View Full Version : Another 'bathroom bill' thread 😪 or 'know thy self, know thy enemy...'

05-17-2016, 10:26 PM
Looking at it from 'their' perspective...I kinda get it?

I've been watching (too much) You Tube lately and stumbled across this gem


I can't help but think this (although so unbelievabley unlikely to happen in real life other than as a You Tube prank) is the reason for the bill being the hot topic in the first place.

It brings into question for me at least 'how PASSABLE do I (we) need to be to use the restroom?'

I think manerisms are the key, it doesn't matter what you look like, it's how you ACT!?

This goof is clearly just being an ass...but

I'm seriously not trying to start a forest fire here (moderators: please feel free to delete this if one starts) but that video really made me think about it.

05-17-2016, 10:36 PM
i feel sorry for GG's who look masculine and for the
very masculine looking lesbians.
you will now have the "crazies" yelling man in the ladies
room, when they are actually ladies...

Tina Davis
05-18-2016, 07:06 AM
It's already happening, see this story on HuffPost. http://huff.to/1V90eCA

05-18-2016, 07:39 AM
I'd note a few things:
1. He's not trans.
2. In his lead-up he gets his facts wrong.
3. We don't know the accuracy of his "documentary" section.

#1 is very important. Most of the controversy on bathroom bills isn't around transgender people, it's around cisgender males impersonating trans people which is exactly how he reads. More than that, from his other work, he appears to be a confrontation junky so there's no surprise he can cause confrontation. Maybe he should get his "trans friend" who allegedly approved his stunt to replicate it.

05-18-2016, 08:39 AM
It also doesn't help that he's obviously following women into the restroom. He talks to them like a dude in a dress, he looks like a dude in a dress and he's being a bit confrontational. There may be a few novice CDs that would have this terrible of an approach. It would be funny if an actual TG was in the bathroom and confronted him.

05-18-2016, 09:50 PM
Thanks. As there is a big interest in this subject there is now a sticky at the top of the page .