View Full Version : Anyone going to watch "He's A Lady"?

10-19-2004, 09:17 AM
Premieres tonight on TBS.

10-19-2004, 09:31 AM
No, absolutely not!

10-19-2004, 10:08 AM
I believe the show is "in the spirit" of getting kicks at making a mockery of manly guys wearing women clothing. It's the type of show that just make Crossdressing more of a joke than an acceptable behavior.

10-19-2004, 11:14 AM
If it eventually comes this way, I may just watch. Especially if they show the actual makeovers in progress ... Maybe pick up some tips?


10-19-2004, 11:45 AM
I will not be watching...

You know, stupid TV is stupid TV, no matter what the subject matter. And while I love good TV, I just know this is going to be stuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-pid.


10-19-2004, 12:31 PM
Isn't it just sad how far TV seems to have slipped? I remember watching the A-Team and Micheal Knight and Magnum as a kid. Now those were TV shows. The stuff lately really seems to be a let down. Especially the RealityTV genre :(


10-19-2004, 12:50 PM
I plan to watch the 1st episode just to see how badly they mess it up. I'm not expecting anything good to come out of it.

xoxo, Lawren

10-19-2004, 02:07 PM
Im going to watch and see what its like side's i saw some hott manly guys lol

10-19-2004, 02:48 PM
Make an old girl feel even older will you (babe4life) Lets see back in the good old days there was, I love lucy, Mayberry (B/W), The Twilight Zone (did not sleep by self for a week after the show with the thing on the wing of the plane):eek: , along with the normal Ed Sullivan type shows, now those were some good shows, and IMHO, tv has gone down hill ever since. Also those ladies knew how to dress Hose, slips, nice snug dresses, They also tried to look like a women not like a man with short hair and pants. Dear lord what I would do to have been a women in those days. You could not pry me out of a dress, inless you were a good looking guy :rolleyes: anyway I expect that there are others that think it went to H_LL a lot sooner than that.
And about the show I will not watch it as just the previews turns my stomach
and will set us (CD) back IMHO.

Love always

Carol Jean

10-19-2004, 03:54 PM
I will definitely not be watching this drivel. The promos are revolting enough. I feel this show is a slap in all our faces. Now if they could have picked feminine looking men and made them gorgeous, that would stir unholy desire in the "straight" men of America and sent them out looking for us. That I would watch. They are playing this crap for humor and to sell beer and cars and pantyliners and they are making fun of something that many of us believe to be inherent and sacred.

Rachel Ann
10-19-2004, 04:12 PM
"Reality" shows are the sub-tabloid level of TV. The networks love 'em because they don't have to pay anybody anything to speak of. The public will basically watch anything that's put in front of them. So, as bad as this is, we prolly ain't seen nothing yet.

In my starving student days, some of us sold our photos to a Canadian tabloid to use for pictures of deranged killers. I'm sure that the stories were made up. This sort of TV reminds me of that.

10-19-2004, 04:15 PM
These reality shows first of all don't do it for me. Fear Factor should be Gross Factor for example. Most on them seem to be a perverse joke on most or all the contestents. The only one worth watching seems to be the one with Donald Trump.

I looked at the line up of 11 guys. I'll bet one or two of them are professional crossdressers. Some of them don't stand a chance against the others.

I agree, the show is only an exploit of the people involve.

They say it is all macho guys. I wonder how many they had to start with to get 11 to participate.

10-19-2004, 05:22 PM
i'll wAtch only cause the 11 guys were on OprAh they All seemed to have Alot more respect for their wives and gfs since their experience so mAybwe show wont bwe so bad

10-19-2004, 05:54 PM
Someone copy it to your computers and lets down load it.For us south africans who cant watch it just yet.Maybe it wont be so bad.Lets wait and see,ok

10-19-2004, 06:08 PM
I Agree let's not judge it till you watch it :0)

10-19-2004, 09:15 PM
I never watch TV but yet this show has me interested in turning it on.

I'll also try to record the show tonight, just need to find someplace to post the file.


10-19-2004, 09:22 PM
It's Great, I want to play...... :D

10-19-2004, 09:37 PM
I think I will try to catch it, after the ball game? (Don't really follow ball, but just have to hope that the Red Sox can break the jinx.) Anyway, I share all of the views above. I detest "reality?" tv. I share the concerns that it seems very likely that it will treat us like weirdos or freaks, but, I am prepared to see before judging. Also, Vicky makes a good point,, might pick up some pointers. wenda.

10-19-2004, 09:51 PM
Well, Im in the process of watching it and thusly came to this conclusion:


First of all, none of these contestants knew what they were getting into. That in itself negates the whole thing due to the fact that when you wave 250k under someones nose, they'll jump.

Second, out of all 11, you could say maybe 1 to 3 are tg ts or are a cd and desperately tried to hide thier enthusiasm, and the rest, you guessed it were there for cash and cash only, who cares what they had to do, they were willing to eat bugs and basically kill eachother, now they have to wear womens clothes and live life as a woman for what 3 or more weeks? easy money.

Thirdly, it's just a different flavor of reality tv, I to this day have never watched an episode of survivor or any of them until "hes a lady" and now, I feel absolutely no better for seeing one, especially one with its current subject matter.

Say what you will, television as in main stream tv is really goind downhill. I'll stick to tv that deals with something with more substance than a bunch of guys wearing womens clothes that "DONT" really want too, or this team is killing the other teams captain while attempting to steal their flag.

But Im just that way I guess.


10-19-2004, 09:54 PM
Well, Im in the process of watching it and thusly came to this conclusion:


First of all, none of these contestants knew what they were getting into. That in itself negates the whole thing due to the fact that when you wave 250k under someones nose, they'll jump.

Second, out of all 11, you could say maybe 1 to 3 are tg ts or are a cd and desperately tried to hide thier enthusiasm, and the rest, you guessed it were there for cash and cash only, who cares what they had to do, they were willing to eat bugs and basically kill eachother, now they have to wear womens clothes and live life as a woman for what 3 or more weeks? easy money.

Thirdly, it's just a different flavor of reality tv, I to this day have never watched an episode of survivor or any of them until "hes a lady" and now, I feel absolutely no better for seeing one, especially one with its current subject matter.

Say what you will, television as in main stream tv is really goind downhill. I'll stick to tv that deals with something with more substance than a bunch of guys wearing womens clothes that "DONT" really want too, or this team is killing the other teams captain while attempting to steal their flag.

But Im just that way I guess.


What Donna said.

Call me sensitive, or call me a female dog. I wasn't impessed at all.

10-19-2004, 10:23 PM
sorry to hear that. My g/f left me a voice mail telling me that she saw the preview and thought I should look for it....o well....wenda.

10-20-2004, 01:30 AM
I've seen it, not my type of tv but I did enjoy it.

I have a raw video file of the show that I need to edit and those that want to watch it but can't let me know. I'll try to figure out a way to get it to you.
