was supposed to be all about her and her special weekend, and it was. In her own words it was an incredible weekend for her, and it ended up being for me too.

A little background, my SO is not my wife or gf, she is my ex-gf and baby mama. I see other people and she sees other people. We broke up two years ago and were in a bitter custody battle for over a year. Since we settled our case we have worked on our relationship in the best interests of our small child. I consider her an SO because we are still intimate when we do get together.

I told her about my cd’ing years ago and she has seen me dressed. She was disgusted. That’s not however what caused us to break up. She came along as I went to visit family the weekend before and indicated she wanted to get intimate when we got back to my house. As soon as we got there she went in to my bathroom and pulled out all the makeup out of what she considers her drawer, only there was a lot of makeup that wasn’t hers (she has a sixth sense for when something is mine and when it's another girls). She looked stunning with the liquid eyeliner she put on of mine that night which had been in the back of my mind all week. As I picked her up for the Mother’s Day trip she was wearing the same eyeliner. It’s all I could think about the entire 3 hour drive. I told her how great she looked and we both played blissfully ignorant whose makeup it was.

The moment came later on that evening. We spent the day at the pool and the evening walking around before going back to the hotel. There was so much I wanted to do around my old college town, but she wanted to relax. It was her weekend so she was going to have it her way. She thought we were having a disagreement about what to do for dinner, using the art of feminine persuasion and rubbing against me being sweet. All I could think about was how great she looked with my eyeliner on. After about half an hour of holding back I told her again how great she looked. She said thank you and sensing my anxiety asked what I was thinking about. I looked at her with a blank stare, then I stroked her face and told her I wanted her to do that to me. Considering how we left this subject two years ago I felt as vulnerable as the smallest person in the world.

I had no idea what to expect next. She smiled sincerely and said okay. That was comforting, but that was also her initial reaction the first time I told her about my desire to dress up. Doubling down on my vulnerability was that she told everyone as we were going through our custody.

I don’t remember exactly how we left things that night, but I knew it went better than the last time. The next thing I remember we are headed out shopping the next morning. There was a thrift store with a huge Mother’s Day sale. I had a good idea she was going to pick out some garments for me, but it was Mother’s Day and in no way was I going to ask and steal her spotlight.

I’ve bought my own makeup and nail polish at the grocery store – where I can self checkout without anyone really knowing. The thrift store was loaded with people for the 50% of sale. As she started picking through the racks, she held up garments asking me what I thought. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so she nodded and said out loud, “for you.” She was shopping for both of us, but with every outfit she pulled out it felt like she was only shopping for me and everyone knew it. This is a pattern that would play out through the weekend. We would go to a store with new people and she would hold out items and ask me what I thought as if I were her best girlfriend. After initially being shy and embarrassed at each place I got slightly more bold digging through the racks, though I tried to at least look as disinterested as possible. I got comfortable enough at one place that I tried on a pair of shoes as quickly as possible that I thought I had to have.

I certainly did not intend to push this thing this weekend, but based on her actions I knew I was going to get a dress up session that night. However that didn’t come with one last inquiry and hesitation. She brought it up at dinner, then retracted and said we’ll talk about it when we get to the hotel. On the ride home she said she just needed to know if I was gay or wanted to be with a man. I explained again it is simply a fetish and I find the soft fabric, makeup, and looking pretty to be intoxicating. We aren’t together as a couple, and I told her if I wanted to be with a man I would be with a man. I reminded her that for me it was a way of letting go and surrendering control to someone you can trust. She said okay, that was all she needed to hear.

I was still hesitant back at the hotel and felt she was having second thoughts. I asked if there was anything else she wanted to talk about. She said no, and then I responded. She laughed and said encouragingly, “No, go ahead. Get dressed.” She helped with makeup and gave advice, some of which I didn't know about. She explained the importance of moisturizer and foundation, and the order in which each item of makeup goes on. After I started dressing she looked at each outfit up and down, telling me which ones looked cute. She took my camera and photographed the outfits she liked and having me pose. She told me how great my legs looked and when I looked at her pics she had taken several from just the waist down, and some of the shoes I picked out. She put some silicone inserts in the shopping cart to fill out the bras she picked out. As she was taking pictures I was adjusting the inserts and she told me to stop playing with “my” boobs.

The next morning I woke up still in a pink fog next to her. Everything was still cool and the world hadn’t stopped. She giggled so many times throughout the weekend. As we got in the truck I asked her how to get the cups flattened out in your bra when they get out of place and folded. She laughed and told me how hard it is to be a woman. She said exciting things on the way home like “we can have a slumber party and paint each others nails” and “you’re like my girlfriend.” I played in to that role by looking online for the most girly, pink panties with lace and satin, and asking her for her opinion.

We also talked about normal things on the ride home, like music and friends. That is important because I don’t want her to think any less or different about me when we aren’t doing what she is calling “my thing.” I think she realizes that she has a thing too, and this is just my thing. We aren’t together and it might be really hard to believe, but neither of us wants to get back together. But we still get intimate more often than not when together and I don’t want her thinking of me any less a man. With all we went through the past year she said she now understands where some of my anger came from (I’m not an angry person) and she trusts me now more than ever. We both love our child enormously. I’ve been through enough with her, and read so many stories on this board, that I know that things can change in an instant so it’s hard to carry any expectations going forward.

05-12-2016, 12:28 AM
How often are you intimate with her or anyone?

05-12-2016, 07:58 AM
Nicole - I am glad you had a good weekend together. It does seem, however, that the weekend did not turn out to be "all about her" because of all of the crossdressing-related shopping, make-up references, discussions and then your dressing for the night. That's OK, but it does seem like her relationship with you is going to be more than ex-girlfriend and mom of your child. If you had issues to break up with her, and then had a bitter year-long custody battle a year ago, and if you both still see other people, and if you are now again intimate - it does appear confusing where you are headed and why you seem to be looking for her acceptance and even participation of your crossdressing. She was originally disgusted in the past (two years ago), then you broke up, but she did seem tolerant about you doing "your thing" this past weekend. What does that mean and why is that important to you? If you are only interested in occasional intimate dates, does it matter? Probably not. But if you think you want to renew your relationship, you have to be careful about misinterpreting her apparent acceptance of your crossdressing. Many women are accepting of crossdressing, except when the crossdressing is done by their husband or boyfriend. Be careful about your expectations and maybe there needs to be other relationship and parenting issues that need to be addressed before you focus on "your thing" with her. If you do become more serious and if she does become "more trusting" she may also become much more accepting.

05-12-2016, 03:10 PM
For your first post, it was quite a story and interesting. BTW, welcome to the forum!

05-12-2016, 03:30 PM
Welcome to the forum Nicole. Interesting story, Hope you and your SO keeps a strong relationship even though you are intimate friends.

05-12-2016, 03:52 PM
A long read but interesting Nicole. I see your from Texas so welcome to the site and hope you enjoy your time here. I am from Texas as well and enjoy knowing there are a bunch of us on here. I think you and your SO are heading maybe in the right direction for the mutual kid between you. I was in a profession till retirement where I saw the affects of a broken marriage on the kids.
You are right on things can change in an instant but you can also guide those changes. I think you did good taking her on a Mother's Day out or weekend out. I do hope y'all get back together and maybe she will be accepting somewhat after this weekend. At least it seems she is talking about the dressing. You also might want to keep reassuring her that you are only a cd and if you still care about her or your relationship always remember to give and take but always make sure you give more.
The thrift stores I felt like she was more giving you heck and was trying to get you mad or embarrass you some what.
The bright thing though is that y'all talked and that is very important. Good luck and enjoy the site. Lots of good info here.

Melissa in SE Tn
05-12-2016, 04:03 PM
Welcome to the forum & one helluva introduction. I can't wait for the sequel. Peace, mel

05-12-2016, 11:16 PM
Welcome, and great dissertation on where you are. Writing is a great form of therapy and I hope it is helping you. I hope things work out in the long run the way you'd like. Having an open relationship may allow you the best opportunity, as you are having!

05-14-2016, 09:38 AM
Awww... thank you for the warm welcome. And thank you for the complements on my writing. I do journal and this was an edited version of my original journal entry. I was self conscious with it being my first post. I didn't write it for her, but I let my SO read part of my journal entry. She read the first half and giggled and literally LOL'd. My journal was much like my story in that it was from my point of view how the weekend had gone, which she thought was funny. I couldn't tell what parts she was giggling at, but she did say that it was like shopping with a girlfriend.

I don't think she was intentionally trying to embarrass me, but she was definitely having fun with it. Anything other than Morse code was going to make my face turn red. She could totally tell what would fit above the waist. She was wrong however on what size panties to get. I explained men's waist and women's hips and said we probably wear the same size panties even though she's so much tinier. That did embolden me this week to go into a department store on my own and shop for my own panties in store for the first time. I found the perfect fit with one pair - I only wish they had pair in pink.

The reason we aren't together is we have different goals in life. I can't achieve what I want and her do what she wants and us be together. It won't work and we both recognize that, which is why we have such a weird relationship. If either of us had a new spouse or serious SO then it would definitely change things. I don't think her sudden acceptance will change us a whole lot, no matter what happens with the dressing. I suspect it will be somewhere in the middle with the dressing, which is just fine with me.

Beverley Sims
05-14-2016, 12:23 PM
There is something there, so don't push it, let her take the lead and maybe you will have an enduring relationship.

I like to think it as being the best of friends for a long time.

After all there is a bond..... A child.

05-14-2016, 01:54 PM
I am expecting a Latino and a little person to be popping up in this thread at any minute....